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Archivado de conformidad con la Regla 424 (b) (2)
Declaración de registro No. 333-219206
Suplemento subyacente n. ° 4 del Folleto informativo y el Suplemento del folleto informativo, cada uno de los cuales puede modificarse periódicamente, que forman parte de la Declaración de registro n. ° 333-219206
GS Finance Corp. Notas a mediano plazo, serie E Garantizado por El grupo Goldman Sachs, Inc.
Suplemento Underlier Notas vinculadas al rendimiento de uno o más índices o fondos negociados en bolsa
De vez en cuando, GS Finance Corp. puede ofrecer y vender pagarés, cuyos pagos y rendimiento se vincularán con el rendimiento de uno o más índices o fondos negociados en bolsa. Nos referimos a estos índices y fondos negociados en bolsa como subyacentes.
El folleto adjunto y el suplemento del folleto adjunto, cada uno de los cuales puede modificarse periódicamente, que forman parte de la Declaración de registro No. 333-219206, describen algunos de los términos que pueden aplicarse generalmente a las notas, incluidas las notas que compre. Un suplemento de precios por separado, al que nos referimos como el suplemento de precios aplicable y, si se especifica en el suplemento de precios aplicable, un suplemento de producto separado, al que nos referimos como el suplemento de producto aplicable y, si se especifica en el suplemento de precios aplicable, un el suplemento de términos generales separado, al que nos referimos como el suplemento de términos generales aplicable, describirá términos adicionales que se aplican a sus notas. El suplemento de precios aplicable identificará si alguno de los subyacentes descritos aquí se utilizará para calcular el rendimiento de sus notas. Si la descripción en el suplemento de precios aplicable de cualquier subyacente al que están vinculadas sus notas es inconsistente con la descripción en este documento, la descripción del subyacente en el suplemento de precios aplicable es la que controla.
Este suplemento subyacente no. 4 contiene lo siguiente:
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Ciertos riesgos subyacentes aplicables a las notas. Debe leer estos riesgos junto con los riesgos descritos en el suplemento de precios aplicable, el suplemento del producto aplicable, si lo hay, el suplemento de términos generales aplicables, si corresponde, el suplemento del prospecto adjunto y el prospecto adjunto. |
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Una descripción de los siguientes elementos subyacentes a los que se pueden vincular sus notas: |
Índices |
Los fondos negociados en bolsa |
•Promedio industrial Dow Jones® |
•Sector financiero selecto SPDR® Fondo |
•EURO STOXX 50® Índice |
•iShares® MSCI EAFE ETF |
•FTSE® 100 Índice |
•iShares® Mercados emergentes de MSCI |
•Indice Hang Seng China Enterprises |
•iShares® Russell 1000 Value ETF |
•Índices MSCI |
•SPDR® S&P® Biotech ETF |
•Índice NASDAQ-100® |
•SPDR® S&P® ETF de exploración y producción de petróleo y gas |
•Nikkei 225 |
•Russell 2000® Índice |
•Índice S & P / ASX 200 |
•S&P 500® Control de riesgo diario 10% USD Excess Return Index |
•S&P 500®Índice |
•S&P MidCap 400® Índice |
•Índice del mercado suizo |
Su inversión en las notas implica ciertos riesgos. Consulte “Factores de riesgo adicionales específicos de las notas” que comienzan en la página S-2 para leer sobre los riesgos de inversión relacionados con las notas.
Ni la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores ni ningún otro organismo regulador ha aprobado o desaprobado estos valores o han transmitido la exactitud o adecuación de este suplemento subyacente no. 4, el suplemento de precios aplicable, el suplemento de producto aplicable, si lo hay, el suplemento de términos generales aplicable, si lo hay, el suplemento del folleto adjunto o el folleto adjunto. Cualquier representación en contrario es un delito penal.
Los billetes no son depósitos bancarios y no están asegurados por la Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ni por ninguna otra agencia gubernamental, ni son obligaciones ni están garantizadas por un banco.
GS Finance Corp. puede utilizar este suplemento subyacente no. 4 en la venta inicial de las notas. Además, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (GS & Co.), o cualquier otra filial de GS Finance Corp., puede utilizar este suplemento subyacente no. 4 en una transacción de creación de mercado en una nota después de su venta inicial. A menos que GS Finance Corp. o su agente informe al comprador de otra manera en la confirmación de la venta, este suplemento subyacente no. 4 se está utilizando en una transacción de creación de mercado.
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
Suplemento Underlier No. 4 del 21 de febrero de 2020.
Factores de riesgo adicionales específicos de las NOTAS
En este suplemento subyacente no. 4, cuando nos referimos a una "nota" nos referimos a una nota vinculada a uno de los subyacentes especificados en el presente a menos que el contexto requiera lo contrario. Tenga en cuenta que en este suplemento subyacente no. 4, las referencias a "GS Finance Corp.", "nosotros", "nuestro" y "nos" se refieren únicamente a GS Finance Corp. y no incluyen sus subsidiarias o afiliadas consolidadas. Además, las referencias a "The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.", nuestra empresa matriz última, se refieren únicamente a The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. y no incluyen sus subsidiarias consolidadas, mientras que las referencias a "Goldman Sachs" significan The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. junto con sus subsidiarias y afiliadas consolidadas, incluidos nosotros. Las referencias a "titulares" se refieren a aquellos que poseen notas registradas con sus propios nombres, en los libros que nosotros o el fiduciario mantenemos para este propósito, y no aquellos que poseen intereses beneficiosos en notas registradas en el nombre de la calle o en notas emitidas en la entrada del libro formulario a través de The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"). Una inversión en sus pagarés está sujeta a los riesgos descritos a continuación, así como a los riesgos y consideraciones descritos en el suplemento de precios aplicable, el suplemento de producto aplicable, si corresponde, el suplemento de términos generales aplicable, si corresponde, el suplemento de folleto adjunto y el documento adjunto folleto. Sus notas son una inversión más riesgosa que los títulos de deuda ordinarios. Además, sus notas no son equivalentes a invertir directamente en las acciones subyacentes, es decir, con respecto a un subyacente al que están vinculadas sus notas, las acciones que comprenden dicho subyacente. Debe considerar cuidadosamente si las notas ofrecidas son adecuadas para sus circunstancias particulares. |
Riesgos generales relacionados con notas vinculadas a subrayados
El valor estimado de sus notas en el momento en que los términos de sus notas se establecen en la fecha de negociación (según lo determinado por referencia a los modelos de precios utilizados por GS & Co.) es menor que el precio de emisión original de sus notas
El precio de emisión original de sus notas excede el valor estimado de sus notas en el momento en que los términos de sus notas se establecen en la fecha de negociación, según lo determinado por referencia a los modelos de precios de GS & Co. y teniendo en cuenta nuestros diferenciales de crédito. Dicho valor estimado en la fecha de negociación se establecerá en "Valor estimado de sus notas" en el suplemento de precios correspondiente; después de la fecha de negociación, el valor estimado determinado por referencia a estos modelos se verá afectado por los cambios en las condiciones del mercado, la solvencia crediticia de GS Finance Corp., como emisor, la solvencia crediticia de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., como garante, y Otros factores relevantes. Si se especifica en el suplemento de precios aplicable, el precio al que GS & Co. inicialmente compraría o vendería sus notas (si GS & Co. hace un mercado, que no está obligado a hacer), y el valor que GS & Co. inicialmente se usará para los extractos de cuenta y, de lo contrario, también excederá el valor estimado de sus notas según lo determinado por referencia a estos modelos. Si se especifica en el suplemento de precios aplicable, según lo acordado por GS & Co. y los participantes de la distribución, este exceso (es decir, la cantidad adicional descrita en "Valor estimado de sus notas" en el suplemento de precios aplicable) disminuirá a cero en línea recta durante el período desde la fecha del mismo hasta la fecha aplicable establecida en "Valor estimado de sus notas" en el suplemento de precios correspondiente. A partir de entonces, si GS & Co. compra o vende sus notas, lo hará a precios que reflejen el valor estimado determinado por referencia a dichos modelos de precios en ese momento. El precio al que GS & Co. comprará o venderá sus notas en cualquier momento, también reflejará su oferta actual y solicitará un spread para transacciones de notas estructuradas de tamaño similar.
supuestos utilizados por otros. Consulte "- El valor de mercado de sus notas puede verse influenciado por muchos factores impredecibles" a continuación.
La diferencia entre el valor estimado de sus pagarés en el momento en que los términos de sus pagarés se establecen en la fecha de negociación y el precio de emisión original es el resultado de ciertos factores, que incluyen principalmente el descuento de suscripción y las comisiones, los gastos incurridos en la creación, documentar y comercializar las notas, y una estimación de la diferencia entre los montos que pagamos a GS & Co. y las cantidades GS & Co. nos paga en relación con sus notas. Pagamos a GS & Co. importes basados en lo que pagaríamos a los tenedores de una nota no estructurada con un vencimiento similar. A cambio de dicho pago, GS & Co. nos paga las cantidades que debemos en virtud de sus notas.
Además de los factores discutidos anteriormente, el valor y el precio cotizado de sus notas en cualquier momento reflejarán muchos factores y no pueden predecirse. Si GS & Co. hace un mercado en las notas, el precio cotizado por GS & Co. reflejaría cualquier cambio en las condiciones del mercado y otros factores relevantes, incluido cualquier deterioro en nuestra calidad crediticia o calidad crediticia percibida o la calidad crediticia o calidad crediticia percibida de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Estos cambios pueden afectar negativamente el valor de sus notas, incluido el precio que usted puede recibir sus notas en cualquier transacción de creación de mercado. En la medida en que GS & Co. hace un mercado en las notas, el precio cotizado reflejará el valor estimado determinado por referencia a los modelos de fijación de precios de GS & Co. en ese momento, más o menos su oferta actual y el spread para las transacciones estructuradas de tamaño similar (y, si aplicable, sujeto al monto en exceso decreciente descrito anteriormente).
Además, si vende sus notas, es probable que se le cobre una comisión por las transacciones del mercado secundario, o el precio probablemente reflejará un descuento del concesionario. Esta comisión o descuento reducirá aún más los ingresos que recibiría por sus notas en una venta en el mercado secundario.
No hay garantía de que GS & Co. o cualquier otra parte estará dispuesta a comprar sus notas a cualquier precio y, a este respecto, GS & Co. no está obligado a hacer un mercado en las notas. Consulte "- Sus notas pueden no tener un mercado de negociación activo" a continuación.
Sus notas están sujetas al riesgo de crédito de GS Finance Corp., como emisor, y al riesgo de crédito de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., como garante
Aunque el rendimiento de los pagarés se basará en el desempeño de uno o más subyacentes, el pago de cualquier monto adeudado en los pagarés está sujeto al riesgo de crédito de GS Finance Corp., como emisor de los pagarés, y al riesgo de crédito de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., como garante de los pagarés. Las notas son nuestras obligaciones no garantizadas. Los inversores dependen de nuestra capacidad de pagar todas las cantidades adeudadas en los pagarés y, por lo tanto, están sujetos a nuestro riesgo de crédito y a los cambios en la visión del mercado de nuestra solvencia. Del mismo modo, los inversores dependen de la capacidad de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., como garante de los pagarés, para pagar todos los importes adeudados en los pagarés y, por lo tanto, también están sujetos a su riesgo de crédito y a los cambios en la visión del mercado de sus bonos. solvencia Consulte “Descripción de las notas que podemos ofrecer – Información sobre nuestras notas de mediano plazo, Programa Serie E – Cómo se clasifican las notas frente a otras deudas” en la página S-4 del suplemento del prospecto adjunto y “Descripción de los valores de deuda que podemos ofrecer – Garantía por The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. " en la página 42 del prospecto adjunto.
El valor de mercado de sus notas puede estar influenciado por muchos factores impredecibles
Los siguientes factores, entre otros, muchos de los cuales están fuera de nuestro control, pueden influir en el valor de mercado de sus notas:
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la volatilidad – es decir., la frecuencia y la magnitud de los cambios, de los valores de los subyacentes o subyacentes; |
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si sus notas están vinculadas a uno o más subrayados; |
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el nivel de subrayado o subyacentes al que están vinculadas sus notas; |
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las tasas de dividendos de las acciones subyacentes; |
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tasas de interés y tasas de rendimiento en el mercado; |
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el tiempo restante hasta que tus notas maduren; y |
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nuestra solvencia y la solvencia de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., ya sea real o percibida, e incluye mejoras o rebajas reales o anticipadas en nuestras calificaciones crediticias o las calificaciones crediticias de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. o cambios en otras medidas crediticias. |
Estos factores pueden influir en el valor de mercado de sus pagarés si los vende antes de su vencimiento, incluido el precio que puede recibir por sus notas en cualquier transacción de creación de mercado. Si vende sus notas antes del vencimiento, puede recibir menos de la cantidad nominal de sus notas. No puede predecir el rendimiento futuro del subyacente o subyacentes aplicables en función de su rendimiento histórico.
Si el valor de un subyacente cambia, el valor de mercado de sus notas puede no cambiar de la misma manera
Sus notas pueden negociarse de manera muy diferente del rendimiento de los subyacentes o subyacentes aplicables. Los cambios en los valores del subyacente o subyacentes pueden no resultar en un cambio comparable en el valor de mercado de sus pagarés. Discutimos algunas de las razones de esta disparidad en "- El valor de mercado de sus notas puede estar influenciado por muchos factores impredecibles" más arriba.
El rendimiento de sus pagarés no reflejará los dividendos pagados en ningún subyacente, ni en ningún stock subyacente, según corresponda.
Si el subyacente es un índice, el nivel del cual el patrocinador subyacente calcula por referencia a los precios de sus acciones subyacentes sin tener en cuenta el valor de los dividendos pagados en esas acciones subyacentes, el rendimiento de sus notas no reflejará el rendimiento que usted pagaría. tenga en cuenta si realmente poseía las acciones subyacentes y recibió los dividendos pagados por esas acciones subyacentes. Además, si el subyacente es un fondo negociado en bolsa, el rendimiento de sus pagarés no reflejará el rendimiento que se daría cuenta si realmente fuera propietario del fondo negociado en bolsa y recibiera las distribuciones pagadas por las acciones de dicho fondo negociado en bolsa. No recibirá ningún dividendo que pueda pagar una de las acciones subyacentes por parte de los emisores de acciones subyacentes o, en el caso de un subyacente que sea un fondo negociado en bolsa, sobre las acciones de dicho fondo negociado en bolsa. Para obtener información adicional, consulte “No tiene derechos de accionista o derechos para recibir acciones de un Underlier o de cualquier Stock de Underlier, según corresponda”.
No tiene derechos de accionista o derechos para recibir acciones de un Underlier o de cualquier Stock Underlier, según corresponda
Invertir en sus pagarés no lo convertirá en titular de ninguna acción de un subyacente o de las acciones subyacentes, según corresponda. Ni usted ni ningún otro titular o propietario de sus notas tendrá ningún derecho con respecto al subyacente o las acciones subyacentes, incluidos los derechos de voto, cualquier derecho a recibir dividendos u otras distribuciones, cualquier derecho a presentar un reclamo contra el subyacente o el acciones subyacentes o cualquier otro derecho del titular de cualquier acción de una acción subyacente o acciones subyacentes, según corresponda. Sus notas se pagarán en efectivo, y no tendrá derecho a recibir la entrega de ninguna acción de las acciones subyacentes o subyacentes, según corresponda.
El rendimiento pasado no es una guía para el rendimiento futuro
El rendimiento real del subyacente o subyacentes durante la vida de los pagarés, así como el monto a pagar en sus pagarés, puede tener poca relación con los niveles de cierre históricos del subyacente o subyacentes establecidos en el suplemento de precios aplicable o con los hipotéticos. ejemplos de devolución establecidos en el suplemento del producto aplicable, si lo hay, y el suplemento de precios correspondiente. No podemos predecir el rendimiento futuro de los subyacentes o subyacentes.
Las políticas del patrocinador subyacente aplicable con respecto al cálculo del nivel de un subyacente al que están vinculadas sus notas, adiciones, eliminaciones o sustituciones de los índices constituyentes, si corresponde, y / o las acciones subyacentes que comprenden dicho subyacente, y la forma en que qué cambios que afectan a las acciones subyacentes o sus emisores, como dividendos, reorganizaciones o fusiones de acciones, se reflejan en el nivel subyacente, podrían afectar el nivel del subyacente aplicable y, por lo tanto, el monto pagadero en sus pagarés y el valor de mercado de su notas El monto pagadero en sus pagarés y su valor de mercado también podrían verse afectados si el patrocinador subyacente aplicable cambia estas políticas, por ejemplo, al cambiar la forma en que calcula el nivel subyacente o, en el caso de un índice, el método por el cual construye el subyacente, o si algún patrocinador subyacente interrumpe o suspende el cálculo o la publicación del nivel subyacente, en cuyo caso puede resultar difícil determinar el valor de mercado de sus notas. Si ocurren eventos como estos, el agente de cálculo, que inicialmente será GS & Co, nuestro afiliado, puede determinar el nivel subyacente y, por lo tanto, el monto pagadero en sus notas, de la manera que considere apropiada, a su exclusivo criterio. Describimos la discreción que tendrá el agente de cálculo para determinar un nivel de subyacente en cualquier día de negociación y el monto a pagar en sus notas más detalladamente en "Discontinuación o modificación de un subyacente" en cualquier suplemento de producto aplicable, cualquier suplemento de términos generales aplicable o el suplemento de precios aplicable.
Excepto en la medida en que Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. es una de las compañías cuyas acciones ordinarias incluyen un subyacente, y excepto en la medida en que nosotros o nuestros afiliados puedan poseer actualmente o en el futuro valores propios o participar en negocios con el patrocinador subyacente aplicable o los emisores de acciones subyacentes, no hay afiliación entre los emisores de acciones subyacentes o cualquier patrocinador subyacente y Nosotros
La acción común de The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. es una de las acciones subyacentes que comprende el S&P 500® Índice y una de las acciones subyacentes que comprende el Dow Jones Industrial Average®, y sus acciones comunes pueden estar representadas en cualquier número de subyacentes que no se describen específicamente en este documento. Además, nosotros o nuestros afiliados podemos actualmente o de vez en cuando en el futuro poseer valores de, o realizar negocios con, el patrocinador subyacente aplicable o los emisores de acciones subyacentes. A menos que se indique lo contrario en el suplemento de precios aplicable, no estamos afiliados a los emisores de las acciones subyacentes ni a los patrocinadores subyacentes. Ni nosotros ni ninguno de nuestros afiliados hemos participado en la preparación de información disponible públicamente ni hemos realizado ninguna investigación o consulta de "diligencia debida" con respecto a cualquier otro emisor de acciones subyacentes o subyacentes. Usted, como inversionista en sus notas, debe hacer su propia investigación sobre los subyacentes y los emisores de acciones subyacentes. Consulte "The Underliers" a continuación para obtener información adicional sobre ciertos underliers a los que se pueden vincular sus notas.
Ni los patrocinadores subyacentes ni los demás emisores de acciones subyacentes están involucrados en la oferta de sus notas de ninguna manera y ninguno de ellos tiene ninguna obligación de ningún tipo con respecto a sus notas. Por lo tanto, ni los patrocinadores subyacentes ni los emisores de acciones subyacentes tienen la obligación de tener en cuenta sus intereses por ningún motivo, incluida la adopción de acciones corporativas que puedan afectar el valor de mercado de sus pagarés.
Si sus notas están vinculadas a ciertos tipos de subyacentes, su inversión en las notas puede estar sujeta a riesgos de concentración
Las acciones subyacentes pueden ser acciones de compañías que representan un sector de mercado particular, una región geográfica particular o algún otro sector. Como resultado, su inversión en las notas puede concentrarse en un solo sector. Aunque su inversión en las notas no dará como resultado la propiedad u otro interés directo en las acciones subyacentes, si las acciones subyacentes se concentran de esta manera, el rendimiento de su inversión en las notas estará sujeto a ciertos riesgos similares a los asociados con inversiones directas de capital en el mercado, región geográfica o sector representados por las acciones subyacentes relevantes.
Si sus notas están vinculadas a subrayados denominados en un país no estadounidense. La moneda en dólares y dichos valores subyacentes se ajustan para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses, sus notas estarán sujetas al riesgo de tipo de cambio de moneda extranjera
Sus notas pueden estar vinculadas a uno o más subyacentes denominados en una moneda que no sea dólar estadounidense. Si se especifica en el suplemento de precios aplicable, el nivel de un subyacente denominado en una moneda que no sea dólar estadounidense se ajustará para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses al convertir el nivel de dicho subyacente de la moneda subyacente que no sea dólar estadounidense a dólares estadounidenses. En consecuencia, si el valor del dólar estadounidense se fortalece frente a la moneda que no es el dólar estadounidense en el que se denomina dicho subyacente, puede perder una parte significativa de su inversión en los pagarés, incluso si el valor de dicho subyacente aumenta durante la vida de su notas
Las tasas de cambio de moneda extranjera varían con el tiempo y pueden variar considerablemente durante la vida de sus notas. Los cambios en un tipo de cambio particular resultan de la interacción de muchos factores que afectan directa o indirectamente las condiciones económicas y políticas. De particular importancia son:
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niveles de tasa de interés; |
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la balanza de pagos entre países; |
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la extensión de los excedentes o déficits gubernamentales en el país extranjero relevante y los Estados Unidos; y |
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Otros factores financieros, económicos, militares y políticos. |
Todos estos factores son, a su vez, sensibles a las políticas monetarias, fiscales y comerciales aplicadas por los gobiernos de los países extranjeros relevantes. países y los EE. UU. y otros países importantes para el comercio internacional y las finanzas.
El precio de los pagarés y cualquier pago en los pagarés también podría verse afectado negativamente por demoras o rechazos para otorgar, cualquier aprobación gubernamental requerida para conversiones de una moneda local y remesas al exterior con respecto al subyacente o subyacentes u otras restricciones de facto sobre la repatriación de dólares estadounidenses.
A pesar de que las monedas operan las 24 horas, sus notas no
Sus notas pueden estar vinculadas a uno o más subyacentes denominados en una moneda que no sea dólar estadounidense y ajustados para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses. El mercado interbancario en monedas extranjeras es un mercado global las 24 horas. Por lo tanto, las horas de negociación de sus pagarés, si se desarrolla algún mercado de negociación, no se ajustarán a las horas durante las cuales las monedas en las que se denomina dicho subyacente o en el que se negocian las acciones subyacentes de dicho subyacente. Se pueden producir movimientos significativos de precios y tasas en los mercados subyacentes de cambio de divisas que no se reflejarán inmediatamente en el precio de sus pagarés. La posibilidad de estos movimientos debe tenerse en cuenta al relacionar el valor de sus pagarés con los de los mercados de cambio de divisas subyacentes. No hay informes sistemáticos de información de última venta para monedas extranjeras. La información razonablemente actualizada sobre ofertas y ofertas está disponible en ciertas oficinas de corredores, en oficinas bancarias de comercio de divisas y para otros que desean suscribirse para esta información, pero esta información no se reflejará necesariamente en el valor del subyacente o subyacentes utilizados para calcular El monto a pagar en sus notas. No existe un requisito reglamentario de que esas cotizaciones sean firmes o revisadas oportunamente. La ausencia de información de última venta y la disponibilidad limitada de cotizaciones para inversores individuales pueden dificultar que muchos inversores obtengan datos precisos y oportunos sobre el estado de los mercados de cambio de divisas subyacentes.
Para las notas vinculadas a uno o más índices denominados en dólares estadounidenses cuyos precios de acciones subyacentes son convertidos por el patrocinador subyacente a dólares estadounidenses con el fin de calcular el valor de la información subyacente, los inversores de las notas estarán expuestos al riesgo de tipo de cambio con respecto a cada de las monedas representadas en el subyacente que se convierten de esa manera. La exposición neta de un inversor dependerá de la medida en que las monedas representadas en dicho subyacente se fortalezcan o debiliten frente al dólar estadounidense y el peso relativo de cada moneda relevante representada en el subyacente general. Si, teniendo en cuenta dicha ponderación, el dólar se fortalece frente a las monedas componentes, el valor del subyacente se verá afectado negativamente y la cantidad pagadera en sus pagarés puede reducirse.
Los reguladores están investigando la posible manipulación de los tipos de cambio publicados
Se ha informado que la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera del Reino Unido y los reguladores de otros países, incluido Estados Unidos, están en proceso de investigar la posible manipulación de los tipos de cambio publicados. Si tal manipulación ha ocurrido o continúa, ciertos tipos de cambio publicados pueden haber sido, o pueden ser en el futuro, artificialmente más bajos (o más altos) de lo que hubieran sido de otra manera. Cualquier manipulación de este tipo podría tener un impacto adverso sobre los pagos y el valor de sus pagarés y el mercado de negociación de sus pagarés. Además, no podemos predecir si se implementarán cambios o reformas que afecten la determinación o publicación de los tipos de cambio o la supervisión del comercio de divisas en relación con estas investigaciones. Cualquiera de estos cambios o reformas también podría afectar negativamente sus notas.
Para consideraciones relacionadas con el riesgo de tipo de cambio de moneda extranjera, consulte el suplemento del producto aplicable, si lo hay, el suplemento de los términos generales aplicables, si corresponde, o el suplemento de precios correspondiente.
Si sus notas están vinculadas a subrayados denominados en otros países. Los dólares y el agente de cálculo ajustan dichos subyacentes para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses, una disminución en la moneda de un subyacente frente al dólar estadounidense puede compensar los aumentos en la moneda de otros subyacentes frente al dólar estadounidense durante la vida de los pagarés
Sus notas pueden estar vinculadas a dos o más subyacentes que están denominados en monedas distintas al dólar estadounidense y que el agente de cálculo ajusta para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses. El suplemento de precios aplicable especificará si un subyacente denominado en dólares no estadounidenses se ajustará de esa manera. La disminución en la moneda en la que se denomina un subyacente (es decir, si el valor del dólar estadounidense se fortalece frente a la moneda que no es el dólar estadounidense en la que se denomina ese subyacente) puede compensar los aumentos en las monedas en las que se encuentran los otros subyacentes. denominados Como resultado, incluso si las monedas que no están en dólares estadounidenses en las que están denominados algunos de los subyacentes se han apreciado frente al dólar estadounidense durante el plazo de sus pagarés, puede perder una cantidad significativa de su inversión si algunas o todas las monedas en que los otros subyacentes se denominan disminución frente al dólar estadounidense.
Si sus notas están vinculadas a subrayados denominados en otros países. Los dólares o las acciones subyacentes cuyo comercio de divisas extranjeras y dichos subyacentes se ajustan para reflejar su valor en dólares estadounidenses, la intervención en los mercados de divisas por parte de los países que emiten cualquier divisa subyacente podría afectar material y negativamente el valor de sus notas
Los tipos de cambio específicos de las monedas extranjeras son volátiles y se ven afectados por numerosos factores específicos de cada país extranjero. El gobierno soberano puede fijar los tipos de cambio de moneda extranjera, permitirles flotar dentro de un rango de tipos de cambio establecidos por el gobierno o dejarlos flotar libremente. Los gobiernos, incluidos aquellos que emiten las monedas en las que están denominados los subyacentes o en las que las acciones subyacentes del comercio subyacente, utilizan una variedad de técnicas, como la intervención de su banco central o la imposición de controles regulatorios o impuestos, para afectar los tipos de cambio de sus respectivas monedas. La evolución de la moneda puede ocurrir en cualquiera de los países que emiten las monedas en las que están denominados los subyacentes o en los que las acciones subyacentes del comercio subyacente a las que están vinculados sus pagarés. A menudo, estos desarrollos monetarios impactan las tasas de cambio de moneda extranjera de maneras que no se pueden predecir.
El agente de cálculo no está obligado a realizar ningún ajuste o cambio compensatorio en caso de cualquier otra devaluación o revalorización o imposición de cambio u otros controles regulatorios o impuestos o en el caso de otros desarrollos que afecten a los subyacentes denominados en un país no estadounidense. dollar currency or that convert the currencies in which non-US dollar underlier stocks trade.
If the applicable pricing supplement specifies that you are exposed to foreign currency risk (because the calculation agent converts the underlier level into U.S. dollars, a U.S. dollar-denominated underlier itself converts the prices of underlier stocks that trade in foreign currencies to their U.S. dollar equivalents, or otherwise), a weakening in the exchange rate of any such foreign currency relative to the U.S. dollar may have a material adverse effect on the value of your notes and the return on an investment in your notes.
If Your Notes Are Linked to Underliers Denominated in Non-U.S. Dollars or the Underlier Stocks of Which Trade in Foreign Currencies and Such Underliers Are Adjusted to Reflect Their U.S. Dollar Value, Suspensions or Disruptions of Market Trading in One or More Foreign Currencies May Adversely Affect the Value of Your Notes
The foreign currency exchange markets are subject to temporary distortions or other disruptions due to various factors, including government regulation and intervention, the lack of liquidity in the markets and the participation of speculators. If the applicable pricing supplement specifies that you are exposed to foreign currency risk (because the calculation agent converts the underlier level into U.S. dollars, a U.S. dollar-denominated underlier itself converts the prices of its underlier stocks that trade in foreign currencies to their U.S. dollar equivalents, or otherwise), these circumstances could adversely affect the relevant foreign currency exchange rates and, therefore, the value of your notes.
If Your Notes Are Linked to Underliers That Are Comprised of Underlier Stocks Which Are Traded in Foreign Currencies But Are Not Adjusted to Reflect Their U.S. Dollar Value, the Return on Your Notes Will Not Be Adjusted for Changes in the Foreign Currency Exchange Rate
If your notes are linked to one or more underliers whose underlier stocks are traded in foreign currencies but are not adjusted to reflect their U.S. dollar value, the amount payable on your notes will not be adjusted for changes in the applicable foreign currency/U.S. dollar exchange rates. The amount payable on your notes will be based solely upon the overall change in the level of the applicable underlier or underliers. Changes in foreign currency exchange rates, however, may reflect changes in the economy of the foreign countries in which the underlier stocks are listed that, in turn, may affect the levels of the applicable underlier or underliers.
If Your Notes Are Linked to Underliers Which Are Listed or Located Outside the U.S. or to Underliers Which Have Underlier Stocks Listed or Located Outside the United States, Your Investment in the Notes Will Be Subject to Risks Associated with Foreign Securities Markets
Your notes may be linked to one or more underliers, or to one or more underliers which have underlier stocks, that have their primary listing on an exchange located outside the U.S. or may include stocks issued by foreign companies. Investments linked to the value of foreign equity securities involve particular risks. Any foreign securities market may be less liquid, more volatile and affected by global or domestic market developments in a different way than the U.S. securities market or other foreign securities markets. Both government intervention in a foreign securities market, either directly or indirectly, and cross-shareholdings in foreign companies, may affect trading prices and volumes in that market. Also, there is generally less publicly available information about foreign companies than about those U.S. companies that are subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Further, foreign companies are subject to accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and requirements that differ from those applicable to U.S. reporting companies.
The prices of securities in a foreign country are subject to political, economic, financial and social factors that are unique to such foreign country's geographical region. These factors include: recent changes, or the possibility of future changes, in the applicable foreign government's economic and fiscal policies; the possible implementation of, or changes in, currency exchange laws or other laws or restrictions applicable to foreign companies or investments in foreign equity securities; fluctuations, or the possibility of fluctuations, in currency exchange rates; and the possibility of outbreaks of hostility, political instability, natural disaster or adverse public health developments. For example, the United Kingdom ceased to be a member of the European Union on January 31, 2020 (an event commonly referred to as “Brexit”). The effects of Brexit are uncertain, and, among other things, Brexit has contributed, and may continue to contribute, to volatility in the prices of securities of companies located in Europe (or elsewhere) and currency exchange rates, including the valuation of the euro and British pound in particular. Any one of these factors, or the combination of more than one of these factors, could negatively affect such foreign securities market and the price of securities therein. Further, geographical regions may react to global factors in different ways, which may cause the prices of securities in a foreign securities market to fluctuate in a way that differs from those of securities in the U.S. securities market or other foreign securities markets. Foreign economies may also differ from the U.S. economy in important respects, including growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resources and self-sufficiency, which may have a positive or negative effect on foreign securities prices.
Some underliers may have a primary listing in a country that may be considered to be a country with an emerging market. Countries with emerging markets may have relatively less stable governments, may present the risks of nationalization of businesses, restrictions on foreign ownership and prohibitions on the repatriation of assets, and may have less protection of property rights than more developed countries. The economies of countries with emerging markets may be based on only a few industries, may be highly vulnerable to changes in local or global trade conditions, and may suffer from extreme and volatile debt burdens or inflation rates. Local securities markets may trade a small number of securities and may be unable to respond effectively to increases in trading volume, potentially making prompt liquidation of holdings difficult or impossible at times.
Additional Risks Relating to Notes Linked to Underliers that are Exchange-Traded Funds
If Your Notes are Linked to an Exchange-Traded Fund, You Will Have Limited Anti-dilution Protection
If your notes are linked to one or more exchange-traded funds, GS&Co., as calculation agent for your notes, may adjust the underlier or the closing level of such underlier, as applicable, for certain events that may affect the underlier or underliers, but only in the situations we describe in “Anti-dilution Adjustments for Exchange-Traded Funds” in any applicable product supplement, any applicable general terms supplement or the applicable pricing supplement. The calculation agent will not be required to make an adjustment for every event that may affect an underlier and will have broad discretion to determine whether and to what extent an adjustment is required.
The Value of the Shares of an Underlier that is a Passively-Managed Exchange-Traded Fund May Not Track the Level of the Index Underlying the Exchange-Traded Fund
Although the trading characteristics and valuations of shares of a passively-managed exchange-traded fund will usually mirror the characteristics and valuations of its underlying index, the value of the shares of such exchange-traded fund may not closely track the level of its underlying index. The value of a share of an exchange-traded fund may reflect transaction costs and fees incurred or imposed by the issuer of the exchange-traded fund that are not included in the calculation of its underlying index. Additionally, because the exchange-traded fund may not actually hold all of the stocks that comprise its underlying index, but may invest in a representative sample of securities which have a similar investment profile as the stocks that comprise its underlying index, and may hold investments that are not included in its underlying index, the exchange-traded fund may not fully replicate the performance of its underlying index.
If your notes are linked to an underlier that is an exchange-traded fund, the policies of the applicable investment advisor concerning the underlier, the method by which such underlier attempts to track the underlying index, the investment objective, the other investment policies of the investment advisor, and similar matters could affect the level of the such underlier and, therefore, the amount payable on your notes and the market value of your notes. If events such as these occur, the calculation agent — which initially will be GS&Co., our affiliate — may determine the underlier or underlier levels — and thus the amount payable on your notes — in a manner it considers appropriate, in its sole discretion. We describe the discretion that the calculation agent will have in determining the underlier levels on any trading day and the amount payable on your notes more fully under “Discontinuance or Modification of an Underlier” and “Anti-dilution Adjustments for Exchange-Traded Funds” in any applicable product supplement, any applicable general terms supplement or the applicable pricing supplement.
Except to the Extent GS&Co. and One or More of Our Other Affiliates Act as Authorized Participants in the Distribution of, and, at Any Time, May Hold, Shares of, an Exchange-Traded Fund to Which Your Notes Are Linked, There Is No Affiliation Between the Investment Advisor of such Exchange-Traded Fund and Us
If an underlier to which your notes are linked is an exchange-traded fund, GS&Co. and one or more of our other affiliates may act, from time to time, as authorized participants in the distribution of shares of such exchange-traded fund, and, at any time, may hold shares of the exchange-traded fund. Unless otherwise disclosed in the applicable pricing supplement, Goldman Sachs is not otherwise affiliated with the investment advisor of such exchange-traded fund or the issuers of the underlier stocks. Our affiliates may currently or from time to time in the future engage in business with issuers of the underlier stocks. Nevertheless, neither we nor any of our affiliates have participated in the preparation of any publicly available information or made any “due diligence” investigation or inquiry with respect to the exchange-traded fund, its underlying index or the issuers of the underlier stocks. You, as an investor in your notes, should make your own investigation into such exchange-traded fund, its underlying index and the issuers of the underlier stocks.
Neither the investment advisor of such exchange-traded fund nor any issuer of the underlier stocks are involved in this offering of your notes in any way and none of them have any obligation of any sort with respect to your notes. Neither the exchange-traded fund investment advisor nor any such issuer have any obligation to take your interests into consideration for any reason, including when taking any corporate actions that might affect the value of your notes.
All information contained in this underlier supplement and the applicable pricing supplement regarding any underlier, including, without limitation, its make-up, its method of calculation (if applicable) and changes in its components and its historical closing levels, is derived from information prepared by the applicable underlier sponsor. Such information reflects the policies of, and is subject to change by, the applicable underlier sponsor. Each underlier is calculated and maintained by its respective underlier sponsor. Neither GS Finance Corp., The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. nor GS&Co., in its role as calculation agent, has participated in the preparation of such documents or made any due diligence inquiry with respect to any underlier or underlier sponsor in connection with the offering of the notes. In connection with the offering of the notes, neither GS Finance Corp., The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. nor GS&Co., in its role as calculation agent, makes any representation that such information regarding any underlier or underlier sponsor is accurate or complete. Furthermore, we cannot give any assurance that all events occurring prior to the date of any offering of notes (including events that would affect the accuracy or completeness of the information described in this underlier supplement or in the applicable pricing supplement) that would affect the level of any underlier have been publicly disclosed. Subsequent disclosure of any such events could affect the value received on your notes and therefore the market value of the notes.
Our affiliates may presently or from time to time engage in business with one or more of the issuers of the underlier stocks of any underlier without regard to your interests, including extending loans to or entering into loans with, or making equity investments in, one or more of such issuers or providing advisory services to one or more of such issuers, such as merger and acquisition advisory services. In the course of our affiliates’ business, we or our affiliates may acquire non-public information about one or more of such issuers and neither we nor any of our affiliates undertakes to disclose any such information to you. In addition, our affiliates from time to time have published and in the future may publish research reports with respect to such issuers. These research reports may or may not recommend that investors buy or hold the securities of such issuers. As a prospective purchaser of notes, you should undertake an independent investigation of the applicable underlier or of the issuers of the underlier stocks of the applicable underlier to the extent required, in your judgment, to allow you to make an informed decision with respect to an investment in any notes.
In this underlier supplement and the applicable product supplement, if any, the applicable general terms supplement, if any, and/or the applicable pricing supplement, unless the context requires otherwise, references to any underlier listed below will include any successor underlier to such underlier and references to the underlier sponsor include any index sponsor, underlier investment advisor or underlier trustee, as applicable, and, in each case, will include any successor thereto.
Some Initial and Common Concepts
An equity index is a hypothetical calculation of stocks that fit certain selection criteria and are selected for inclusion in the index by the index sponsor. One example might be an index that seeks to include all of the large capitalization stocks traded on the stock market in a certain country or region. The level of an index is calculated using a methodology developed by the index sponsor. Typically, the closing prices of each of the stocks included in the index on each trading day are the basis for the index level. Although it is not possible to invest directly into an index, buying an index-linked product such as an index-linked note allows an investor to gain exposure to the performance of the relevant portions of a stock market or markets without owning all of the stocks that underlie the index.
Some indices limit themselves to companies having a certain size of market capitalization, as described below. You will see these terms in the descriptions below.
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Large cap — a company with a large market capitalization (market capitalization is the number of shares outstanding, which may be adjusted to exclude certain shares, multiplied by the stock’s trading price) relative to other common stocks traded within the same market |
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Small cap — a company with a small market capitalization relative to large cap and mid cap common stocks traded within the same market |
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Developed market — a developed, high income country with a formally regulated equity market that is characterized by having developed custody settlement mechanisms, dealing landscape and a relatively high total market capitalization; decisions on whether a market is developed, emerging or otherwise, and as to other categorization matters, are made by the underlier sponsor only and not by us or our affiliates |
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Emerging market — a developing country that is in the process of rapid industrialization with an income level that is generally less than developed countries and an equity market with reasonable or advanced market infrastructure |
The companies included in each of the underliers, whether the underlier is an index or an exchange-traded fund (“ETF”), may be divided into industry sectors by the applicable underlier sponsor. Sector designations are determined by the underlier sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Any underlier sponsor may use very different standards from another underlier sponsor to determine sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between underliers with different underlier sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the underliers.
An ETF attempts to track the performance of a particular index and actually purchases many of the stocks in the index and holds them. The ETF may or may not hold all of the stocks in the index. The ETF itself is typically listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has a trading price like a stock. Unlike an index, it is possible to invest directly in an ETF by buying the shares of the ETF. The trading price is usually, although not always, closely correlated with the net asset value of the assets held by the ETF (which are the stocks underlying the index the ETF tracks).The investment objective of the ETFs is to achieve investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the index. That type of ETF, sometimes called a “tracking ETF,” uses a passive or indexing approach to try to achieve the ETF’s investment objective. The ETF has an investment advisor, but the advisor does not try to outperform the index. This means, among other things, that a tracking ETF typically will not sell a particular holding just because it is performing poorly. Instead, the ETF seeks to track the index regardless of whether the index level is increasing or decreasing. The investment advisor makes decisions, subject to the ETF’s applicable limitations, about the stocks and other investments to be held by ETF in order to track the index. The investment advisor charges fees that impact the price of the ETF’s shares, as do transaction and other costs relating to the trading of the portfolio.
ETFs are registered investment companies and file information with the SEC. Information provided to or filed with the SEC can be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities maintained by the SEC or through the SEC’s website at The descriptions below will provide the “CIK number” for the ETFs, which is an identifying number that will assist you in finding information about them filed with the SEC.
The ETFs also have certain concepts in common with each other. We have described some of these common concepts below.
Tracking Error
description of the ETF(s) to which your notes are linked, either below or in the accompanying pricing supplement, will discuss some of the additional reasons for tracking errors and provide information about the tracking error or information about the performance of the index and the performance of the ETF for the same period.
Creation Units
Prior to trading in the secondary market, shares of an ETF are issued at net asset value to certain institutional investors (typically market makers or other broker-dealers) only in large block-size units, known as creation units. As a practical matter, only institutions, market makers or large investors purchase or redeem creation units. Except when aggregated in creation units (or upon the liquidation of an ETF), shares of the ETFs are not redeemable securities. The description of the ETF(s) to which your notes are linked, either below or in the accompanying pricing supplement, describe the size of the creation units for the ETFs. For most investors, the important thing to know is that redemptions of creation units may cause temporary dislocations in tracking errors.
Indicative Values, Net Asset Value and Share Prices
ETFs calculate a net asset value, or NAV, at the end of each trading day. This value represents the value of their respective assets less any applicable fees and expenses. The actual trading price of an ETF’s shares in the secondary market generally differs (and may deviate significantly during periods of market volatility) from the ETF’s daily net asset value. This is because the trading price is affected by market forces such as supply and demand, economic conditions and other factors.
ETFs are required for regulatory reasons to disseminate an approximate net asset value, often called an “indicative value,” every fifteen seconds throughout the trading day. These indicative values are disseminated by information providers or market data vendors. These approximate or indicative values should not be viewed as a “real-time” update of the net asset value, because the approximate value may not be calculated in the same manner as the net asset value, which is computed once a day. The approximate value is generally based on quotes and closing prices from the securities’ local market and may not reflect events that occur subsequent to the local market’s close. The approximate value may not be calculated by the ETF and may not be calculated using the same methodology. In any event, for purposes of your notes, the trading prices of the shares of the ETFs will be based on the trading prices alone (subject to adjustment) and not the NAV or these approximate values.
Additional Information
No underlier sponsor is under any obligation to continue to publish or sponsor an underlier and may discontinue it at any time. Additional information regarding underliers may be obtained from other sources including, but not limited to, press releases, newspaper articles, other publicly available documents, and underlier sponsor websites. We are not incorporating by reference any underlier sponsor website, the sources listed above or below or any material they include in this underlier supplement or any applicable pricing supplement.
Unless otherwise specified in the applicable pricing supplement, GS Finance Corp. or its affiliate has contracted or, to the extent required, will seek to acquire a contract with the sponsor or publisher of the index or indices to which your notes may be linked for the rights to use such index or indices and certain associated trademarks or service marks for each index. GS Finance Corp. or its affiliate generally obtains these licenses either on an individual basis for a particular offering of notes or for a term of years. Although each of GS Finance Corp. and its affiliates anticipates that it will continue to enter into and renew such licenses, any such license could be terminated upon the occurrence of certain events in the future.
Promedio industrial Dow Jones®
The Dow Jones Industrial Average®, which we also refer to in this description as the “DJIA” or the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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was first calculated on May 26, 1896 with a base value of 40.94 and twelve constituent stocks; y |
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is sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (“Dow Jones Indices”). |
The DJIA is a price-weighted index composed of 30 stocks that measures the performance of some of the largest U.S. companies. The stocks are selected at the discretion of an Averages Committee comprised of three representatives of Dow Jones Indices and two representatives of El periodico de Wall Street. While stock selection is not governed by quantitative rules, a stock typically is added to the DJIA only if the Averages Committee believes the company has an excellent reputation, demonstrates sustained growth and is of interest to a large number of investors. Each company should be incorporated and headquartered in the U.S. and a plurality of such company’s revenue should be derived from the U.S. Maintaining adequate sector representation within the indices is also a consideration in the selection process. The DJIA covers all industries with the exception of the transportation industry group and the utilities sector.
The U.S. dollar price return calculation (which does not include dividends or other distributions, only the trading prices of the stocks) of the DJIA is reported by Bloomberg under the ticker symbol “INDU
Dow Jones intends for the DJIA to serve as a measure of the entire U.S. market, and therefore the economy, and the DJIA is not limited to traditionally defined industrial stocks. Changes in the composition of the DJIA are made on an as-needed basis by the Averages Committee without consultation with the component companies represented in the DJIA, any stock exchange, any official agency or us. There is no annual or semi-annual reconstitution and changes in response to corporate actions and market developments can be made at any time. In order to maintain continuity, changes to the index stocks included in the DJIA tend to be made infrequently and generally occur only after a component company goes through a major change, such as a shift in its core business, corporate acquisition, or merger. Index reviews do not occur on any established or regular schedule, but only when corporate events with respect to a constituent stock require it. When one component stock is replaced, the entire index is reviewed. As a result, multiple component changes are often implemented simultaneously. The component stocks of the DJIA may be changed at any time for any reason. Constituent changes are typically announced one to five days before they are scheduled to be implemented.
Components with more than one listing of common stock outstanding will only be represented by their designated listing, which is the share class with both the highest one-year (or all available data if less than one year of trading data is available as of the reference date, as defined below) trading liquidity (as defined by median daily value traded) and largest float-adjusted market capitalization. All other share classes are referred to as secondary listings. When the liquidity and market capitalization indicators are in conflict, Dow Jones analyzes the relative differences between the two values, placing a greater importance on liquidity. Once established, the designated listing is only changed if both the liquidity and market capitalization of a secondary listing exceed the liquidity and market capitalization of the designated listing by more than 20%. If only one measure exceeds 20%, Dow Jones analyzes the data as described above to determine if the designated listing should be changed. Otherwise, the designated listing remains unchanged. Dow Jones Indices reviews designated listings on an annual basis and any changes are implemented after the close of the third Friday of September. The last trading day in July is used as the reference date for the liquidity and market capitalization data.
Dow Jones Indexes classifies securities within its indices according to a four-tier system that currently comprises 10 Industries, 19 Supersectors, 41 Sectors and 114 Subsectors.
The DJIA is price weighted rather than market capitalization weighted. Therefore, the component stock weightings are affected only by changes in the stocks’ prices, in contrast with the weightings of other indices that are affected by both price changes and changes in the number of shares outstanding. The value of the DJIA is the sum of the primary exchange prices of each of the 30 common stocks included in the DJIA, divided by a divisor. The divisor is changed in accordance with a mathematical formula to adjust for any price impacting corporate action on one of its member stocks; this includes price adjustments, special dividends, stock splits, rights offerings, constituent additions and constituent deletions. The current divisor of the DJIA is published daily in the WSJ and other publications. While this methodology reflects current practice in calculating the DJIA, no assurance can be given that Dow Jones will not modify or change this methodology in a manner that may affect the return on your notes. In addition to its daily governance of indices and maintenance of the DJIA methodology, at least once within any 12 month period, the Averages Committee reviews the DJIA methodology to ensure the DJIA continues to achieve the stated objective, and that the data and methodology remain effective. Where any index component stock price is unavailable on any trading day, the index sponsor will generally use the last reported price for such component stock.
Adjustments for Corporate Actions
There is a large range of corporate actions that may affect companies included in the DJIA. Certain corporate actions require Dow Jones Indices to make an adjustment to the divisor to prevent the value of the DJIA from changing as a result of the corporate action. Corporate actions are applied after the close of trading on the day prior to the ex-date. Several types of corporate actions, and their related adjustments, are listed in the table below.
Corporate Action |
Adjustment Made To Index |
Divisor Adjustment? |
The price of the parent company is adjusted to the price of the parent company minus the price of the spun-off company/share exchange ratio. Any potential impacts on index constituents from a spin-off are evaluated by the Index Committee on a case by case basis. |
si |
Rights Offering
The price is adjusted according to the terms of the rights offering. |
si |
The price is adjusted according to the terms of the stock split. |
si |
Share Issuance, Share Repurchase, Equity Offering or Warrant Conversion |
Index does not use a number of shares or investable weight factors – no impact
No |
Special Dividends
Price of the stock making the special dividend payment is reduced by the per share special dividend amount after the close of trading on the day before the dividend ex-date. |
si |
Constituent Change
Deletions due to delistings, acquisition or any other corporate event resulting in the deletion of the stock from the index will be replaced on the effective date of the drop. In the case of a zero price spin-off, the spun-off company is not replaced. |
si |
Recalculation Policy
Dow Jones Indices reserves the right to recalculate an index under certain limited circumstances. Dow Jones Indices may choose to recalculate and republish an index if it is found to be incorrect or inconsistent within two trading days of the publication of the index level in question for one of the following events:
1) |
Incorrect or revised closing price of a stock on a given day |
2) |
Missed corporate event |
3) |
Incorrect application of corporate action or index methodology |
4) |
Late announcement of a corporate event |
5) |
Incorrect calculation or data entry error |
Late information that does not impact the divisor is applied at the earliest opportunity Dow Jones Indices becomes aware of the event. Late information impacting the divisor results in a correction and reposting within two trading days. All errors due to Dow Jones Indices’s mistakes (e.g., data entry, methodology misapplication, etc.) are corrected and reposted, provided the error is identified within two trading days. Any other restatements or recalculations beyond two trading days will be determined by the Index Committee, which will review the possible market impact or disruption of such recalculations.
Unexpected Exchange Closures
An unexpected exchange closure is when an exchange fully or partially fails to open or trading is temporarily halted. This can apply to a single exchange or to a market as a whole, when all of the primary exchanges are closed and/or not trading. Unexpected exchange closures are usually due to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, inclement weather, outages, or other events.
To a large degree, Dow Jones Indices is dependent on the exchanges to provide guidance in the event of an unexpected exchange closure. Dow Jones Indices’s decision making is dependent on exchange guidance regarding pricing and mandatory corporate actions.
NYSE Rule 123C provides closing contingency procedures for determining an official closing price for listed securities if the exchange is unable to conduct a closing transaction in one or more securities due to a system or technical issue.
If all exchanges fail to open or unexpectedly halt trading intraday due to unforeseen circumstances, Dow Jones Indices will take the following actions:
Market Disruption Prior to Open of Trading:
(i) |
If all exchanges indicate that trading will not open for a given day, Dow Jones Indices will treat the day as an unscheduled market holiday. The decision will be communicated to clients as soon as possible through the normal channels. Indices containing multiple markets will be calculated as normal, provided that at least one market is open that day. Indices which only contain closed markets will not be calculated. |
(ii) |
If exchanges indicate that trading, although delayed, will open for a given day, Dow Jones Indices will begin index calculation when the exchanges open. |
Market Disruption Intraday:
(i) |
If exchanges indicate that trading will not resume for a given day, the index level will be calculated using prices determined by the exchanges based on the NYSE Rule 123C hierarchy. Intraday index values will continue to use the last traded composite price until the primary exchange publishes official closing prices. |
License Agreement between Dow Jones Opco, LLC, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and GS Finance Corp.
EURO STOXX 50® Index
The EURO STOXX 50® Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
• |
was first published on February 26, 1998, based on an initial index value of 1,000 as of December 31, 1991; y |
• |
was created and is sponsored and maintained by STOXX Limited. |
The EURO STOXX 50® Index is a free-float market capitalization-weighted index of 50 European blue-chip stocks. The 50 stocks included in the EURO STOXX 50® Index trade in Euros, and are allocated, based on their country of incorporation, primary listing and largest trading volume, to one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain, which we refer to collectively as the Eurozone. Companies allocated to a Eurozone country but not traded in Euros are not eligible for inclusion in the EURO STOXX 50® Index. The level of the EURO STOXX 50® Index is disseminated on the STOXX Limited website. STOXX Limited is under no obligation to continue to publish the EURO STOXX 50® Index and may discontinue publication of it at any time. Additional information regarding the EURO STOXX 50® Index may be obtained from the STOXX Limited website: We are not incorporating by reference the website or any material it includes in this underlier supplement.
The top ten constituent stocks of the EURO STOXX 50® Index as of February 12, 2020, by weight, are: SAP SE (5.00%), ASML Holding N.V. (4.48%), Total S.A. (4.39%), LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE (4.11%), LINDE PLC (3.98%), Sanofi (3.82%), Allianz SE (3.48%), Siemens (3.17%), Unilever N.V. (2.89%) and Airbus SE (2.84%); constituent weights may be found at under “Factsheets and Methodologies” and are updated periodically.
As of February 12, 2020, the sixteen industry sectors which comprise the EURO STOXX 50® Index represent the following weights in the index: Automobiles & Parts (3.26%), Banks (9.88%), Chemicals (8.47%), Construction & Materials (3.17%), Financial Services (1.05%), Food & Beverage (3.79%), Health Care (10.13%), Industrial Goods & Services (11.03%), Insurance (6.83%), Media (0.83%), Oil & Gas (5.59%), Personal & Household Goods (11.31%), Retail (3.78%), Technology (11.46%), Telecommunications (3.85%) and Utilities (5.55%); industry weightings may be found at under “Factsheets and Methodologies” and are updated periodically. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Sector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
As of February 12, 2020, the eight countries which comprise the EURO STOXX 50® Index represent the following weights in the index: Belgium (2.07%), Finland (0.83%), France (38.67%), Germany (27.84%), Ireland (5.01%), Italy (4.97%), Netherlands (11.26%) and Spain (9.35%); country weightings may be found at under “Factsheets and Methodologies” and are updated periodically.
EURO STOXX 50® Index Composition.
The EURO STOXX 50® Index is composed of 50 index stocks chosen by STOXX Limited from the 19 EURO STOXX Supersector indices, which represent the Eurozone portion of the STOXX Europe 600 Supersector indices. The 19 supersectors from which stocks are selected for the EURO STOXX 50® Index are Automobiles & Parts, Banks, Basic Resources, Chemicals, Construction & Materials, Financial Services, Food & Beverages, Health Care, Industrial Goods & Services, Insurance, Media, Oil & Gas,
Component Selection
The composition of the EURO STOXX 50® Index is reviewed by STOXX Limited annually in September. Within each of the 19 EURO STOXX Supersector indices, the respective index component stocks are ranked by free-float market capitalization. The largest stocks are added to the selection list until the coverage is close to, but still less than, 60% of the free-float market capitalization of the corresponding EURO STOXX Total Market Index Supersector Index. If the next highest-ranked stock brings the coverage closer to 60% in absolute terms, then it is also added to the selection list. All remaining stocks that are current EURO STOXX 50® Index components are then added to the selection list. The stocks on the selection list are then ranked by free-float market capitalization. The 40 largest stocks on the selection list are chosen as index components. The remaining 10 stocks are then selected from the largest current stocks ranked between 41 and 60. If the number of index components is still below 50, then the largest remaining stocks on the selection list are added until the EURO STOXX 50® Index contains 50 stocks. In exceptional cases, the STOXX Limited Management Board may make additions and deletions to the selection list.
Ongoing Maintenance of Component Stocks
The component stocks of the EURO STOXX 50® Index are monitored on an ongoing monthly basis for deletion and quarterly basis for addition. Changes to the composition of the EURO STOXX 50® Index due to corporate actions (including mergers and takeovers, spin-offs, sector changes and bankruptcy) are announced immediately, implemented two trading days later and become effective on the next trading day after implementation.
The component stocks of the EURO STOXX 50® Index are subject to a “fast exit” rule. A component stock is deleted if it ranks 75 or below on the monthly selection list and it ranked 75 or below on the selection list of the previous month. The highest-ranked non-component stock will replace the exiting component stock. The EURO STOXX 50® Index is also subject to a “fast entry” rule. All stocks on the latest selection lists and initial public offering (IPO) stocks are reviewed for a fast-track addition on a quarterly basis. A stock is added if it qualifies for the latest blue-chip selection list generated at the end of February, May, August or November and if it ranks within the lower buffer (between 1 and 25) on the selection list. If added, the stock replaces the smallest component stock.
A deleted stock is replaced immediately to maintain the fixed number of stocks. The replacement is based on the latest monthly selection list. In the case of a merger or takeover where a component stock is involved, the original component stock is replaced by the new component stock. In the case of a spin-off, if the original stock was a component stock, then each spin-off stock qualifies for addition if it lies within the lower buffer (between 1 and 40) on the latest selection list. The largest qualifying spin-off stock replaces the original component stock, while the next qualifying spin-off stock replaces the lowest ranked component stock and likewise for other qualifying spin-off stocks.
The free float factors and outstanding number of shares for each index stock that STOXX Limited uses to calculate the EURO STOXX 50® Index, as described below, are reviewed, calculated and implemented on a quarterly basis and are fixed until the next quarterly review. Certain extraordinary adjustments to the free float factors and/or the number of outstanding shares are implemented and made effective more quickly. The timing depends on the magnitude of the change. Each component’s weight is capped at 10% of the EURO STOXX 50® Index’s total free float market capitalization. The free float factor reduces the index stock’s number of shares to the actual amount available on the market. All holdings that are larger than five percent of the total outstanding number of shares and held on a long-term basis are excluded from the index calculation (including, but not limited to, stock owned by the company itself, stock owned by governments, stock owned by certain individuals or families, and restricted shares).
STOXX Limited calculates the EURO STOXX 50® Index using the “Laspeyres formula,” which measures the aggregate price changes in the index stocks against a fixed base quantity weight. The discussion below describes the “price return” calculation of the EURO STOXX 50® Index. The applicable pricing supplement will describe the calculation of the EURO STOXX 50® Index if the underlier for your notes is not the price return calculation. The formula for calculating the EURO STOXX 50® Index value can be expressed as follows:
EURO STOXX 50® Index = |
Free Float Market Capitalization of the EURO STOXX 50® Index |
Divisor |
The “free float market capitalization of the EURO STOXX 50® Index” is equal to the sum of the product of the price, the number of shares, the free float factor and the weighting cap factor for each index stock as of the time the EURO STOXX 50® Index is being calculated. The index stocks trade in Euros and thus, no currency conversion is required. Where any index component stock price is unavailable on any trading day, the index sponsor will generally use the last reported price for such component stock.
In case the investability and tradability of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and index based products is affected by an upcoming market or company event that is considered significant or “extreme” by the STOXX Management Board, the following actions or a combination of the following actions are taken. For all such changes a minimum notification period of two full trading days will be observed. The action scope may include but is not limited to:
• |
application of expert judgment for index component pricing data, |
• |
adjustment of operational procedures, |
• |
postponement of index adjustments, |
• |
adjustment of selection lists, |
• |
change of weights of index constituents by adjusting the number of shares, free-float factors or weighting cap-factors, or |
• |
adjustment of index compositions. |
EURO STOXX 50 Divisor
The EURO STOXX 50® Index is calculated using a divisor that helps to maintain the continuity of the EURO STOXX 50® Index’s value so that corporate actions do not artificially increase or decrease the level of the EURO STOXX 50® Index.
free float market capitalization calculated with that stock’s original closing price, number of shares, and free float factor, in each case as used in calculating the original divisor value. Errors in divisor calculation are corrected on an intraday basis if discovered on the same day the new divisor is effective. If the error is discovered later, the error is corrected on an intraday basis if feasible and only if the error is considered significant by the STOXX Limited Management Board.
Divisor Adjustments
STOXX Limited adjusts the divisor for the EURO STOXX 50® Index to maintain the continuity of the EURO STOXX 50® Index values across changes due to corporate actions. Changes in weights due to corporate actions are distributed proportionally across all index components and equal an investment into the portfolio. The following is a summary of the adjustments to any index stock made for corporate actions and the effect of such adjustments on the divisor, where shareholders of the index stock will receive “B” new shares for every “A” share held (where applicable) and assuming that the version of the EURO STOXX 50® Index to which your notes are linked is the price return version. If your notes are linked to the total return calculation of the EURO STOXX 50® Index, please see the discussion in your pricing supplement regarding divisor adjustments. All adjusted prices consider withholding taxes based on the new shares being distributed, using “B * (1 – withholding tax where applicable)”.
(1) Special cash dividend:
Adjusted price = closing price – dividend announced by the company * (1- withholding tax if applicable)
Divisor: decreases
(2) Split and reverse split:
Adjusted price = closing price * A / B
New number of shares = old number of shares * B / A
Divisor: no change
(3) Rights offering:
Adjusted price = (closing price * A + subscription price * B) / (A + B)
New number of shares = old number of shares * (A + B) / A
Divisor: increases
If the subscription price is not available or if the subscription price is equal to or greater than the closing price on the day before the effective date, then no adjustment is made.
Extremely dilutive rights issues having a share ratio larger or equal to 2000% (B/A>20) are treated as follows:
STOXX will announce the deletion of the company from the EURO STOXX 50® Index following the standard rules for index replacements if sufficient notice of two trading days before the ex-date can be given.
The company may enter the EURO STOXX 50® Index again at the next periodic index review, but only after the new rights issue shares have been listed.
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The rights issue shares are included into the EURO STOXX 50® Index with a theoretical price on the ex-date; |
• |
The rights issue shares must be listed on an eligible stock exchange and tradable starting on the ex-date, otherwise, only a price adjustment is made and the rights are not included; |
• |
The rights issue shares will have the same parameters as the parent company; |
• |
The rights issue shares will be removed at the close of the day they start to trade with traded price being available; y |
• |
The number of shares and weighting factors will be increased after the new rights issue shares have been listed. |
(4) Stock dividend:
Adjusted price = closing price * A / (A + B)
New number of shares = old number of shares * (A + B) / A
Divisor: no change
(5) Stock dividend from treasury stock if treated as extraordinary dividend:
Adjusted close = close – close * B / (A + B)
Divisor: decreases
(6) Stock dividend of another company:
Adjusted price = (closing price * A – price of other company * B) / A
Divisor: decreases
(7) Return of capital and share consolidation:
Adjusted price = (closing price – capital return announced by company * (1– withholding tax)) * A / B
New number of shares = old number of shares * B / A
Divisor: decreases
(8) Repurchase of shares / self-tender:
Adjusted price = ((price before tender * old number of shares) – (tender price * number of tendered shares)) / (old number of shares – number of tendered shares)
New number of shares = old number of shares – number of tendered shares
Divisor: decreases
(9) Spin–off:
Adjusted price = (closing price * A – price of spun-off shares * B) / A
Divisor: decreases
(10) Combination stock distribution (dividend or split) and rights offering:
For this corporate action, the following additional assumptions apply:
Shareholders receive B new shares from the distribution and C new shares from the rights offering for every A share held; y
If A is not equal to one, all the following “new number of shares” formulae need to be divided by A.
If rights are applicable after stock distribution (one action applicable to another):
Adjusted price = (closing price * A + subscription price * C * (1 + B / A)) / ((A + B) * (1 + C / A))
New number of shares = old number of shares * ((A + B) * (1 + C / A)) / A
Divisor: increases
If stock distribution is applicable after rights (one action applicable to another):
Adjusted price = (closing price * A + subscription price * C) / ((A + C) * (1 + B / A))
New number of shares = old number of shares * ((A + C) * (1 + B / A))
Divisor: increases
Stock distribution and rights (neither action is applicable to the other):
Adjusted price = (closing price * A + subscription price * C) / (A + B + C)
New number of shares = old number of shares * (A + B + C) / A
Divisor: increases
(11) Addition/deletion of a company
No price adjustments are made. The net change in market capitalization determines the divisor adjustment.
(12) Free float and shares changes
No price adjustments are made. The net change in market capitalization determines the divisor adjustment.
License Agreement between STOXX Limited and Goldman Sachs
STOXX and its licensors (the “Licensors”) have no relationship to GS Finance Corp., other than the licensing of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and the related trademarks for use in connection with the notes.
STOXX and its Licensors do not:
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Recommend that any person invest in the notes or any other securities. |
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Have any responsibility or liability for or make any decisions about the timing, amount or pricing of the notes. |
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Have any responsibility or liability for the administration, management or marketing of the notes. |
• |
Consider the needs of the notes or the owners of the notes in determining, composing or calculating the EURO STOXX 50® Index or have any obligation to do so. |
STOXX and its Licensors will not have any liability in connection with the notes. Specifically,
•STOXX and its Licensors do not make any warranty, express or implied and disclaim any and all warranty about: •The results to be obtained by the notes, the owner of the notes or any other person in connection with the use of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and the data included in the EURO STOXX 50® Index; •The accuracy or completeness of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and its data; •The merchantability and the fitness for a particular purpose or use of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and its data; •STOXX and its Licensors will have no liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions in the EURO STOXX 50® Index or its data; •Under no circumstances will STOXX or its Licensors be liable for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if STOXX or its Licensors knows that they might occur. The licensing agreement between Goldman Sachs International and STOXX is solely for their benefit, and the benefit of certain affiliates of Goldman Sachs International, and not for the benefit of the owners of the notes or any other third parties. |
FTSE® 100 Index
The FTSE® 100 Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
• |
is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
• |
does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
• |
was first launched with a base level of 1,000 as of December 30, 1983; y |
• |
is sponsored, calculated, published and disseminated by FTSE Russell, a company owned by the London Stock Exchange Group companies (the “Exchange”) that we refer to as FTSE. |
The FTSE® 100 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index of the 100 most highly capitalized U.K.‑listed blue chip companies traded on the London Stock Exchange. Additional information on the FTSE® 100 Index is available from the following website: We are not incorporating by reference the website or any material it includes in this underlier supplement.
FTSE divides the 100 companies included in the FTSE® 100 Index into 10 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) industries: Oil & Gas, Basic Materials, Industrials, Consumer Goods, Health Care, Consumer Services, Telecommunications, Utilities, Financials and Technology.
FTSE® 100 Index Stock Weighting by Sector as of February 12, 2020ǂ
Sector:* |
Percentage (%)** |
Oil & Gas |
13.46% |
Basic Materials |
8.68% |
Industrials |
9.65% |
Consumer Goods |
16.55% |
Cuidado de la salud |
10.72% |
Consumer Services |
11.66% |
Telecomunicaciones |
2.88% |
Utilidades |
3.73% |
Financials |
22.04% |
Tecnología |
0.63% |
ǂ As provided by FTSE Russell. Although FTSE Russell has implemented changes to the ICB structure effective as of July 1, 2019, the industries structure above will remain in place for the FTSE® 100 Index until the semi-annual review in September 2020. The aforementioned changes (which are not reflected above) include the addition of an 11th industry, Real Estate, to the ICB, an expansion and reorganization of the current Telecommunications industry, a reorganization of the Consumer Goods and Consumer Services industries into Consumer Staples and Consumer Discretionary industries, respectively, and the renaming of the Oil & Gas industry to the Energy industry. The Real Estate industry contains the Real Estate Investment & Services sector and the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sector. However, because Mortgage REITs derive revenue from real estate financing rather than from real estate itself, they remain in the Financials industry. The Telecommunications industry was expanded via the addition of companies from the Technology industry and the Media sector and reorganized by creating a new Telecommunications Equipment sector and new Telecommunications Services (which includes Fixed Line Telecommunications and Mobile Telecommunications companies) and Cable Television Services subsectors, which are grouped at the sector level as the Telecommunications Service Providers sector. The new Consumer Staples and Consumer Discretionary industries are a blend of the existing Consumer Goods and Consumer Services industries, with a majority of the weight in the existing Consumer Goods industry shifting to the new Consumer Staples industry and a majority of the weight in the existing Consumer Services industry shifting to the new Consumer Discretionary industry.
** Information provided by FTSE. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
FTSE® 100 Index Composition and Selection Criteria
The FTSE® 100 Index consists of the 100 largest U.K.-listed blue chip companies, based on full market capitalization, that pass screening tests for free-float and liquidity. The FTSE® 100 Index is reviewed on a quarterly basis in March, June, September and December based on data from the close of business on the Tuesday before the first Friday of the review month. The FTSE Russell Europe, Middle East & Africa Regional Equity Advisory Committee, which we refer to as the Committee, meets quarterly to approve the constituents of the FTSE® 100 Index. Any constituent changes are implemented after the close of business on the third Friday of the review month (i.e. effective Monday), following the expiration of the Intercontinental Exchange Futures Europe futures and options contracts.
Eligibility Standards
Only “premium listed” equity shares, as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority in its Listing Rules Sourcebook, are eligible for inclusion in the FTSE® 100 Index. Eligible stocks must pass free-float and liquidity screens before being included in the FTSE® 100 Index.
Free-Float Screen — With regard to free-float, a stock must have a minimum free float (as described below) of 25% if the issuing company is incorporated in the United Kingdom and 50% if it is a non-United Kingdom incorporated company. A new company may be initially included in the FTSE® 100 Index with a free float outside of the above parameters so long as it has an initial free float above 5% and it is expected to meet the minimum free float requirements within 12 months of its first day of trading.
Foreign Ownership Restrictions and Minimum Headroom Requirement — For the avoidance of doubt, a stock which restricts the number of shares that a UK investor can hold may be included in the FTSE 100 Index with an investability weight equal to the foreign ownership limit. However, the actual calculated free float will be referenced to determine if the stock meets the minimum free float criteria for index eligibility.
Minimum Voting Rights Screen — Companies are required to have greater than 5% of the company’s voting rights (aggregated across all of its equity securities, including, where identifiable, those that are not listed or trading) in the hands of unrestricted shareholders in order to be eligible for index inclusion. Current constituents who do not meet this requirement will have until the September 2022 review to meet the requirement or they will be removed from the FTSE® 100 Index.
Liquidity Screen — With regard to liquidity, each eligible stock is tested for liquidity annually in June by calculating its median daily trading per month. When calculating the median of daily trades per month of any security, a minimum of 5 trading days in each month must exist, otherwise the month is excluded from the test. Liquidity is tested from the first business day in May of the previous year to the last business day of April. The median trade is calculated by ranking each daily trade total and selecting the middle-ranking day. Any period of suspension is not included in the test. Where a security has a market quote in multiple currencies, only volume data from the eligible Sterling quote will be used in the liquidity test. The liquidity test is applied on a pro-rata basis where the testing period is less than 12 months. A stock not presently included in the FTSE® 100 Index that does not turnover at least 0.025% of its shares in issue (after application of any investability weightings) based on its median daily trade per month in at least ten of the 12 months prior to the annual index review in June will not be eligible for inclusion until the next annual review. An existing constituent failing to trade at least 0.015% of its shares in issue (after the application of any investability weightings) based on its median daily trade per month for at least eight of the 12 months prior to the annual index review will be removed from the FTSE® 100 Index and will not be eligible for inclusion until the next annual review. New issues must have a minimum trading record of at least 20 trading days prior to the review date and that they have turned over at least 0.025% of their shares in issue (after the application of any investability weightings) based on their median daily trade each month, on a pro-rata basis since premium listing or UK Nationality allocation date if non-UK incorporated.
Market Capitalization Ranking — Eligible stocks that pass the free-float and liquidity screens and that have an accurate and reliable price are ranked by the Committee according to their market capitalization before the application of any adjustments based on the extent to which the shares are publicly traded. Only the quoted equity capital of a constituent company will be included in the calculation of its market capitalization. Where a company has two or more classes of equity, secondary lines will be included in the calculation of the market capitalization of the company only if those lines are significant and liquid. The Committee will add a stock to the FTSE® 100 Index at the quarterly review if it has risen to 90th place or above on the full market capitalization rankings and will delete a stock at the quarterly review if it has fallen to 111th place or below on these rankings. Market capitalization rankings are calculated using data as of the close of business on the day before the review.
100 Constituent Limitation — The FTSE® 100 Index always contains 100 constituents. If a greater number of companies qualify to be inserted in the FTSE® 100 Index than qualify to be removed, the lowest ranking constituents of the FTSE® 100 Index will be removed so that the total number of stocks remains at 100 following inclusion of those that qualify to be inserted. Likewise, if a greater number of companies qualify to be removed than to be inserted at the quarterly review, securities of the highest ranking companies that are then not included in the FTSE® 100 Index will be inserted to match the number of companies being removed, in order to maintain the total at 100.
Index Calculation
The FTSE® 100 Index is a market capitalization weighted index. This means that the price movement of a larger company (that is, one representing larger percentage of the index) will have a greater effect on the price of the index than will the price movement of a smaller company (that is, one representing a smaller percentage of the index).
The value of the FTSE® 100 Index is represented by a fraction, (a) the numerator of which is the sum del producto of (i) the price of each component stock, (ii) the number of shares issued for each such component and (iii) a free float factor for each such component (described more fully below), and (b) the denominator of which is a divisor. The divisor represents the total issued share capital of the FTSE® 100 Index on the base date; the divisor may be adjusted as necessary to allow for changes in issued share capital of individual securities without distorting the FTSE® 100 Index.
nominated a current member to the board of directors alongside a shareholder agreement with the company; and shares that are subject to ongoing contractual agreements (such as swaps) where they would ordinarily be treated as restricted. Shares disclosed as being held by a nominee account are typically regarded as free float, unless a restricted shareholder is identified as holding shares through such nominee account, in which case that portion of shares will be restricted from free float. In addition, while portfolio holdings such as pension funds, insurance funds or investment companies will generally not be considered as restricted from free float, where a single portfolio holding is 30% or greater it will be regarded as strategic and therefore restricted (and will remain restricted until the holding falls below 30%).
The FTSE® 100 Index is recalculated whenever errors or distortions occur that are deemed to be significant. Users of the FTSE® 100 Index are notified through appropriate media.
Index Maintenance
The FTSE® 100 Index is reviewed quarterly for changes in free float. A constituent’s free float is updated during the June review regardless of the size of the change. At the March, September and December quarterly updates, a constituent with a free float greater than 15% will have its free float updated if it moves by more than 3% above or below the existing free float. A constituent with a free float of 15% or below will be subject to a 1% threshold. Free float changes resulting from corporate events will not be subject to the percentage change requirements, and will be implemented in line with the event. If a constituent is the target of a tender offer but the conditions for removal from the FTSE® 100 Index are not met, FTSE may implement a free float change when (i) the minimum acceptance level as stipulated by the acquirer has been met, (ii) shareholders have validly tendered and the shares have been irrevocably accepted for payment, and (iii) all pertinent offer conditions have been reasonably met.
At each quarterly review, the Committee publishes a Reserve List containing the six highest ranking non-constituents of the FTSE® 100 Index. The Reserve List will be used in the event that one or more constituents are deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index during the period up to the next quarterly review. If a merger or takeover results in one index constituent being absorbed by another constituent, the resulting company will remain a constituent and a vacancy will be created. This vacancy will be filled by selecting the highest ranking security in the Reserve List as at the close of the FTSE® 100 Index calculation two days prior to the deletion and related index adjustment. If an index constituent is taken over by a non-constituent company, the original constituent will be removed and may be replaced by the acquiring company where eligible for the FTSE® 100 Index. Otherwise the highest ranking company on the Reserve List will serve as the replacement. If a constituent company is split to form two or more companies, both eligible for the FTSE® 100 Index, then the resulting companies’ index memberships will be re-assessed in order to rebalance the FTSE® 100 Index back to 100. The full market capitalizations at the close on the day of the split will be used to determine the most appropriate index memberships for continued inclusion. The changes will then be applied at market close on the following day. Consequently, the FTSE® 100 index may have more than 100 companies for two days. If the market price of a company resulting from a split is unavailable it may be retained in the FTSE® 100 Index for up to 20 business days and if trading has not commenced, it will be deleted at zero value. If a split results in the inclusion of an ineligible company, then the ineligible company will remain in the FTSE® 100 Index for two trading days and then be deleted at the market price. The eligible company will be retained in the FTSE® 100 Index as the replacement company and its continued index membership will be reviewed at the next quarterly index review. If a constituent is delisted or ceases to have a firm quotation, it will be removed from the list of constituents and be replaced by the highest ranking eligible company from the Reserve List.
Adjustments due to mergers and acquisitions are applied to the FTSE® 100 Index after the action is determined to be final. In the event that a constituent is being acquired for cash or is delisted subsequent to an index review, such constituent will be removed from the FTSE® 100 Index in conjunction with the index review, assuming that the action is determined to be final and a minimum of two days’ notice can be provided.
the last traded price. When mergers and acquisitions take place between companies that are both constituents of the FTSE® 100 Index for stock, the target company is deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index and the shares of the acquiring stock are increased according to the offer terms. When mergers and acquisitions take place between companies that are both constituents of the FTSE® 100 Index for cash or stock or a combination thereof, the target company is deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index and the shares of the acquiring company are simultaneously increased per the merger terms.
Between a constituent and a non-constituent: If the target company is a member of the FTSE® 100 Index, it is deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index and the acquiring company will be included initially in the FTSE® 100 Index provided it is eligible in all other respects at the time of the merger, regardless of previous eligibility screenings. If the acquiring company is deemed eligible it will be added to the FTSE® 100 Index on the effective date and the opening price will be calculated using the offer terms. When a FTSE® 100 index constituent acquires a non-constituent that is a FTSE Russell Universe member, the shares of the member acquiring company will be updated to reflect the merger. Any share update will be made giving appropriate notice.
Given sufficient market hours after the confirmation of a merger or acquisition, FTSE effects the action after the close on the last day of trading of the target company, or at an appropriate time once the transaction has been deemed to be final.
If a constituent is the target of a tender offer, it will normally be removed from the FTSE® 100 Index with a minimum T+2 notice when (i)(a) offer acceptances reach 90%, (b) shareholders have validly tendered and the shares have been irrevocably accepted for payment, and (c) all pertinent offer conditions have been reasonably met and the acquirer has not explicitly stated that it does not intend to acquire or squeeze out the remaining shares; (ii) there is reason to believe that the remaining free float is under 5% based on information available at the time; or (iii) following completion of the offer, the acquirer has stated that the offer has been declared wholly unconditional.
Where the conditions for index deletion are not met, FTSE Russell may implement a free float change based on the reported acceptance results at the expiration of the initial, subsequent or final offer period where (i) the minimum acceptance level as stipulated by the acquiror has been met; (ii) shareholders have validly tendered and the shares have been irrevocably accepted for payment; (iii) all pertinent offer conditions have been reasonably met and (iv the change to the current float factor is greater than 3%. FTSE Russell uses the published results of the offer to determine the new free float of the target company. If no information is published in conjunction with the results from which FTSE Russell can determine which shareholders have and have not tendered, the free float change will reflect the total shares now owned by the acquiring company. A minimum T+2 notice period of the change is generally provided. Any subsequent disclosure on the updated shareholder structure will be reviewed during the quarterly review cycle. If the offer includes a stock consideration, the acquiring company’s shares will be increased proportionate to the free float change of the target company. If the target company’s free float change is greater than 3%, the associated change to the acquiring company’s shares will be implemented regardless of size. Additionally, if the change to the target company is less than 3%, then no change will be implemented to the target or the acquiring company at the time of the event, regardless of any change to the acquiring company’s shares. The target company will then be deleted as a second-step, if the conditions for deletion are achieved at the expiration of a subsequent offer period.
In exceptional circumstances, any review changes due to be effective for the companies involved in a tender offer may be retracted if FTSE Russell becomes aware of a tender offer which is due to complete on or around the effective date of such index review changes. Such exceptional circumstances may include undue price pressure being placed on the companies involved, or if proceeding with the review changes would compromise the replicability of the FTSE® 100 Index.
Capitalization Adjustments
total market capitalization of the company’s principal line at an annual review, the secondary line will be deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index unless its total market capitalization remains above the qualification level for continued inclusion as a constituent of the FTSE® 100 Index at that review. Where a company has partly paid shares, these shares, together with the outstanding call(s), are both included in the FTSE® 100 Index.
Share Weighting Changes — For the purposes of computing the FTSE® 100 Index, to prevent a large number of insignificant weighting changes, the number of shares in issue for each constituent security is amended only when the total shares in issue held within the index system changes by more than 1% on a cumulative basis or the total free float changes by more than 3% on a cumulative basis. A company with a free float of 15% or below will not be subject to the 3% threshold and will instead be updated if the change is greater than 1%. Changes will be made quarterly after the close of business on the third Friday of March, June, September and December. The data for these changes will be taken from the close of business on the Friday five weeks prior to the review implementation. If a corporate action is applied to a constituent which involves a change in the number of shares in issue, the change in shares will be applied simultaneously with the corporate action.
Shares in Issue Increase — When a company increases the number of shares it has in issue, the market capitalization of that company increases and the total market capitalization will rise accordingly. The FTSE® 100 Index divisor is adjusted to maintain a constant index value.
Weighting Amendments — The market capitalization of a company is adjusted to take account of various corporate actions. To prevent the value of the FTSE® 100 Index from changing due to such an event, all corporate actions which affect the market capitalization of the FTSE® 100 Index require an offsetting divisor adjustment. By adjusting the divisor, the value of the FTSE® 100 Index remains constant before and after the event. Below is a summary of the more frequent corporate actions and their resulting adjustment.
Type of Corporate Action |
Adjustment |
Adjustment to Divisor |
Issue of new shares |
Share weighting increased |
si |
Bonus issue of same stock or stock split |
Number of shares held before issue or split divided by number of shares held after issue or split |
No |
Rights Issues/Entitlement Offers – These are an entitlement issued to shareholders which give them the right to buy additional shares directly from the company in proportion to existing holdings. FTSE will only adjust the FTSE® 100 Index to account for a right if the subscription price of the right is at a discount to the market price of the stock. Provided FTSE has been alerted to the rights offer prior to the ex-date, a price adjustment and share increase proportionate to the terms of the offer will be implemented before the open on the ex-date. The rights become attached to the shares on the ex-date.
Where the rights issue/entitlement offer subscription price remains unconfirmed on the ex-date, FTSE will estimate the subscription price using the value being raised and the offer terms. If the rights issue is greater than ten to one, FTSE will consider this “highly dilutive” and, to facilitate replication, will include on the ex-date a separate temporary line to reflect the market value of the rights (together with a temporary line at a fixed value to reflect the subscription cash) until the end of the subscription period, at which point the temporary lines will be deleted and the new shares will be consolidated into the existing share line.
date occurs prior to the end of the rights subscription period, the temporary lines will be deleted and the new shares assimilated into the ordinary line at the open on the dividend ex-date. If the dividend ex-date occurs after the expiration of the rights subscription period, the temporary rights and cash line will be deleted after the close on the last day of the rights subscription period, and replaced by a temporary dummy line equal to the ordinary line close price minus the upcoming dividend. On the open of the ex-dividend date, the dummy line is deleted and the shares are aggregated with the ordinary line.
In the event the rights issue involves a non-constituent (including non-equity) and the value of the right cannot be determined, there will be no adjustment on the ex-date. If the rights are scheduled to trade, a rights line will be added to the FTSE® 100 Index at a value of zero on the ex-date and will be deleted from the FTSE® 100 Index at the market price when it commences trading, with T+5 notice. If the rights have not commenced trading within 20 business days of the ex-date, they will be removed at zero value. No cash temporary line will be included as the FTSE® 100 Index will not subscribe to the rights.
Where a company announces an open offer or a rights issue with an ex-entitlement date on the same day, FTSE will apply an index adjustment either before the market-open on the ex-entitlement day or as an intra-day adjustment as soon as possible thereafter. The adjustment will be applied based on the previous day’s closing price with the new shares included in the index weighting at the open offer price.
In the case of an accelerated rights offer, where the ex-date is theoretical and typically not quoted by the exchange, shares are increased and a price adjustment is applied according to the terms of the offer before the open on the day the security resumes trading.
Market Disruption
If there is a system problem or situation in the market that is judged by FTSE to affect the quality of the constituent prices at any time when an index is being calculated, the index will be declared indicative (e.g. normally where a “fast market” exists in the equity market). The message “IND” will be displayed against the index value calculated by FTSE.
License Agreement between FTSE and GS Finance Corp.
The notes are not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) or the London Stock Exchange Group companies (“LSEG”) (together the “Licensor Parties”) and none of the Licensor Parties make any claim, prediction, warranty or representation whatsoever, expressly or impliedly, either as to (i) the results to be obtained from the use of the FTSE® 100 Index (the “Index”) (upon which the notes are based), (ii) the figure at which the Index is said to stand at any particular time on any particular day or otherwise, or (iii) the suitability of the Index for the purpose to which it is being put in connection with the notes. None of the Licensor Parties have provided or will provide any financial or investment advice or recommendation in relation to the Index to GS Finance Corp. or to its clients. The Index is calculated by FTSE or its agent. None of the Licensor Parties shall be (a) liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the Index or (b) under any obligation to advise any person of any error therein.
All rights in the Index vest in FTSE. “FTSE®” is a trade mark of LSEG and is used by FTSE under license.
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
• |
was first launched on August 8, 1994 based on an initial value of 1,000 but was rebased with a value of 2,000 as at January 3, 2000; y |
• |
is sponsored by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited (“HSI Company Limited”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank. |
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index is a free-float market capitalization weighted stock market index compiled, published and managed by HSI Company Limited. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index serves as a benchmark to track the performance of mainland securities primarily listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. (“HKEX”). A mainland security is defined as a Hong Kong-listed security that has at least 50% of its sales revenue (or profit or assets, if relevant) derived from the mainland. Mainland securities include H-shares, Red-chips and P-chips. A Red-chip is a mainland security with a minimum 30% of its shareholdings held by a mainland entity or entities (including state-owned organisations and provincial or municipal authorities of the mainland). A P-chip is a mainland security that is not classified as an H-share or a Red-chip. H-shares are Hong Kong listed shares, traded in Hong Kong dollars, of Chinese enterprises. Additional information about the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index is available on the following website: Additional information about the HKEX is available on the following website: We are not incorporating by reference the websites or any material they include in this underlier supplement.
The index sponsor divides the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index into industry sectors: Conglomerates, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Properties & Construction, Telecommunications and Utilities. Sector designations are determined by HIS Company Limited using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
Top Ten Constituent Stocks by Weight
as of February 12, 2020
Valores |
Percentage (%)* |
Tencent |
11.81% |
China Construction Bank |
9.97% |
9.04% |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited |
7.25% |
China Mobile Limited |
7.21% |
Bank of China |
4.48% |
3.93% |
China Merchants Bank |
2.68% |
China Life Insurance Company Limited |
2.60% |
Sunac China Holdings Limited |
1.86% |
*Information on constituent stocks is available at
as of January 31, 2020
Sector |
Percentage (%)* |
Energía |
8.10% |
Industrials |
0.42% |
Consumer Staples |
2.55% |
Cuidado de la salud |
3.45% |
Consumer Discretionary |
4.78% |
Telecomunicaciones |
9.52% |
Utilidades |
4.12% |
Financials |
45.65% |
Properties & Construction |
8.33% |
Tecnologías de la información |
11.39% |
Conglomerates |
1.70% |
*Information on industry weightings is available at
Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Composition and Selection Criteria
The universe of possible constituent stocks of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index is comprised of mainland securities primarily listed on the Main Board of the HKEX, excluding stocks that are secondary listings, investment companies listed under Chapter 21 of the listing rules, preference shares, debt securities, mutual funds and other derivatives. A collective total of 10 Red-chips and P-chips were added to the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index with the regular index rebalancing in March 2018, bringing the total number of index constituents to 50.
Between the June 2019 and December 2019 rebalancing, the number of constituent stocks under each share type will change according to the following schedule:
• |
June 17, 2019 rebalancing date: (i) a minimum of 35 H-share constituents and (ii) a maximum of 15 Red-chip and P-chip constituents (totaling 50 constituents). |
• |
September 9, 2019 rebalancing date: (i) a minimum of 30 H-share constituents and (ii) a maximum of 20 Red-chip and P-chip constituents (totaling 50 constituents). |
• |
December 9, 2019 rebalancing date: no maximum or minimum requirement for H-share, Red-chip or P-chip constituents (totaling 50 constituents). |
Due to the different risk profiles of Red-chips and P-chips as compared to H-shares, different eligibility screenings are applied for potential incoming Red-chips and P-chips constituents than are applied to potential H-shares constituents.
H-shares Selection
From the universe of all eligible H-share companies, constituent stocks are removed from or added to the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index quarterly based on the following eligibility screening and selection process:
• |
Listing history requirement. Constituent stocks should be listed for at least one month starting from the listing date to the review cut-off date (both dates inclusive). |
float-adjusted issued shares at month end. UN stock is regarded as passing the monthly turnover test if it attains a minimum velocity of 0.1% in that month. |
• |
High shareholding concentration. Constituent stocks with high shareholding concentration according to the “High Shareholding Concentration Announcement” posted on the Securities and Futures Commission’s website will not be eligible for inclusion in the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index. |
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Nuevo constituents. A new constituent stock must have maintained a 0.1% turnover velocity for at least ten out of the past 12 months and in each of the three most recent months. |
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Existing constituents. An existing constituent stock must have maintained 0.1% turnover velocity for at least ten out of the past 12 months or, for months when an existing constituent does not meet the 0.1% turnover velocity, it must have had a monthly aggregate turnover among the top 90th percentile of the total market, where the total market is defined as including securities in the universe of the Hang Seng Composite Index. |
• |
Constituents with less than 12 months trading history. A stock with a trading history of less than six months must have attained a minimum turnover velocity of 0.1% for all trading months. A stock with a trading history of at least six months, but less than 12 months, may not have more than one month in which it has failed to attain a velocity of at least 0.1% and, for the latest three months, must have attained 0.1% for all trading months if the stock is not an existing constituent. The criteria in the preceding two sentences also applies to a stock that has transferred from Growth Enterprise Market to the Main Board of the HKEX in the 12 months before the data review cut-off date at the end of each fiscal quarter (March, June, September and December). |
Buffer Zone in the March 2019 Rebalancing. The eligible H-share stocks are ranked by highest combined market capitalization. Existing H-share constituents ranked 49th or lower are removed from the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index while non-constituents ranked 32nd or higher are included. Stocks will thereafter be removed (by lowest combined market capitalization) or added (by highest combined market capitalization) until the number of H-share constituents reaches 40.
Combined market capitalization is the sum of (i) full market capitalization, in terms of average month-end market capitalization in the past 12 months, and (ii) free-float-adjusted market capitalization, in terms of 12-month average market capitalization after free-float adjustment, each weighted by 50%. The average of the past month-end market capitalization since listing is used for stocks with a listing history of less than 12 months. If two stocks have the same combined market capitalization ranking, a higher rank is assigned to the stock with the higher full market capitalization.
P-chip and Red-chip Selection
Along with the eligibility criteria applied to eligible H-share companies, P-chip and Red-chip companies must meet the following additional eligibility criteria:
• |
Listing history requirement. |
• |
Companies with market value rank below 20 among mainland companies should be listed for at least three years; |
• |
Companies with market value rank in the top 11-20 among mainland companies should be listed for at least two years; y |
• |
Companies with market value rank in the top 10 among mainland companies should be listed for at least one year. |
In each case, the listing period runs from the listing date to the review cut-off date (both dates inclusive).
• |
Financial. A company’s net profit attributable to its equity holders, net cash generated from operating activities and cash dividends must be greater than zero for the past three consecutive fiscal years. Companies with market value rank in the top 10 or top 11-20 among mainland companies that passed the listing requirement are eligible for the fast entry mechanism, where the financial requirements will be aligned with the stock’s respective listing history. For example, a stock with a listing history of two years is required to have positive figures for: (i) net profit attributable to equity holders of the company, (ii) net cash generated from operating activities and (iii) cash dividends, in each case in the previous two fiscal years according to its published annual reports instead of the default three fiscal years. The data cut-off date for the financial requirement is one calendar month after the review cut-off date. |
• |
No suspension. A stock will not be eligible if its trading has been suspended for a complete month in the past one month before the review cut-off date. |
Like the eligible H-shares companies, the eligible P-chip and Red-chip companies are ranked by highest combined market capitalization for selection. The top ten eligible Red-chip and P-chip stocks with the highest combined market captalization will be selected as constituents of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index. No buffer zone will be applied for these ten constituents. Red-chip and P-chip constituents will remain unchanged in the March 2019 rebalancing. However, starting from the June 2019 rebalancing, the number of Red-chip and P-chip constituents will change, as described below.
The 10 additional P-chip and Red-chip constituents are being added to the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index in each of the five rebalancings beginning in March 2018. Between March 2018 and March 2019, constituent selection for Red-chips and P-chips will only be performed once in March 2018. The data cut-off date was December 31, 2017. In March 2018, the 10 constituents were added to the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index with an inclusion factor of 0.2 and an adjusted cap level of 2%. Over each quarterly rebalancing, the inclusion factor and adjusted cap level will be incrementally increased until the inclusion factor is equal to 1.0 and the adjusted cap level is equal to 10% in connection with the March 2019 rebalancing. The inclusion factors for the rebalancings are listed below:
Rebalancing Month |
Inclusion Factor |
Marzo 2018 |
0.2 |
June 2018 |
0.4 0.4 |
Septiembre 2018 |
0.6 |
Diciembre 2018 |
0.8 |
Marzo 2019 |
1.0 |
Calculation Methodology
Buffer Zone from the June 2019 Rebalancing Onwards. The eligible stocks are ranked by highest combined market capitalization. Existing constituents (including H-shares, Red-chips and P-chips) ranked 61st or lower will be removed from the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index while non-constituents ranked 40th or higher will be included. Stocks will thereafter be removed (by lowest combined market capitalization) or added (by highest combined market capitalization) until the number of constituents reaches 50. In the June and September 2019 rebalancings, the maximum number of constituent changes will be limited to five. This limit will not be applicable from the December 2019 rebalancing onwards.
underlier for your notes is not the price return calculation. Under this methodology, the following shareholdings, when exceeding 5% of shareholdings in the company on an individual basis, are viewed as non-free float and are excluded for index calculation purposes:
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Strategic holdings: shares held by governments and affiliated entities or any other entities which hold substantial shares in a company are considered as non-free float unless otherwise proved; |
• |
Directors’ and management holdings: shares held by directors, members of the board committee, principal officers or founding members; |
• |
Corporate cross-holdings: shares held by publicly traded companies or private firms/institutions; y |
• |
Lock-up shares: shares that are subject to a publicly disclosed lock-up arrangement. |
A free-float adjustment factor representing the proportion of shares that is free floated as a percentage of the issued shares is rounded up to the nearest whole percentage for free-float adjustment factors of less than 10% and is otherwise rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5%. Free-float adjustment factors are reviewed quarterly. For companies with more than one class of shares, free-float adjustment factors will be calculated separately for each class of shares. A cap of 10% on individual stock weightings is applied, such that no individual constituent in the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index will have a weighting exceeding a predetermined cap level on the index capping date.
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index is calculated and disseminated every 2 seconds during trading hours on each trading day of the HKEX and is calculated as the producto of (i) the current aggregate free-float-adjusted market capitalization of constituents divided by the previous trading day’s aggregate free-float-adjusted market capitalization of constituents, (ii) multiplied by the previous trading day’s closing index level. The current aggregate free-float-adjusted market capitalization of constituents on any trading day is the sum of the current free-float-adjusted market capitalizations of the constituents, which for each constituent is the producto of the current price of the constituent, the actual total number of each class of H-shares issued by the constituent, the free-float adjustment factor for the constituent (which is between zero and 1) y the cap factor for the constituent (which is between zero and 1). A cap factor is calculated quarterly, such that no individual constituent in the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index will have a weighting exceeding 10% on the index capping date. The previous trading day’s aggregate free-float-adjusted market capitalization of constituents is the sum of the previous trading day’s free-float-adjusted market capitalizations of the constituents, which for each constituent is the producto of the closing price of the constituent on the previous trading day, the actual total number of each class of H-shares issued by the constituent, the free-float adjustment factor for the constituent (which is between zero and 1) y the cap factor for the constituent (which is between zero and 1), in each case as determined on that trading day.
Index Rebalancing
The adjustment of the free-float adjustment factor, the calculation of the cap factor, and the update of issued shares is undertaken quarterly.
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index may also be adjusted on an ad hoc basis in the event of certain corporate actions and events. A minimum notice period of two trading days will be given to index users for any ad hoc rebalancing. For corporate actions, including bonus issues, listed distributions of stock of another company, rights issues, stock splits and stock consolidations, the issued shares will be updated simultaneously with the corporate action adjustment and will take effect on the ex-date. Other corporate events, including placing and issuance of new shares, will result in an adjustment to the free-float factor if the number of free-float issued shares changes by more than 10%. After the update, the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index will be recapped if the weighting of any capped constituent fell below 5 percentage points from the cap level, or the weighting of any constituent is higher than 5 percentage points above the cap level.
re-distributed to H-share constituents with weightings of less than 10% in proportion to their original weightings. If, subsequent to the re-distribution, H-share constituents with weightings of more
than 10% emerge, they will be capped at 10% and the excessive weightings will be re-distributed to the H-share constituents with weightings of less than 10% in proportion to their redistributed weightings. The last step will be repeated until none of the constituents has a weighting of more than 10%.
In the event of ad hoc constituent changes, the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index will only be recapped if the weighting of a newly included constituent is higher than the cap level. For ad hoc constituent deletion, no recapping will be undertaken.
Trading Halt or Suspension
Whether or not to remove a suspended constituent from the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index and replace it with an appropriate candidate will be determined in the regular index reviews. Should a suspended constituent be removed from the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, its last traded price may be adjusted down to the lowest price in the system (i.e. $0.0001 in the security’s price currency) or an official residual price (if available) will be used for index calculation on the trading day preceding the effective date of the constituent changes. In the event of a trading halt or suspension, the last traded price will be used for index calculation, regardless of the duration of the halt or suspension. In exceptional circumstances, a suspended constituent may be retained in the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index only if it is believed that its shares are highly likely to resume trading in the near future.
Where the HKEX considers it necessary for the protection of the investor or the maintenance of an orderly market, it may at any time direct a trading halt or suspend dealings in any securities or cancel the listing of any securities in such circumstances and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, whether requested by the listed issuer or not. The HKEX may also do so where: (1) an issuer fails, in a manner which the HKEX considers material, to comply with the HKEX listing rules; (2) the HKEX considers there are insufficient securities in the hands of the public; (3) the HKEX considers that the listed issuer does not have a sufficient level of operations or sufficient assets to warrant the continued listing of the issuer’s securities; or (4) the HKEX considers that the issuer or its business is no longer suitable for listing.
In the following circumstances, when an announcement cannot be made promptly, an issuer must apply for a trading halt or suspension of its own accord, and such request for a trading halt or suspension will normally be acceded to: (1) where the issuer has information that, in the view of the HKEX, there is or there is likely to be a false market (i.e., where there is material misinformation or materially incomplete information in the market which is compromising proper price discovery) in the issuer’s securities; (2) where the issuer reasonably believes that there is inside information which must be disclosed under the HKEX’s inside information rules; or (3) where the issuer reasonably believes or it is reasonably likely that confidentiality may have been lost in respect of certain inside information.
In the following circumstances, pending an announcement, an issuer must apply for a trading halt or suspension of its own accord, and such request for a trading halt or suspension will normally be acceded to: (1) where the issuer has signed an agreement in respect of a share transaction, major transaction, very substantial disposal, very substantial acquisition or reverse takeover and the required announcement has not been published on a business day; (2) where the issuer has signed an agreement in respect of a notifiable transaction, which the issuer reasonably believes would require disclosure under the HKEX’s inside information rules; or (3) where the issuer has finalized the major terms of an agreement in respect of a notifiable transaction, which the issuer reasonably believes would require disclosure under the HKEX’s inside information rules, and the issuer considers that the necessary degree of security cannot be maintained or that the security may have been breached.
Trading on the HKEX
Trading on the HKEX is fully electronic through an Automatic Order Matching and Execution System. Trading on the HKEX takes place each Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). The trading day consists of a pre-opening auction session from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., followed by a morning trading session from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and an afternoon trading session from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time). The HKEX recently implemented a closing auction session, which lasts for approximately 8 to 10 minutes after the close of the afternoon trading session at 4:00pm. During the closing auction, market participants who want to trade at the closing price input buy and sell orders. These orders then form a consensus closing price for each stock and orders are executed at that price. The index level will not be updated during the closing auction session, and the closing level of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index will be determined at the conclusion of the closing auction session.
Hong Kong time is 12 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Savings Time and 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Settlement of trades is required within 48 hours and is conducted by electronic book-entry delivery through the Central Clearing and Settlement System. Because of the time differences between New York City and Hong Kong, on any normal trading day, using the last reported closing prices of the constituent stocks on the HKEX, the closing level of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index on any such trading day generally will be calculated, published and disseminated in the United States by the opening of business in New York on the same business day.
In the event that the constituent stock prices are not available from the HKEX due to a market disruption event, the index sponsor will suspend real-time dissemination of the index level and will resume index services depending on the market activity recovery of the HKEX.
License Agreement between Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and GS Finance Corp.
GS Finance Corp. has entered into a non-exclusive license agreement with Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited (“HSI Company Limited”) and Hang Seng Data Services Limited, in exchange for a fee, whereby GS Finance Corp. will be permitted to use the index in connection with the offer and sale of the notes. GS Finance Corp. is not affiliated with HSI Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited; the only relationship between HSI Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited and GS Finance Corp. is the licensing of the use of the index and related trademarks.
Neither GS Finance Corp. nor any of its affiliates accepts any responsibility for the calculation, maintenance or publication of the index or any successor index.
OR ANY INFORMATION RELATED THERETO; OR (ii) THE FITNESS OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE OF THE INDEX OR ANY COMPONENT OR DATA COMPRISED IN IT; OR (iii) THE RESULTS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED BY ANY PERSON FROM THE USE OF THE INDEX OR ANY COMPONENT OR DATA COMPRISED IN IT FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE INDEX IS GIVEN OR MAY BE IMPLIED. The process and basis of computation and compilation of the index and any of the related formula or formulae, constituent stocks and factors may at any time be changed or altered by HSI Company Limited without notice. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY IS ACCEPTED BY HSI COMPANY LIMITED OR HANG SENG DATA SERVICES LIMITED (i) IN RESPECT OF THE USE OF AND/ OR REFERENCE TO THE INDEX BY GS FINANCE CORP. IN CONNECTION WITH THE NOTES; OR (ii) FOR ANY INACCURACIES, OMISSIONS, MISTAKES OR ERRORS OF HSI COMPANY LIMITED IN THE COMPUTATION OF THE INDEX; OR (iii) FOR ANY INACCURACIES, OMISSIONS, MISTAKES, ERRORS OR INCOMPLETENESS OF ANY INFORMATION USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPUTATION OF THE INDEX WHICH IS SUPPLIED BY ANY OTHER PERSON; OR (iv) FOR ANY ECONOMIC OR OTHER LOSS WHICH MAY BE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUSTAINED BY ANY BROKER OR HOLDER OF THE PRODUCT OR ANY OTHER PERSON DEALING WITH THE NOTES AS A RESULT OF ANY OF THE AFORESAID, AND NO CLAIMS, ACTIONS OR LEGAL PROCEEDINGS MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST HSI COMPANY LIMITED AND/OR HANG SENG DATA SERVICES LIMITED in connection with the notes in any manner whatsoever by any broker, holder or other person dealing with the notes. Any broker, holder or other person dealing with the notes does so therefore in full knowledge of this disclaimer and can place no reliance whatsoever on HSI Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited. For the avoidance of doubt, this disclaimer does not create any contractual or quasi-contractual relationship between any broker, holder or other person and HSI Company Limited and/or Hang Seng Data Services Limited and must not be construed to have created such relationship.
MSCI Indices
The MSCI EAFE Index, MSCI Singapore Free Index, MSCI Taiwan Index and MSCI Emerging Markets Index (each, an “index” and, collectively, the “MSCI Indices”):
• |
are equity indices, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
• |
do not file reports with the SEC because they are not issuers; y |
• |
are sponsored, calculated, published and disseminated daily by MSCI Inc., which we refer to as “MSCI”, through numerous data vendors, on the MSCI website and in real time on Bloomberg Financial Markets and Reuters Limited. |
The MSCI Indices are all free float adjusted market capitalization indices and are part of the MSCI Global Investable Market Indices. The MSCI Indices are considered “standard” indices, which means they consist of all eligible large capitalization and mid-capitalization stocks, as determined by MSCI, in the relevant market. MSCI divides the companies included in the MSCI Indices into eleven Global Industry Classification Sectors: Communication Services, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Real Estate and Utilities. Additional information about the MSCI Global Investable Market Indices is available on the following website: Daily closing level information for the MSCI Indices is available on the following website: We are not incorporating by reference the websites or any material they include in this underlier supplement.
MSCI EAFE Index. The MSCI EAFE Index is intended to provide performance benchmarks for the developed equity markets in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The constituent stocks of the MSCI EAFE Index are derived from the constituent stocks in the 21 MSCI standard single country indices for the developed market countries listed above. The MSCI EAFE Index has a base date of December 31, 1969.
MSCI EAFE Index Stock Weighting by Country as of February 12, 2020
País: |
Percentage (%)* |
Australia |
6.89% |
Austria |
0.21% |
Bélgica |
0.97% |
Dinamarca |
1.92% |
Finlandia |
0.98% |
Francia |
11.34% |
Alemania |
8.67% |
Hong Kong |
3.46% |
Irlanda |
0.57% |
Israel |
0.61% |
Italia |
2.38% |
Japón |
24.26% |
Países Bajos |
4.15% |
Nueva Zelanda |
0.28% |
Noruega |
0.59% |
Portugal |
0.17% |
Singapur |
1.23% |
España |
2.87% |
Suecia |
2.78% |
Suiza |
9.63% |
Reino Unido |
16.04% |
*Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
MSCI EAFE Index Stock Weighting by Sector as of February 12, 2020
Sectorǂ |
Porcentaje (%)* |
Communication Services |
5.21% |
Consumer Discretionary |
11.36% |
Consumer Staples |
11.21% |
Energía |
4.45% |
Financials |
18.63% |
Cuidado de la salud |
12.58% |
Industrials |
14.89% |
Tecnologías de la información |
7.34% |
Materials |
6.90% |
Bienes raíces |
3.52% |
Utilidades |
3.92% |
ǂSector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
*Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
MSCI Singapore Free Index. The MSCI Singapore Free Index is a developed market index that is designed to measure the market performance of equity securities in Singapore. The constituent stocks of the MSCI Singapore Free Index are selected from an eligible universe of equity securities listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange that includes companies listed on the Singapore Exchange Mainboard and Catalist market segments. Eligible classes of securities include ordinary shares, business trusts and stapled securities. The MSCI Singapore Free Index has a base date of December 31, 1987.
Top Ten Constituent Stocks by Weight
as of January 31, 2020
Valores |
Percentage (%)* |
DBS Group Holdings |
18.18% |
OCBC Bank |
14.02% |
United Overseas Bank |
12.91% |
Singapore Telecom |
10.76% |
Keppel Corp |
3.88% |
Capitaland |
3.71% |
Ascendas Reit |
3.63% |
Wilmar International |
3.00% |
Singapore Exchange |
2.79% |
Capitaland Mall Trust |
2.60% |
*Information on constituent stocks is available at
MSCI Singapore Free Index Stock Weighting by Sector as of January 31, 2020
Sectorǂ |
Percentage (%)* |
Communication Services |
12.06% |
Consumer Discretionary |
3.23% |
Consumer Staples |
3.00% |
Financials |
47.90% |
Industrials |
13.13% |
Tecnologías de la información |
1.79% |
Bienes raíces |
18.89% |
between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
* Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
MSCI Taiwan Index. The MSCI Taiwan Index is an emerging market index that is designed to measure the market performance of equity securities in Taiwan. The constituent stocks of the MSCI Taiwan Index are selected from an eligible universe of stocks listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the Taipei Exchange. Eligible classes of securities include ordinary shares and preferred shares that exhibit characteristics of equity securities. The MSCI Taiwan Index has a base date of December 31, 1987.
Top Ten Constituent Stocks by Weight
as of January 31, 2020
Valores |
Percentage (%)* |
Taiwan Semiconductor MFG |
37.62% |
Hon Hai Precision Ind Co |
4.95% |
Mediatek Inc |
2.80% |
Largan Precision Co |
2.31% |
Formosa Plastic Co |
1.99% |
Chunghwa Telecom Co |
1.96% |
CTBC Financial Holding |
1.95% |
Nan Ya Plastic |
1.71% |
Uni-President Ent. |
1.67% |
Mega Financial Holding |
1.64% |
*Information on constituent stocks is available at
MSCI Taiwan Index Stock Weighting by Sector as of January 31, 2020
Sectorǂ |
Percentage (%)* |
Communication Services |
3.31% |
Consumer Discretionary |
3.14% |
Consumer Staples |
2.62% |
Financials |
16.79% |
Industrials |
1.75% |
Tecnologías de la información |
63.67% |
Bienes raíces |
0.29% |
Materials |
7.89% |
Energía |
0.53% |
ǂSector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
* Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
MSCI Emerging Markets Index. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is intended to provide performance benchmarks for the emerging equity markets in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, which are, as of the date of this underlier supplement, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. The constituent stocks of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index are derived from the constituent stocks in the 26 MSCI standard single country indices for the emerging market countries listed above. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index has a base date of December 31, 1987.
MSCI Emerging Markets Index Stock Weighting by Country as of 12 de febrero de 2020
País: |
Percentage (%)* |
Argentina |
0.16% |
Brasil |
7.13% |
Chile |
0.70% |
China |
35.03% |
Colombia |
0.36% |
Republica checa |
0.13% |
Egipto |
0.14% |
Grecia |
0.28% |
Hungría |
0.28% |
India |
8.86% |
Indonesia |
1.88% |
Korea, Republic Of |
11.95% |
Malaysia |
1.74% |
Mexico |
2.42% |
Pakistán |
0.03% |
Perú |
0.33% |
Filipinas |
0.90% |
Polonia |
0.86% |
Katar |
0.88% |
Russian Federation |
3.92% |
Arabia Saudita |
2.40% |
Sudáfrica |
4.55% |
Taiwan, Province Of China |
11.63% |
Tailandia |
2.38% |
pavo |
0.50% |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
0.59% |
* Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
MSCI Emerging Markets Index Stock Weighting by Sector as of January 31, 2020
Sectorǂ |
Percentage (%)* |
Communication Services |
11.45% |
Consumer Discretionary |
14.30% |
Consumer Staples |
6.45% |
Energía |
7.10% |
Financials |
23.76% |
Cuidado de la salud |
2.95% |
Industrials |
5.18% |
Tecnologías de la información |
16.07% |
Materials |
7.27% |
Bienes raíces |
2.82% |
Utilidades |
2.65% |
ǂSector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
* Information provided by MSCI. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
market capitalization of those existing China A share constituents from 2.5% to 5%. With the implementation of this second step, and the inclusion of additional China A shares in connection with the August 2018 quarterly index review, China A shares were initially expected to represent approximately 0.75% of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
As of the close on May 28, 2019, MSCI began a three-step process to further increase the weight of China A shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. In connection with the May 2019 semi-annual index review, MSCI implemented the first step by increasing the foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization of all large cap China A shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index from 5% to 10% and adding 26 China A shares (18 of which are ChiNext stocks) at 10% of their foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization. With the implementation of this first step, China A shares initially had an aggregate weight of 1.76% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. As of the close on August 27, 2019, in connection with the August 2019 quarterly index review, MSCI implemented the second step of the inclusion process by increasing the foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization of all large cap China A shares from 10% to 15%. With the implementation of this second step, China A shares will have a weight of 2.46% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. Finally, in connection with the November 2019 semi-annual index review, MSCI increased the foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization of all large cap China A shares from 15% to 20% and added mid cap China A shares, including eligible ChiNext shares, to the MSCI Emerging Markets Index at 20% of their foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization. As of the close of markets on November 26, 2019, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index was expected to include 472 China A shares, comprised of 244 large cap and 228 mid cap securities, which were expected to represent a collective weight of 4% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. As of that same time, the MSCI China Index, which includes China A shares and offshore listed shares, was expected to include 710 securities, which was expected to represent a weight of 34% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.
As of the close on May 28, 2019, MSCI began a two-step process to include the MSCI Saudi Arabia Index in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. In connection with the May 2019 semi-annual index review, MSCI implemented the first step by adding 30 Saudi Arabian securities at 50% of their foreign inclusion factor-adjusted market capitalization, initially representing an aggregate weight of 1.42% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. As of the close on August 27, 2019, in connection with the August 2019 quarterly index review, MSCI implemented the second step by increasing the weight of Saudi Arabian securities from 1.45% to 2.83% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. In addition, MSCI has reclassified the MSCI Argentina Index from a “frontier market” to an “emerging market”, and added eight Argentinian securities initially representing an aggregate weight of 0.26% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. MSCI expects to continue to restrict the inclusion in the MSCI Argentina Index to only foreign listings of Argentinian companies, such as American depositary receipts.
MSCI announced that it will reclassify the MSCI Kuwait Index to emerging markets status as part of the May 2020 semi-annual Index review in one step. As a result, the Kuwaiti equity market is expected to have an initial estimated weight in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index of 0.69%.
Construction of the MSCI Indices
MSCI undertakes an index construction process at an individual market level, which involves: (i) defining the equity universe for each market; (ii) determining the market investable equity universe for each market; (iii) determining market capitalization size segments for each market; (iv) applying index continuity rules for the standard index; and (v) classifying securities under the Global Industry Classification Standard. The index construction methodology differs in some cases depending on whether the relevant market is considered a developed market or an emerging market. The MSCI EAFE Index and the MSCI Singapore Free Index are developed market indices, and the MSCI Taiwan Index and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index are emerging markets indices. All of the MSCI Indices are standard indices, meaning that only securities that would qualify for inclusion in a large cap index or a mid cap index will be included as described below.
(ii) |
Country Classification of Eligible Securities: Each company and its securities (i.e., share classes) are classified in one and only one country, which allows for a distinctive sorting of each company by its respective country. |
Determining the Market Investable Equity Universes
A market investable equity universe for a market is derived by (i) identifying eligible listings for each security in the equity universe; and (ii) applying investability screens to individual companies and securities in the equity universe that are classified in that market. A market is generally equivalent to a single country. The global investable equity universe is the aggregation of all market investable equity universes.
(i) |
Identifying Eligible Listings: A security may have a listing in the country where it is classified (a “local listing”) and/or in a different country (a “foreign listing”). A security may be represented by either a local listing or a foreign listing (including a depositary receipt) in the global investable equity universe. A security may be represented by a foreign listing only if the security is classified in a country that meets the foreign listing materiality requirement (as described below), and the security’s foreign listing is traded on an eligible stock exchange of a developed market country if the security is classified in a developed market country or, if the security is classified in an emerging market country, an eligible stock exchange of a developed market country or an emerging market country. |
In order for a country to meet the foreign listing materiality requirement, the following is determined: all securities represented by a foreign listing that would be included in the country’s MSCI Country Investable Market Index if foreign listings were eligible from that country. The aggregate free-float adjusted market capitalization for all such securities should represent at least (i) 5% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the relevant MSCI Country Investable Market Index and (ii) 0.05% of the free-float adjusted market capitalization of the MSCI ACWI Investable Market Index. If a country does not meet the foreign listing materiality requirement, then securities in that country may not be represented by a foreign listing in the global investable equity universe.
(ii) |
Applying Investability Screens: The investability screens used to determine the investable equity universe in each market are: |
(a) |
Equity Universe Minimum Size Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the company level. In order to be included in a market investable equity universe, a company must have the required minimum full market capitalization. The equity universe minimum size requirement applies to companies in all markets and is derived as follows: |
free float-adjusted market capitalization of the securities of that company in the equity universe. |
• |
Second, when the cumulative free float-adjusted market capitalization coverage of 99% of the sorted equity universe is achieved, by adding each company’s free float-adjusted market capitalization in descending order, the full market capitalization of the company that reaches the 99% threshold defines the equity universe minimum size requirement. |
• The rank of this company by descending order of full market capitalization within the developed market equity universe is noted, and will be used in determining the equity universe minimum size requirement at the next rebalance.
As of November 2019, the equity universe minimum size requirement was set at US$233,000,000. Companies with a full market capitalization below this level are not included in any market investable equity universe. The equity universe minimum size requirement is reviewed and, if necessary, revised at each semi-annual index review, as described below.
(b) |
Equity Universe Minimum Free Float-Adjusted Market Capitalization Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the individual security level. To be eligible for inclusion in a market investable equity universe, a security must have a free float-adjusted market capitalization equal to or higher than 50% of the equity universe minimum size requirement. |
(c) |
Minimum Liquidity Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the individual security level. To be eligible for inclusion in a market investable equity universe, a security must have at least one eligible listing that has adequate liquidity as measured by its 12-month and 3-month annualized traded value ratio (“ATVR”) and 3-month frequency of trading. The ATVR attempts to mitigate the impact of extreme daily trading volumes and takes into account the free float-adjusted market capitalization of securities. A minimum liquidity level of 20% of the 3-month ATVR and 90% of 3-month frequency of trading over the last 4 consecutive quarters, as well as 20% of the 12-month ATVR, are required for inclusion of a security in a market investable equity universe of a developed market. A minimum liquidity level of 15% of the 3-month ATVR and 80% of 3-month frequency of trading over the last 4 consecutive quarters, as well as 15% of the 12-month ATVR, are required for inclusion of a security in a market investable equity universe of an emerging market. Securities in the MSCI China equity universe will not be eligible for inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index if the security is suspended or has been suspended for 50 consecutive days or more in the past 12 months. |
Only one listing per security may be included in the market investable equity universe. In instances where a security has two or more eligible listings that meet the above liquidity requirements, then the following priority rules are used to determine which listing will be used for potential inclusion of the security in the market investable equity universe:
(1) |
Local listing (if the security has two or more local listings, then the listing with the highest 3-month ATVR will be used). |
(2) |
Foreign listing in the same geographical region (MSCI classifies markets into three main geographical regions: EMEA, Asia Pacific and Americas. If the security has two or more foreign listings in the same geographical region, then the listing with the highest 3-month ATVR will be used). |
(3) |
Foreign listing in a different geographical region (if the security has two or more foreign listings in a different geographical region, then the listing with the highest 3-month ATVR will be used). |
above US$10,000 will fail the liquidity screening and will not be included in any market investable equity universe.
(d) Global Minimum Foreign Inclusion Factor Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the individual security level. To determine the free float of a security, MSCI considers the proportion of shares of such security available for purchase in the public equity markets by international investors. In practice, limitations on the investment opportunities for international investors include: strategic stakes in a company held by private or public shareholders whose investment objective indicates that the shares held are not likely to be available in the market; limits on the proportion of a security’s share capital authorized for purchase by non-domestic investors; or other foreign investment restrictions which materially limit the ability of foreign investors to freely invest in a particular equity market, sector or security.
MSCI will then derive a “foreign inclusion factor” for the company that reflects the proportion of shares outstanding that is available for purchase in the public equity markets by international investors. MSCI will then “float-adjust” the weight of each constituent company in an index by the company’s foreign inclusion factor.
Once the free float factor has been determined for a security, the security’s total market capitalization is then adjusted by such free float factor, resulting in the free float-adjusted market capitalization figure for the security.
(e) Minimum Length of Trading Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the individual security level. For an initial public offering to be eligible for inclusion in a market investable equity universe, the new issue must have started trading at least three months before the implementation of a semi-annual index review. This requirement is applicable to small new issues in all markets. Large initial public offerings are not subject to the minimum length of trading requirement and may be included in a market investable equity universe and a standard index, such as the MSCI Indices, outside of a quarterly or semi-annual index review.
(f) Minimum Foreign Room Requirement: This investability screen is applied at the individual security level. For a security that is subject to a foreign ownership limit to be eligible for inclusion in a market investable equity universe, the proportion of shares still available to foreign investors relative to the maximum allowed (referred to as “foreign room”) must be at least 15%.
Determining Market Capitalization Size Segments for Each Market
Once a market investable equity universe is defined, it is segmented into the following size-based indices:
• Investable Market Index (Large Cap + Mid Cap + Small Cap)
• Standard Index (Large Cap + Mid Cap)
• Large Cap Index
• Mid Cap Index
• Small Cap Index
USD 7.05 billion, and the global minimum size range for an emerging market standard index is a full market capitalization of USD 1.53 billion to USD 3.52 billion.
Index Continuity Rules for Standard Indices
In order to achieve index continuity, as well as provide some basic level of diversification within a market index, notwithstanding the effect of other index construction rules, a minimum number of five constituents will be maintained for a developed market standard index and a minimum number of three constituents will be maintained for an emerging market standard index, and involves the following steps:
• If after the application of the index construction methodology, a developed market standard index contains fewer than five securities or an emerging market standard index contains fewer than three securities, then the largest securities by free float-adjusted market capitalization are added to the index in order to reach the minimum number of required constituents.
• At subsequent index reviews, if the minimum number of securities described above is not met, then after the market investable equity universe is identified, the securities are ranked by free float-adjusted market capitalization, however, in order to increase stability the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the existing index constituents (prior to review) is multiplied by 1.50, and securities are added until the desired minimum number of securities is reached.
Classifying Securities under the Global Industry Classification Standard
All securities in the global investable equity universe are assigned to the industry that best describes their business activities. The GICS classification of each security is used by MSCI to construct additional indices.
Calculation Methodologies for the MSCI Indices
Price Return Methodology
The performance of each of the MSCI EAFE Index, the MSCI Singapore Free Index, the MSCI Taiwan Index and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a free float weighted average of the U.S. dollar values of their component securities.
Prices used to calculate the component securities are the official exchange closing prices or prices accepted as such in the relevant market. In the case of a market closure, or if a security does not trade on a specific day or during a specific period, MSCI carries the latest available closing price. In the event of a market outage resulting in any component security price to be unavailable, MSCI will generally use the last reported price for such component security for the purpose of performance calculation. If MSCI determines that another price is more appropriate based on the circumstances, an announcement would be sent to clients with the related information. Closing prices are converted into U.S. dollars, as applicable, using the closing spot exchange rates calculated by WM/Reuters at 4:00 P.M. London Time.
Net Daily Total Return Methodology
except for real estate investment trusts, in which case the rate is 15%. This net income is reinvested among all the constituents in the index and thus makes up part of the total index performance. MSCI’s net
daily total return methodology reinvests net cash dividends in indices the day the security is quoted ex-dividend, or on the ex-date (converted to US dollars, as applicable). Certain dividends, including special/extraordinary dividends and commemorative dividends, are reinvested in the index if, a day prior to the ex-date, the dividend impact on price is less than 5%. If the impact is 5% or more, the dividend will be reinvested in the index through a price adjustment on the ex-date. A specific price adjustment is always applied for stock dividends that are issued at no cost to the shareholders, an extraordinary capital repayment or a dividend paid in the shares of another company. Cash payments related to corporate events, such as mergers and acquisitions, are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Maintenance of the MSCI Indices
In order to maintain the representativeness of the MSCI Indices, structural changes to each MSCI Index as a whole may be made by adding or deleting component securities. Currently, such changes in the MSCI Indices may generally only be made on four dates throughout the year: after the close of the last business day of each February, May, August and November.
Each country index is maintained with the objective of reflecting, on a timely basis, the evolution of the underlying equity markets. In maintaining each component country index, emphasis is also placed on its continuity, continuous investability of constituents and replicability of the index and on index stability and minimizing turnover.
MSCI classifies index maintenance in three broad categories. The first consists of ongoing event related changes, such as mergers and acquisitions, which are generally implemented in the country indices in which they occur. The second category consists of quarterly index reviews, aimed at promptly reflecting other significant market events. The third category consists of semi-annual index reviews that systematically re-assess the various dimensions of the equity universe.
Ongoing event-related changes to the country indices are the result of mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, bankruptcies, reorganizations and other similar corporate events. They can also result from capital reorganizations in the form of rights issues, stock bonus issues, public placements and other similar corporate actions that take place on a continuing basis. MSCI will remove from the index as soon as practicable securities of companies that file for bankruptcy or other protection from their creditors, that are suspended and for which a return to normal business activity and trading is unlikely in the near future, or that fail stock exchange listing requirements with a delisting announcement. Securities may also be considered for early deletion in other significant cases, such as decreases in free float and foreign ownership limits, or when a constituent company acquires or merges with a non-constituent company or spins-off another company. In practice, when a constituent company is involved in a corporate event which results in a significant decrease in the company’s free float-adjusted market capitalization or the company decreases its foreign inclusion factor to below 0.15, the securities of that constituent company are considered for early deletion from the indices simultaneously with the event unless, in either case, it is a standard index constituent with a minimum free float-adjusted market capitalization meeting at least two-thirds of 1.8 times one-half of the standard index interim size segment cut-off. Share conversions may also give rise to an early deletion. Changes in number of shares and foreign inclusion factors resulting from primary equity offerings representing at least 5% of the security’s pre-event number of shares are implemented as of the close of the first trading day of the new shares, if all necessary information is available at that time. Otherwise, the event is implemented as soon as practicable after the relevant information is made available. MSCI implements pending number of shares and/or free float updates simultaneously with the event, unless the change in number of shares is less than 1% on a post-event number of shares basis, in which case it will be implemented at a subsequent index review. Changes in the number of shares smaller than 5% are implemented at a subsequent index review. Secondary offerings/block sales with sizes representing at least 5% of the security’s pre-event number of shares are implemented at the time of the event. All changes resulting from corporate events are announced prior to their implementation, provided all necessary information on the event is available.
MSCI’s quarterly index review process is designed to ensure that the country indices continue to be an accurate reflection of evolving equity markets. This goal is achieved by timely reflecting significant market driven changes that were not captured in each index at the time of their actual occurrence and that should not wait until the semi-annual index review due to their importance. These quarterly index reviews may result in additions and deletions of component securities from a country index (or a security being removed from one country listing and represented by a different country listing) and changes in “foreign inclusion factors” and in number of shares. Additions and deletions to component securities may result from: the addition of large companies that did not meet the minimum size criterion for inclusion at the time of their initial public offering or secondary offering; the replacement of companies which are no longer suitable industry representatives; the deletion of securities whose overall free float has fallen to less than 15% and that do not meet specified criteria; the deletion of securities that have become very small or illiquid; and the addition or deletion of securities as a result of other market events. Significant changes in free float estimates and corresponding changes in the foreign inclusion factor for component securities may result from: corporate events that should have been implemented at the time of such event but could not be reflected immediately due to lack of publicly available details at the time of the event; exercise of IPO over-allotment options which result in an increase in free float; increases in foreign ownership limits; decreases in foreign ownership limits which did not require foreign investors to immediately sell shares in the market; re-estimates of free float figures resulting from the reclassification of shareholders from strategic to non-strategic, and vice versa; the end of lock-up periods or expiration of loyalty incentives for non-strategic shareholders; and conversion of a non-index constituent share class or an unlisted line of shares which has an impact on index constituents. However, no changes in foreign inclusion factors are implemented for any of the above events if the change in free float estimate is less than 1%, except in cases of correction. As discussed above, small changes in the number of shares resulting from, for example, exercise of options or warrants and employee stock option plans, conversion of convertible bonds or other instruments (including periodic conversion of preferred stocks), conversion of a non-index constituent share class or an unlisted line of shares which has an impact on index constituents, periodical conversion of a share class into another share class, exercise of over-allotment options, periodic share buybacks, the cancellation of shares, acquisition for shares of non-listed companies or assets, or other events that could not be implemented on or near the effective dates where no price adjustment factor is necessary, are generally updated at the quarterly index review rather than at the time of the event. The results of the quarterly index reviews are announced at least two weeks in advance of their effective implementation dates as of the close of the last business day of February and August. MSCI has noted that consistency is a factor in maintaining each component country index.
materiality requirement at a given semi-annual index review, foreign listings will remain eligible for such country even if the foreign listing materiality requirements are not met in the future.
The results of the semi-annual index reviews are announced at least two weeks in advance of their effective implementation date as of the close of the last business day of May and November.
Index maintenance also includes monitoring and completing adjustments for share changes, stock splits, stock dividends, and stock price adjustments due to company restructurings or spin-offs as well as deleting constituents that enter ineligible alert boards.
These guidelines and the policies implementing the guidelines are the responsibility of, and, ultimately, subject to adjustment by, MSCI.
License Agreement between MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”) and GS Finance Corp.
The MSCI indices are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names are service mark(s) of MSCI or its affiliates and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by GS Finance Corp. Notes referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such notes. No purchaser, seller or holder of notes, or any other person or entity, should use or refer to any MSCI trade name, trademark or service mark to sponsor, endorse, market or promote notes without first contacting MSCI to determine whether MSCI’s permission is required. Under no circumstances may any person or entity claim any affiliation with MSCI without the prior written permission of MSCI.
NASDAQ-100 Index®
The NASDAQ-100 Index®, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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has a base date of January 31, 1985, with a base value of 125.00, as adjusted; y |
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is calculated, maintained and published by Nasdaq, Inc. |
The NASDAQ-100 Index® includes 100 of the largest domestic and international non-financial stocks listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market based on market capitalization. The NASDAQ-100 Index® is a “price return” index and is calculated using a modified market capitalization-weighted methodology. We have derived all information contained in this underlier supplement regarding the NASDAQ-100 Index®from publicly available information. Additional information about the NASDAQ-100 Index® is available on the following website: We are not incorporating by reference the website or any material it includes in this underlier supplement.
As of February 12, 2020, the 103 stocks included in the NASDAQ-100 Index® were classified into seven industry sectors (with the approximate percentage currently included in such sectors indicated in parentheses): Technology (57.85%), Consumer Services (21.93%), Health Care (6.38%), Consumer Goods (6.44%), Industrials (5.69%), Telecommunications (0.84%) and Utilities (0.87%). (Sector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.)
The top ten constituent stocks of the NASDAQ-100 Index® as of February 12, 2020, by weight, are: Apple Inc. (11.74%), Microsoft Corporation (11.38%), Inc. (8.65%), Alphabet Inc. Class A (4.22%), Alphabet Inc. Class C (4.21%), Facebook Inc. (4.10%), Intel Corporation (3.02%), Cisco Systems Inc. (2.18%), Comcast Corporation (2.15%) and PepsiCo Inc. (2.10%).
Construction of the NASDAQ-100 Index®
The NASDAQ-100 Index® is a modified market capitalization-weighted index. Except under extraordinary circumstances that may result in an interim evaluation, NASDAQ-100 Index®composition is reviewed on an annual basis in December. First, Nasdaq, Inc. determines which stocks meet the applicable eligibility criteria.
Selection Criteria for Initial Inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®
To be eligible for initial inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®, a stock must meet the following criteria:
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the issuer of the stock’s primary U.S. listing must be exclusively listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market or the NASDAQ Global Market (unless the stock was dually listed on another U.S. market prior to January 1, 2004 and has continuously maintained such listing); |
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the stock must be issued by a non-financial company. Non-financial companies are those companies that are classified under any Industry Code except 8000 according to the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB), a product of FTSE International Limited; |
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the stock may not be issued by an issuer currently in bankruptcy proceedings; |
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the stock must have a minimum three-month average daily trading volume (“ADTV”) of 200,000 shares (measured annually during the ranking review process). The ADTV is determined by calculating the average of the sum product of the stock’s daily trading volume for each day during the previous three month period; |
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the issuer of the stock may not have entered into a definitive agreement or other arrangement which would likely result in the stock no longer being eligible for inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®; |
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the issuer of the stock may not have annual financial statements with an audit opinion that is currently withdrawn. This will be determined based upon a stock issuer’s public filings with the SEC; y |
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the stock must have “seasoned” on Nasdaq, NYSE or NYSE Amex. Generally, a company is considered to be seasoned if it has been listed on a market for at least three full months (excluding the first month of initial listing). |
Stock types generally eligible for inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index® are common stocks, ordinary shares, ADRs and tracking stocks. Closed-end funds, convertible debentures, exchange traded funds, limited liability companies, limited partnership interests, preferred stocks, rights, shares or units of beneficial interest, warrants, units and other derivative stocks are not eligible for inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®. For purposes of NASDAQ-100 Index® eligibility criteria, if the stock is a depositary receipt representing a stock of a non-U.S. issuer, then references to the “issuer” are references to the issuer of the underlying stock. The NASDAQ-100 Index® does not contain securities of investment companies.
Continued Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for continued inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®, a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock must meet the following criteria:
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the issuer of the stock’s primary U.S. listing must be exclusively listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market or the Nasdaq Global Market; |
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the stock must be issued by a non-financial company; |
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the stock may not be issued by an issuer currently in bankruptcy proceedings; |
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the stock must have an ADTV of at least 200,000 shares (measured annually during the ranking review process); |
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if the issuer of the stock is organized under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the U.S., then such stock must have listed options on a recognized options market in the U.S. or be eligible for listed-options trading on a recognized options market in the U.S.; |
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the issuer must have an adjusted market capitalization equal to or exceeding 0.10% of the aggregate adjusted market capitalization of the NASDAQ-100 Index® at each month-end. In the event a company does not meet this criterion for two consecutive month-ends, it is removed from the NASDAQ-100 Index®effective after the close of trading on the third Friday of the following month; y |
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the issuer of the stock may not have annual financial statements with an audit opinion that is currently withdrawn. |
All stocks meeting the above criteria will be considered eligible for inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®. Those stocks which are found to meet the applicable eligibility criteria during the annual review are then ranked by market capitalization. While there is no minimum market capitalization requirement, inclusion will be determined based on the top 100 issuers with the largest market capitalization meeting all other eligibility requirements. Market capitalization is determined by multiplying a stock’s last sale price by its total number of shares outstanding. The last sale price refers to the price at which a stock last traded during regular market hours as reported on such stock’s index market, which may be the Nasdaq Official Closing Price (NOCP). The index market is the index eligible stock market for which the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock’s prices are received and used by Nasdaq, Inc. for purposes of calculating the NASDAQ-100 Index®.
The data used in the process of ranking by market capitalization includes end of October market data and is updated for total shares outstanding submitted in an index stock issuer’s publicly filed SEC document via the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval system (EDGAR) through the end of November. If a stock is a depositary receipt, the total shares outstanding is the actual depositary shares outstanding as reported by the depositary banks.
The final list of constituents included in the NASDAQ-100 Index®, including any replacements made during the annual review, is made effective after the close of trading on the third Friday in December. Generally, the list of annual additions and deletions as a result of the annual review is publicly announced by Nasdaq, Inc. via a press release in the early part of December, in conjunction with an announcement on Nasdaq, Inc.’s website.
NASDAQ-100 Index® Calculation
The discussion below describes the “price return” calculation of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. As compared to the total return or notional net total return versions of the NASDAQ-100 Index®, the price return version is ordinarily calculated without regard to cash dividends on the NASDAQ-100 Index® stocks. However, all NASDAQ-100 Index® calculations reflect extraordinary cash distributions and special dividends.
The NASDAQ-100 Index® is a modified market capitalization-weighted index. The value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® equals the NASDAQ-100 Index®market value divided by the NASDAQ-100 Index® divisor. The overall NASDAQ-100 Index® market value is the aggregate of each NASDAQ-100 Index® stock’s market value, as may be adjusted for any corporate actions. A NASDAQ-100 Index® stock’s market value is determined by multiplying the last sale price by its index share weight, also known as “index shares”. Index shares are equal to the total number of shares outstanding for a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock. In other words, the value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® is equal to (i) the sum del productos of (a) the index shares of each of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stocks multiplied by (b) each such stock’s last sale price (adjusted for corporate actions, if any), divided by (ii) the divisor of the NASDAQ-100 Index®.
The price return NASDAQ-100 Index® divisor is calculated as the ratio of (i) the start of day market value of the NASDAQ-100 Index®divided by (ii) the previous day NASDAQ-100 Index® value.
If trading in a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is halted on its primary listing market, the most recent last sale price for that stock is used for all NASDAQ-100 Index® computations until trading on such market resumes. Similarly, the most recent last sale price is used if trading in a NASDAQ-100 Index®stock is halted on its primary listing market before the market opens.
The NASDAQ-100 Index® is calculated in U.S. dollars during the U.S. market trading day based on the last sale price and are disseminated once per second from 09:30:01 until 17:16:00 ET. The closing value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® may change up until 17:15:00 ET due to corrections to the last sale price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stocks. The official closing value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® is ordinarily disseminated at 17:16:00 ET.
NASDAQ-100 Index® Maintenance
Changes to NASDAQ-100 Index® Constituents
with the largest market capitalization issuer not currently in the NASDAQ-100 Index® that meets the applicable eligibility criteria for initial inclusion in the NASDAQ-100 Index®.
Ordinarily, a stock will be removed from the NASDAQ-100 Index® at its last sale price. However, if at the time of its removal the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is halted from trading on its primary listing market and an official closing price cannot readily be determined, the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock may, in Nasdaq, Inc.s discretion, be removed at a price of $0.00000001 (“zero price”). This zero price will be applied to the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock after the close of the market but prior to the time the official closing value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® is disseminated.
Divisor Adjustments
The divisor is adjusted to ensure that changes in NASDAQ-100 Index® constituents either by corporate actions (that adjust either the price or shares of a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock) or NASDAQ-100 Index® participation outside of trading hours do not affect the value of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. All divisor changes occur after the close of the applicable index stock markets.
Quarterly NASDAQ-100 Index® Rebalancing
On a quarterly basis coinciding with the quarterly scheduled index shares adjustment procedures in March, June and September, as discussed below, the NASDAQ-100 Index® will be rebalanced if it is determined that (1) the current weight of the single NASDAQ-100 Index® stock with the largest market capitalization is greater than 24.0% of the NASDAQ-100 Index® o (2) the collective weight of those stocks whose individual current weights are in excess of 4.5% exceeds 48.0% of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. If either one or both of the above weight distribution conditions are met upon quarterly review, or Nasdaq, Inc. determines that a special rebalancing is necessary, a weight rebalancing will be performed.
If the first weight distribution condition is met and the current weight of the single NASDAQ-100 Index® stock with the largest market capitalization is greater than 24.0%, then the weights of all stocks with weights greater than 4.5% will be scaled down proportionately toward 1.0% until the adjusted weight of the single largest NASDAQ-100 Index® stock reaches 20.0%.
If the second weight distribution condition is met and the collective weight of those stocks whose individual current weights are in excess of 4.5% (or adjusted weights in accordance with the previous step, if applicable) exceeds 48.0% of the NASDAQ-100 Index®, then the weights of all stocks with weights greater than 4.5% in that group will be scaled down proportionately toward 1.0% until their collective weight, so adjusted, is equal to 40.0%.
On an annual basis coinciding with the annual evaluation in December, the NASDAQ-100 Index® will be rebalanced if it is determined that the collective weight of the five largest NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks by weight, when added together, exceeds 40.0% of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. In addition, a special rebalancing of the NASDAQ-100 Index® may be conducted at any time if it is determined necessary to maintain the integrity of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. If the weight distribution requirement is met upon the annual evaluation or it is determined that a special rebalancing is required, a weight rebalancing will be performed. If the collective weight of the five largest NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks by weight, when added together, exceeds 40.0% of the NASDAQ-100 Index®at the time of the annual evaluation, those top five NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks will be scaled down proportionately towards 1.0% for the collective weight, so adjusted, to be set to 38.5%. The excess weight due to capping from the five largest, capped NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks is redistributed to the remaining NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks. Thereafter, all other NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks are capped at 4.5% and the weight is proportionally redistributed to all NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks that have not yet been capped. If, after capping the top five NASDAQ-100 Index®stocks to reduce the aggregate weight to 38.5%, the fifth largest NASDAQ-100 Index®stock has a weight less than 4.5%, all remaining securities are capped at the weight of the fifth largest NASDAQ-100 Index®stock.
adjustment or annual evaluation, the index weights will be determined anew based upon the last sale prices and aggregate capitalization of the NASDAQ-100 Index® at the close of trading on the last calendar day in February, May, August and November. Changes to the index shares will be made effective after the close of trading on the third Friday in March, June, September and December, and an adjustment to the divisor is made to ensure continuity of the NASDAQ-100 Index®. Ordinarily, new rebalanced index weights will be determined by applying the above procedures to the current index weights. However, Nasdaq, Inc. may, from time to time, determine rebalanced weights, if necessary, by applying the above procedure to the actual current market capitalization of the NASDAQ-100 Index® componentes. In such instances, Nasdaq, Inc. would announce the different basis for rebalancing prior to its implementation.
At the quarterly rebalancing, data is cutoff as of the previous month end and no changes are made to the NASDAQ-100 Index® from that cutoff until the quarterly index share change effective date, except in the case of changes due to corporate actions with an ex-date.
Corporate Actions and NASDAQ-100 Index® Adjustments
Aside from changes resulting from quarterly rebalancing, intra-quarter changes in index shares driven by corporate events can also result from a change in a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock’s total shares outstanding that is greater than 10.0%. If a stock is a depositary receipt, the total shares outstanding is the actual depositary shares outstanding as reported by the depositary banks. Changes in the price and/or index shares driven by corporate events such as stock dividends, stock splits and certain spin-offs and rights issuances are adjusted on the ex-date. Changes in total shares outstanding are determined by an index stock issuer’s public filings with the SEC. If the change in total shares outstanding arising from other corporate actions is greater than or equal to 10.0%, the change is made as soon as practicable. Otherwise, if the change in total shares outstanding is less than 10.0%, then all such changes are accumulated and made effective at one time on a quarterly basis after the close of trading on the third Friday in each of March, June, September and December. The index shares are derived from the stock’s total shares outstanding. The index shares are then adjusted by the same percentage amount by which the total shares outstanding have changed.
The following corporate actions will be made effective on the ex-date. If there is no ex-date announced by the index exchange, there will be no adjustment to the NASDAQ-100 Index® as a result of a corporate action.
Stock Split and Stock Dividend. A stock split and stock dividend is the action of a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock in increasing its index shares and decreasing the par value proportionately. There is no flow of capital into or out of the company. The number of index shares in the NASDAQ-100 Index® increases but the market capitalization of the stock remains unchanged. The price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is adjusted to reflect the ratio of a stock split and stock dividend and a corresponding inverse adjustment to the index shares is made.
Reverse Stock Split. A reverse stock split is the action of a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock in decreasing its index shares and decreasing the par value in proportion. There is no flow of capital into or out of the company. The number of index shares in the NASDAQ-100 Index® decreases but the market capitalization of the stock remains unchanged. The price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is adjusted to reflect the ratio of the reverse stock split and a corresponding inverse adjustment to the index shares is made.
Special Cash Dividends. A dividend is considered “special” if the information provided by the listing exchange in their announcement of the ex-date indicates that the dividend is special. Other nomenclature for a special dividend may include, but is not limited to, “extra”, “extraordinary”, “non-recurring”, “one-time” and “unusual”. The price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock in the NASDAQ-100 Index® is adjusted for the amount of the special cash dividend.
the holder to choose between receiving cash or stock, the adjustment will be made in the manner in which the dividend has been announced by the index exchange.
Stock Distribution of Another Stock. If a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is distributing shares of a different stock, the value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock will be adjusted downward to reflect the ratio of the distribution. There is no adjustment to index shares. If the stock being distributed is another class of common shares of the same issuer, the value of the existing NASDAQ-100 Index® stock will be adjusted downward to reflect the ratio of the distribution with no adjustment to index shares, and the new class of shares may be added to the NASDAQ-100 Index® on a pro-rata basis.
Spin-offs. If a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is spinning off a stock, the value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock will be adjusted downward to reflect the ratio of the distribution. There is no adjustment to index shares. If a when-issued market is established for the spin-off company, the price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is adjusted downward by the value of the spinoff. The value of the spin-off is determined by multiplying the spin-off ratio by the when-issued price. In the event the value of the spinoff has not been established as indicated above then no price adjustment is made to the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock. The new stock resulting from the spin-off transaction is not added to the NASDAQ-100 Index®.
Rights Offerings. The price of a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is adjusted on the ex-date for rights offerings if the rights are transferable and the offering has a subscription price on an equivalent per share basis that is less than the closing price of the underlying stock (the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock the right entitles a holder to purchase) on the day prior to the ex-date. The price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is adjusted downward for the value of the right. The value of the right is equal to (1) (i) the previous last sale price of the underlying stock minus (ii) the sum of (a) the subscription price of the right más (b) the cash dividend of the underlying stock, if any, divided by (2) the number of rights required to purchase one share más uno.
Corporate actions are implemented in the NASDAQ-100 Index® in accordance with the NASDAQ-100 Index® maintenance rules discussed above. The divisor will also be adjusted as a result of corporate actions that adjust either the price or shares of a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock. Nasdaq, Inc. will make announcements prior to the effective date of any corporate actions.
In the case of mergers and acquisitions, the index stock issuer may be removed the day following the shareholder vote or the expected expiration of the tender offer, provided the acquisition is not contested. In the event the acquisition is contested, the removal of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock will occur as soon as reasonably practicable, once results have been received indicating that the acquisition will likely be successful.
If a company files for bankruptcy, the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock or stocks of the issuer will be removed from the NASDAQ-100 Index® as soon as practicable thereafter. The value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stock will be considered $0.00000001 if no other applicable price can be observed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market or the Nasdaq Global Market.
Discretionary Adjustments
In addition to the above, Nasdaq, Inc. may, from time to time, exercise reasonable discretion as it deems appropriate in order to ensure NASDAQ-100 Index® integrity, including, but not limited to, changes to quantitative inclusion criteria. Nasdaq, Inc. may also, due to special circumstances, if deemed essential, apply discretionary adjustments to ensure and maintain the quality of the NASDAQ-100 Index® construction and calculation.
Market Disruption Events
If a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock does not trade on its primary listing market on a given day or such index market has not opened for trading, the most recent last sale price from the index market (adjusted for corporate actions, if any) is used. If a NASDAQ-100 Index® stock is halted from trading on its index market during the trading day, the most recent last sale price is used until trading resumes.
The closing value of the NASDAQ-100 Index® may change up until 17:15:00 ET due to corrections to the last sale price of the NASDAQ-100 Index® stocks. In the event that a change has been made to the NASDAQ-100 Index® intraday, Nasdaq, Inc. will make an announcement describing such change. In the event a NASDAQ-100 Index® calculation has been corrected retroactively, an announcement will be provided.
License Agreement between Nasdaq, Inc. and GS Finance Corp.
The Product(s) is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by NASDAQ, Inc. or its affiliates (NASDAQ, with its affiliates, are referred to as the “Corporations”). The Corporations have not passed on the legality or suitability of, or the accuracy or adequacy of descriptions and disclosures relating to, the Product(s). The Corporations make no representation or warranty, express or implied to the owners of the Product(s) or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Product(s) particularly, or the ability of the NASDAQ-100® Index to track general stock market performance. The Corporations' only relationship to GS Finance Corp. (“Licensee”) is in the licensing of the Nasdaq®, NASDAQ-100 Index®, and certain trade names of the Corporations and the use of the NASDAQ-100 Index® which is determined, composed and calculated by NASDAQ without regard to Licensee or the Product(s). NASDAQ has no obligation to take the needs of the Licensee or the owners of the Product(s) into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the NASDAQ-100 Index®. The Corporations are not responsible for and have not participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Product(s) to be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which the Product(s) is to be converted into cash. The Corporations have no liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the Product(s).
The Corporations do not guarantee the accuracy and/or uninterrupted calculation of Nasdaq-100 Index® or any data included therein. The Corporations make no warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by Licensee, owners of the product(s), or any other person or entity from the use of the Nasdaq-100 Index®or any data included therein. The Corporations make no express or implied warranties, and expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Nasdaq-100 Index® or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall the Corporations have any liability for any lost profits or special, incidental, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages, even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
Nikkei 225
The Nikkei Stock Average, more commonly known as the Nikkei 225:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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was first published on September 7, 1950 and was originally calculated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange but has been calculated by Nikkei Inc. since 1970; y |
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is calculated, published and disseminated daily by Nikkei Inc. |
The Nikkei 225 is comprised of 225 highly liquid stocks of the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section and aims to maintain long-term continuity and reflect changes in industry structure. The real-time price return Japanese yen value of the Nikkei 225 is reported by Bloomberg under the ticker symbol “NKY”. According to Nikkei Inc., the Nikkei 225 has been widely followed throughout its history as a barometer of the Japanese equity markets and the Japanese economy following World War II. Additional information about the Nikkei 225 can be found on Nikkei Inc.’s website at: We are not incorporating by reference the website or any material it includes in this document. Nikkei Inc. is under no obligation to continue to publish the Nikkei 225 and may discontinue the Nikkei 225 at any time as further described below.
Nikkei Inc. maintains an industry classification system of 36 industries, which it reclassifies into six industry sectors for purposes of the Nikkei 225. The six industry sectors, and the underlying 36 industry classifications, are as follows:
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Tecnología — Pharmaceuticals, Electric Machinery, Automobiles and Automobile Parts, Precision Instruments and Communications; |
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Financials — Banking, Other Financial Services, Securities and Insurance; |
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Consumer Goods — Fishery, Foods, Retail and Services; |
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Materials — Mining, Textiles and Apparel, Pulp and Paper, Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber, Glass and Ceramics, Steel, Nonferrous Metals and Trading Companies; |
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Capital Goods/Others — Construction, Machinery, Shipbuilding, Transportation Equipment, Other Manufacturing and Real Estate; y |
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Transportation and Utilities — Railway and Bus, Land Transport, Marine Transport, Air Transport, Warehousing, Electric Power and Gas. |
As of February 12, 2020, the following sectors had the following weights in the Nikkei 225: Technology (47.18%), Financials (2.17%), Consumer Goods (23.66%), Materials (13.87%), Capital Goods/Others (10.64%) and Transportation and Utilities (2.48%). Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. (Sector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.)
As of 12 de febrero de 2020, the top ten constituents of the Nikkei 225 and their respective weights were:
Empresa |
Weight (%) |
Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. |
8.93% |
Softbank Group Corp. |
5.21% |
Tokyo Electron Ltd. |
3.80% |
Fanuc Corp. |
3.16% |
KDDI Corp. |
3.12% |
Daikin Industries, Ltd. |
2.43% |
Terumo Corp. |
2.36% |
Kyocera Corp. |
2.23% |
Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. |
2.05% |
Shin-Etsu Checmical Co., Ltd |
2.01% |
The information in the table and paragraph above was derived from sources we deem reputable but without independent verification by us. The other information regarding the index methodology described herein was derived from English language documents on Nikkei Inc.’s website but without independent verification. Please note that in any case where differences arise between the English version of Nikkei Inc.’s index guide and the original Japanese version, the original Japanese document will prevail.
Construction of the Nikkei 225
In order to be eligible for the Nikkei 225, a stock must be an ordinary share of a domestic company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section. Non-ordinary shares such as exchange-traded funds, real estate investment trusts, preferred stock, preferred securities and tracking stocks are not eligible. The constituents of the Nikkei 225 are reviewed once each year at the beginning of October (the “annual review”) and changes are typically implemented on the first trading day of October. There is no limit to the number of additions or deletions that may result from the annual review. The annual review focuses on 1) a stock’s liquidity in the market and 2) industry sector balance. The purpose of the annual review is to maintain market representativeness of the constituents.
First, Nikkei Inc. assesses the liquidity of all eligible stocks by considering two factors: trading value of the preceding 5 years and magnitude of price fluctuation by volume of the preceding 5 years. Magnitude of price fluctuation by volume is calculated as the quotient of (1) the quotient of (i) the stock’s high price divided by (ii) such stock’s low price divided by (2) such stock’s trading volume. After performing the liquidity assessment, the stocks are then ranked in descending order of liquidity and the top 450 stocks constitute the “high liquidity group” and remain eligible for inclusion in the Nikkei 225. Any current constituents falling outside of the high liquidity group (ranked 451 or lower based on liquidity) are deleted from the Nikkei 225. Of those stocks in the high liquidity group, the top 75 with the highest liquidity and not already a constituent are added to the Nikkei 225.
the lowest liquidity are removed from the Nikkei 225 until the overage is corrected. If any of the sectors are under-represented (i.e., there are a lesser number of actual constituents in the Nikkei 225 for the sector relative to the target number of stocks for such sector), non-constituent stocks within the high liquidity group are added in order of descending liquidity so those stocks with the highest liquidity are added to the Nikkei 225 until the shortage is corrected. This process is performed to achieve a group of 225 constituents that reflect the intended sector balance.
Calculation of the Nikkei 225
The Nikkei 225 is a weighted price average index in which the level of the Nikkei 225 is calculated as the quotient of (i) the sum of all constituents’ adjusted stock prices divided by (ii) the divisor (as described below). A constituent’s adjusted stock price is its stock price as adjusted by the presumed par value and such adjusted stock price is equal to the quotient of (i) the producto of (a) the stock’s price times (b) 50 yen divided by (ii) the presumed par value of such stock (in yen). The Nikkei 225 level is rounded to the nearest hundredth and is calculated and published every 5 seconds beginning at 9 am (Tokyo time) daily.
The stock price used in the calculation is typically the last traded price of the constituent. In some cases, however, the Tokyo Stock Exchange publishes a special quote for the constituent, and the special quote price will be used. When this occurs, the special quote tends to be, but is not always, an intraday price. If neither a special quote price nor a traded price is available, Nikkei Inc. will use the base price, which is usually the price used in calculating the Nikkei 225 on the prior day. In the case of a stock that is trading ex-rights (e.g., after a stock split) for the first time on that day, however, Nikkei Inc. calculates an ex-rights theoretical price based on the price used for calculation on the preceding day and the appropriate adjustment to reflect the change in the stock. Nikkei Inc. does not adjust for dividends in calculating the Nikkei 225.
The presumed par value of the constituent is intended to reflect the historical basis on which the stock is traded. Japanese law abolished the concept of par value for stocks in 2001, but many stock prices reflect the former par value, such as 50, 500 or 50,000 yen. For example, stocks traded in units of 1 share (ex-par value of 50,000 yen) and stocks traded in units of 100 or 1000 shares have different price levels. Therefore, in order to calculate the Nikkei 225 on a consistent basis, Nikkei Inc. adjusts the constituent prices, usually to a presumed par value of 50 yen. Most of the constituents have a presumed par value of 50 yen, which means their original prices are simply used for purposes of calculating the Nikkei 225. However, not all constituents have a presumed par value of 50 yen – presumed par values of current constituents range from 25 yen to 500 yen. The presumed par value for each constituent is published on Nikkei Inc.’s website.
The presumed par value also may be adjusted to reflect large scale stock splits or reverse splits. In these situations, Nikkei Inc. believes a divisor adjustment will not ensure continuity of the Nikkei 225. Instead of adjusting the divisor, Nikkei Inc. adjusts the presumed par value or, in some cases, the constituent price. For example, if a stock with a presumed par value of 50 yen splits 1 to 2, the presumed par value will be changed to 25 yen. In calculating the Nikkei 225, the constituent price will be doubled to reflect the 50 par yen basis for calculating the Nikkei 225. In the case of a small scale split (such as a split of 1 to 1.1), the divisor will be adjusted instead of the presumed par value.
Divisor Adjustments
As noted above, the Nikkei 225 is calculated as an adjusted price average index, where the weight is based on the presumed par value. The divisor is intended to maintain continuity of the Nikkei 225 and is the denominator of the fraction used to calculate the average. The divisor was initially the number of constituents, but has been changed over time to reflect stock splits, reverse splits, paid-in capital increases and other changes in the constituents.
case of large scale splits and reverse splits, in which the presumed par value is changed as discussed above.
The divisor for the next index day is calculated as the producto of (i) the current day’s divisor times (ii) the quotient of (a) the sum of the base prices for the next day’s constituents divided by (b) the sum of the closing prices of the current day’s constituents used to calculate the Nikkei 225 level for the current day. For purposes of calculating the divisor, the base prices for the next day’s constituents are calculated as follows:
• |
The base price for stocks the prices of which are no changed based on non-market events will be the same as the current day’s price used in calculating the Nikkei 225. |
• |
The base price for stocks the presumed par value of which are changed will be the same as the current day’s price used in calculating the Nikkei 225 (and as a result of the presumed par value change, no change in the divisor will occur). |
• |
The base price for stocks the prices of which will change for non-market corporate events will be a theoretical price calculated based on the current day’s prices and the ex-rights change in the stock. |
• |
The base price for stocks becoming new index constituents on the next day will be the prices calculated for those stocks as if they were current constituents as discussed above. |
As of January 14, 2020, the divisor of the Nikkei 225 was 27.76. The divisor is published on Nikkei Inc.’s website on each Tokyo Stock Exchange trading day and is rounded to the nearest one-thousandth. For additional information about the divisor, as well as calculation examples of divisor changes, please see the index guide on Nikkei Inc.’s website.
Maintenance of the Nikkei 225
Extraordinary Replacement
In addition to additions and deletions of constituents resulting from the annual review, changes to index constituents may also be made as a result of certain extraordinary events. Stocks delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section as a result of bankruptcy, stocks designated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a “security to be delisted,” stocks of companies in bankruptcy, liquidation and similar events, stocks affected by corporate restructuring (including mergers, share exchanges and share transfers), stocks delisted due to excess debt, or stocks transferred to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Second Section will be deleted from the Nikkei 225. Constituents that are designated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange as “securities under supervision” become deletion candidates, but deletion is not automatic and the sustainability and probability of delisting from the exchange will be considered in determining whether to delete the constituent from the Nikkei 225.
If a constituent has been deleted from the Nikkei 225 based on an event described above, a stock will be added to replace the deleted constituent by selecting the highest liquidity stock in the same sector as the deleted constituent from the high liquidity group determined during the last annual review. However, if a deletion is scheduled close to an annual review, additional stocks may be selected as part of the applicable annual review process. Additionally, if there are multiple deletions in a short period of time not close to a scheduled annual review, the standard annual review process assessing liquidity and sector balance will be followed to select new constituents rather than referring to the last annual review list.
Special Rules for Additions Resulting from Other Corporate Actions
Notwithstanding the process above, the following procedures may be applied in certain cases of corporate restructuring. Application of these special rules is determined for each particular case. Where (i) a constituent is merged and delisted or (ii) a newly established listed parent company receives its shares by transfer or exchange from another constituent, the delisted stock may be replaced by the successor company’s stock if it is or will be listed within a short period on the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section. In the case of spin-offs where multiple companies remain listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section, the stock of the company that succeeds to the major operations of the former company will become a constituent of the Nikkei 225.
Changes to the Nikkei 225 Methodology
Although the Nikkei 225 is calculated and maintained in accordance with the information provided in the methodology maintained on Nikkei Inc.’s website, Nikkei Inc. has discretion to take measures it deems appropriate upon the occurrence of events which are not covered in the methodology or in circumstances where it is difficult to continue to calculate the Nikkei 225 using the rules described in such methodology.
License Agreement between Nikkei Inc. and GS Finance Corp.
Goldman Sachs has entered into a non-exclusive license agreement with Nikkei Inc. (“NKI”) whereby GS Finance Corp., in exchange for a fee, will be permitted to use the Nikkei 225 in connection with the offer and sale of your security. Any intellectual property rights relating to the Nikkei 225 belong to NKI. Goldman Sachs is not affiliated with NKI; the only relationship between NKI and Goldman Sachs is the licensing of the use of the Nikkei 225 and trademarks relating to the Nikkei 225.
NKI is under no obligation to continue the calculation and dissemination of the Nikkei 225. Your security is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or otherwise promoted by NKI. No inference should be drawn from the information contained herein that NKI makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, to us or any holder of your security or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in your security in particular or the ability of the Nikkei 225 to track generally stock market performance.
NKI determines, composes and calculates the Nikkei 225 without regard to your security. NKI has no obligation to take into account your interest, or that of anyone else having an interest, in your security in determining, composing or calculating the Nikkei 225 or any successor index. NKI is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the terms, prices or amount of your security and will not be responsible for or participate in any determination or calculation regarding the principal amount of your security payable at the stated maturity date. NKI has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of your security.
Neither NKI nor any of its affiliates accepts any responsibility for the calculation, maintenance or publication of the Nikkei 225. NKI disclaims all responsibility for any errors or omissions in the calculation and dissemination of the Nikkei 225 or the manner in which the Nikkei 225 is applied in determining the level of the Nikkei 225 or any amount payable upon maturity of your security.
Russell 2000® Index
The Russell 2000® Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
• |
is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
• |
does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
• |
was first launched in 1984 based on an initial value of 100 as of December 31, 1978; y |
• |
is sponsored by FTSE Russell (“FTSE Russell”) |
The Russell 2000® Index measures the composite price performance of stocks of 2,000 companies in the U.S. equity market. It is generally considered to be a “small-cap” index. Additional information about the Russell 2000® Index is available on the following website: We are not incorporating by reference the website or any material it includes in this underlier supplement.
As of February 12, 2020, the 2,000 companies included in the Russell 2000® Index were divided into nine Russell Global Sectors. The Russell Global Sectors include (with the approximate percentage currently included in such sectors indicated in parentheses): Consumer Discretionary (12.84%), Consumer Staples (2.55%), Financial Services (25.81%), Health Care (18.06%), Materials & Processing (6.49%), Other Energy (2.73%), Producer Durables (14.13%), Technology (12.83%) and Utilities (4.56%). (Sector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.)
The Russell 2000® Index includes approximately 2,000 of the smallest securities that form the Russell 3000® Index. The Russell 3000® Index is comprised of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies, or 98% based on market capitalization, of the investable U.S. equity market. The Russell 2000® Index is designed to track the performance of the small capitalization segment of the U.S. equity market.
Selection of Constituent Stocks of the Russell 2000® Index
The Russell 2000® Index is a sub-index of the Russell 3000® Index. To be eligible for inclusion in the Russell 3000® Index, and, consequently, the Russell 2000® Index, a company’s stocks must be listed on the rank day in May of a given year (the timetable is announced each spring) and FTSE Russell must have access to documentation verifying the company’s eligibility for inclusion. Eligible initial public offerings (“IPOs”) are added to Russell U.S. Indices quarterly, based on total market capitalization rankings within the market-adjusted capitalization breaks established during the most recent reconstitution. To be added to any Russell U.S. index during a quarter outside of reconstitution, IPOs must meet additional eligibility criteria.
headquarters of the company is located in the United States or if the headquarters of the company is located in certain “benefit-driven incorporation countries”, or “BDIs”, and that company’s most liquid stock exchange is in the United States. The BDI countries are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Cook Islands, Curaçao, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Panama, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten and Turks and Caicos Islands. A U.S.-listed company is not eligible for inclusion within the U.S. equity market if it has been classified by FTSE Russell as a China N share on the rank date of the index reconstitution. A company will be considered a China N share Si the following criteria are satisfied: (i) the company is incorporated outside of the People’s Republic of China, (ii) the company is listed on the NYSE, the NASDAQ or the NYSE American (formerly the NYSE MKT), (iii) over 55% of the revenue or assets de the company are derived from the People’s Republic of China, and (iv) the company is controlled by a mainland Chinese entity, company or individual (if the shareholder background cannot be determined with publicly available information, FTSE Russell will consider whether the establishment and origin of the company are in mainland China and whether the company is headquartered in mainland China). An existing China N Share which fails one or more of the following criteria will cease to be classified as a China N share: (i) the company is no longer incorporated outside the People’s Republic of China, (ii) the company is no longer listed on the NYSE, the NASDAQ exchange, or the NYSE American, (iii) the percentages of revenue and assets derived from the People’s Republic of China have both fallen below 45 percent, or (iv) the company is acquired/a controlling stake is held by a non-Mainland Chinese state entity, company or individual. Only asset and revenue data from the most recent annual report is considered when evaluating whether a company should be classified a China N share (i.e., there will be no two year averaging). ADRs and ADSs are not eligible for inclusion in the Russell 2000® Index.
In addition, all securities eligible for inclusion in the Russell 3000® Index, and consequently, the Russell 2000® Index, must trade on an eligible exchange (CBOE (formerly BATS), NYSE, NYSE American (formerly NYSE MKT), NYSE Arca and NASDAQ).
Exclusions from the Russell 2000® Index
FTSE Russell specifically excludes the following companies and securities from the Russell 2000® Index: (i) preferred and convertible preferred stock, redeemable shares, participating preferred stock, warrants, rights, depositary receipts, installment receipts and trust receipts; (ii) royalty trusts, U.S. limited liability companies, closed-end investment companies, companies that are required to report Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses (as defined by the SEC), including business development companies, blank check companies, special-purpose acquisition companies and limited partnerships; (iii) companies with a total market capitalization less than $30 million; (iv) companies with only a small portion of their shares available in the marketplace (companies with less than an absolute 5% of shares available); (v) bulletin board, pink sheets or over-the-counter traded securities, including securities for which prices are displayed on the FINRA ADF; (vi) real estate investment trusts and publicly traded partnerships that generate, or have historically generated, unrelated business taxable income and have not taken steps to block their unrelated business taxable income to equity holders; and (vii) companies with 5% or less of the company’s voting rights in the hands of unrestricted shareholders (existing constituents that do not currently have more than 5% of the company’s voting rights in the hands of unrestricted shareholders have until the September 2022 review to meet this requirement).
Initial List of Eligible Securities
capitalization. In cases where the common stock share classes act independently of each other (e.g., tracking stocks), each class is considered for inclusion separately. Stocks must have a closing price a or above $1.00 on their primary exchange or an eligible secondary exchange on the last trading day of May of each year to be eligible for inclusion in the Russell 2000® Index. In order to reduce unnecessary turnover, if an existing member’s closing price is less than $1.00 on the rank day in May, it will be considered eligible if the average of the daily closing prices from their primary exchange during the 30 days prior to the rank day is equal to or greater than $1.00. If an existing member does not trade on the rank day, it must price at $1.00 or above on another eligible U.S. exchange to remain eligible.
Multiple Share Classes
If an eligible company trades under multiple share classes or if a company distributes shares of an additional share class to its existing shareholders through a mandatory corporate action, each share class will be reviewed independently for inclusion. Share classes in addition to the primary vehicle (the pricing vehicle) that have a total market capitalization larger than $30 million, an average daily dollar trading value that exceeds that of the global median, and a float greater than 5% of shares available in the market place are eligible for inclusion.
The pricing vehicle will generally be designated as the share class with the highest two-year trading volume as of the rank day. In the absence of two years’ worth of data, all available data will be used for this calculation. If the difference between trading volumes for each share class is less than 20%, the share class with the most available shares outstanding will be used as the pricing vehicle. At least 100 day trading volume is necessary to consider the class as a pricing vehicle for existing members. New members will be analyzed on all available data, even if that data is for less than 100 days.
Annual Reconstitution
The Russell 2000® Index is reconstituted annually by FTSE Russell to reflect changes in the marketplace. The list of companies is ranked based on total market capitalization on the last trading day in May, with the actual reconstitution occurring on the final Friday of June each year, unless the final Friday in June is the 29th or 30th, in which case reconstitution will occur on the preceding Friday. A full calendar for reconstitution is made available each spring.
A company’s total shares are multiplied by the primary exchange close price of the pricing vehicle and used to determine the company’s total market capitalization for the purpose of ranking of companies and determination of index membership. If no volume exists on the primary exchange on the rank day, the last trade price from an eligible secondary exchange will be used where volume exists (using the lowest trade price above $1.00 if multiple secondary markets exist). The company’s rank will be determined based on the cumulative market capitalization. As of the June 2016 reconstitution, any share class not qualifying for eligibility independently will not be aggregated with the pricing vehicle within the available shares calculation.
For mergers and spin-offs that are effective between the rank day and the Friday prior to annual reconstitution in June, the market capitalizations of the impacted securities are recalculated and membership is reevaluated as of the effective date of the corporate action. For corporate events that occur during the final week of reconstitution (during which reconstitution is finalized Friday after U.S. market close), market capitalizations and memberships will not be reevaluated. Non index members that have been considered ineligible as of rank day will not be reevaluated in the event of a subsequent corporate action that occurs between rank day and the reconstitution effective date.
Index Calculation and Capitalization Adjustments
the calculation if the underlier for your notes is not the price return calculation. The current Russell 2000® Index value is the compounded result of the cumulative daily (or monthly) return percentages, where the starting value of the Russell 2000® Index is equal to the base value (100) and base date (December 31, 1978). Returns between any two dates can then be derived by dividing the ending period index value (IV1) by the beginning period (IV0 0) index value, so that the return equals ((IV1 / IV0 0) –1)*100.
Constituent stocks of the index are weighted in the Russell 2000® Index by their free-float market capitalization, which is calculated by multiplying the primary closing price by the number of free-float shares. Free-float shares are shares that are available to the public for purchase as determined by FTSE Russell. Adjustments to shares are reviewed quarterly (including at reconstitution) and for major corporate actions such as mergers. Total shares and adjustments for available shares are based on information recorded in SEC corporate filings.
The following are excluded from free float: shares directly owned by state, regional, municipal and local governments (excluding shares held by independently managed pension schemes for governments); shares held by sovereign wealth funds where each holding is 10% or greater of the total number of shares in issue; shares held by directors, senior executives and managers of the company, and by their family and direct relations, and by companies with which they are affiliated; shares held within employee share plans; shares held by public companies or by non-listed subsidiaries of public companies; shares held by founders, promoters, former directors, founding venture capital and private equity firms, private companies and individuals (including employees) where the holding is 10% or greater of the total number of shares in issue; all shares where the holder is subject to a lock-up clause (for the duration of that clause, after which free float changes resulting from the expiry of a lock-up will be implemented at the next quarterly review subject to the lock-up expiry date occurring on or prior to the share and float change information cut-off date); shares held by an investor, investment company or an investment fund that is actively participating in the management of a company or is holding shares for publicly announced strategic reasons, or has successfully placed a current member to the board of directors of a company; and shares that are subject to ongoing contractual agreements (such as swaps) where they would ordinarily be treated as restricted. In addition, while portfolio holdings such as pension funds, insurance funds or investment companies will generally not be considered as restricted from free float, where a single portfolio holding is 30% or greater it will be regarded as strategic and therefore restricted (and will remain restricted until the holding falls below 30%).
Corporate Actions Affecting the Index
FTSE Russell adjusts the Russell 2000® Index on a daily basis in response to certain corporate actions and events. Therefore, a company’s membership in the Russell 2000® Index and its weight in the Russell 2000® Index can be impacted by these corporate actions. The adjustment is applied based on sources of public information, including press releases and Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Prior to the completion of a corporate action or event, FTSE Russell estimates the effective date. FTSE Russell will then adjust the anticipated effective date based on public information until the date is considered final. Depending on the time on a given day that an action is determined to be final, FTSE Russell will generally either (1) apply the action before the open on the ex-date or (2) apply the action after providing appropriate notice. If FTSE Russell has confirmed the completion of a corporate action, scheduled to become effective subsequent to a rebalance, the event may be implemented in conjunction with the rebalance to limit turnover, provided appropriate notice can be given. FTSE Russell applies the following methodology guidelines when adjusting the Russell 2000® Index in response to corporate actions and events:
“No Replacement” Rule — Securities that are deleted from the Russell 2000® Index between reconstitution dates, for any reason (e.g., mergers, acquisitions or other similar corporate activity) are not replaced. Thus, the number of securities in the Russell 2000® Index over the past year will fluctuate according to corporate activity.
Adjustments due to mergers and acquisitions are applied to the Russell 2000® Index after the action is determined to be final. In the event that a constituent is being acquired for cash or is delisted subsequent to an index review, such constituent will be removed from the Russell 2000® Index in conjunction with the index review, assuming that the action is determined to be final and a minimum of two days’ notice can be provided.
Between constituents: When mergers and acquisitions take place between companies that are both constituents of a Russell index for cash, the target company is deleted from the Russell 2000® Index at the last traded price. When mergers and acquisitions take place between companies that are both constituents of a Russell index for stock, the target company is deleted from the Russell 2000® Index and the shares of the acquiring stock are increased according to the offer terms. When mergers and acquisitions take place between companies that are both constituents of a Russell index for cash or stock or a combination thereof, the target company is deleted from the Russell 2000® Index and the shares of the acquiring company are simultaneously increased per the merger terms.
Between a constituent and a non-constituent: If the target company is a member of the Russell 2000® Index, it is deleted from the Russell 2000® Index and the acquiring company will be included initially in the Russell 2000® Index provided it is eligible in all other respects at the time of the merger, regardless of previous eligibility screenings. If the acquiring company is deemed eligible it will be added to the Russell 2000® Index on the effective date and the opening price will be calculated using the offer terms. When the target company is a FTSE Russell Universe member, the shares of the member acquiring company will be updated to reflect the merger. Any share update will be made giving appropriate notice.
Given sufficient market hours after the confirmation of a merger or acquisition, FTSE Russell effects the action after the close on the last day of trading of the target company, or at an appropriate time once the transaction has been deemed to be final.
Rights Offerings — Rights offered to shareholders are reflected in the Russell 2000® Index only if the subscription price of the rights is at a discount to the market price of the stock. Provided that FTSE Russell has been alerted to the rights offer prior to the ex-date, it will adjust the price of the stock for the value of the rights and increased shares according to the terms of the offering before the open on the ex-date.
Spin-offs— Spun-off companies are added to the parent company’s index if the parent company’s market value is reduced simultaneously per the spin-off valuation. Spun-off companies are added to the Russell 2000® Index at the same time as they are spun-off from their parent company on the ex-date of the distribution.
Initial Public Offerings — Eligible IPOs are added to the Russell 2000® Index based on total market capitalization ranking within the market-adjusted capitalization breaks established at the most recent annual reconstitution.
An IPO of additional share classes will be considered for eligibility and must meet the same eligibility criteria for all other multiple share classes. If at the time of the IPO the additional share class does not meet the eligibility criteria for separate index membership, it will not be added to the Russell 2000® Index and will subsequently be reviewed for index membership during the next annual reconstitution.
Once IPO additions have been announced, an IPO may be added to the Russell 2000® Index prior to the previously announced schedule, if a corporate action has deemed this to be appropriate and notice can be provided (e.g. an index member automatically receives shares via a stock distribution into a projected IPO add).
accepted for payment; and (c) all pertinent offer conditions have been reasonably met and the acquirer has not explicitly stated that it does not intend to acquire the remaining shares; (ii) there is reason to believe that the remaining free float is under 5% based on information available at the time; or (iii) following completion of the offer the acquirer has stated intent to finalize the acquisition via a short-form merger, squeeze-out, top-up option or any other compulsory mechanism.
Where the conditions for index deletion are not met, FTSE Russell may implement a free float change based on the reported acceptance results at the expiration of the initial, subsequent or final offer period where (i) the minimum acceptance level as stipulated by the acquiror is met; (ii) shareholders have validly tendered and the shares have been irrevocably accepted for payment; (iii) all pertinent offer conditions have been reasonably met and (iv) the change to the current float factor is greater than 3%. FTSE Russell uses the published results of the offer to determine the new free float of the target company. If no information is published in conjunction with the results from which FTSE Russell can determine which shareholders have and have not tendered, the free float change will reflect the total shares now owned by the acquiring company. A minimum T+2 notice period of the change is generally provided. . Any subsequent disclosure on the updated shareholder structure will be reviewed during the quarterly review cycle. If the offer includes a stock consideration, the acquiring company’s shares will be increased proportionate to the free float change of the target company. If the target company’s free float change is greater than 3%, the associated change to the acquiring company’s shares will be implemented regardless of size. Additionally, if the change to the target company is less than 3%, then no change will be implemented to the target or the acquiring company at the time of the event, regardless of any change to the acquiring company’s shares. The target company will then be deleted as a second-step, if the conditions for deletion are achieved at the expiration of a subsequent offer period.
In the event that a tender offer results in an additional listed and active “tendered” line prior to the tendered shares being accepted and exchanged for settlement, FTSE Russell will generally evaluate the following factors to determine whether to switch to the tendered line: (i) the objective of the offer is to fully acquire and delist the target company (and FTSE Russell is not aware of any obstacles designed to prevent this objective; e.g. there are no major shareholders who have publicly disclosed that they will not be tendering); (ii) the offer is deemed to be successful (i.e. the minimum acceptance threshold has been achieved); (iii) more than 50% of the shares subject to the offer have been tendered; (iv) there is an additional tender offer period to provide a window for index users to tender into the tendered shares’ line; and (v) there are outstanding regulatory or other substantive hurdles preventing the transaction completing immediately at the conclusion of the tender offer, with the results not expected to be known for some time. Index implementation will generally occur immediately after the opening of the additional offer period (with the provision of appropriate notice) – with an informative notice published announcing the change, to supplement the information within the applicable tracker files. In the event that the tendered line is halted prior to index implementation, its close price will be updated to reflect the deal terms until implementation. In the event that the prerequisites for deletion are not achieved and the target company is retained within the Russell 2000® Index at a reduced weight, the tendered line will be removed at deal terms (if no active market) with the ordinary line being re-added at a reduced weight at its last close price.
In exceptional circumstances, any review changes due to be effective for the companies involved in a tender offer may be retracted if FTSE Russell becomes aware of a tender offer which is due to complete on or around the effective date of such index review changes. Such exceptional circumstances may include undue price pressure being placed on the companies involved, or if proceeding with the review changes would compromise the replicability of the Russell 2000® Index.
Delisted and Suspended Stocks — A stock will be deleted as a constituent if it is delisted from all eligible exchanges, becomes bankrupt, files for bankruptcy protection, is insolvent or is liquidated, or where evidence of a change in circumstances makes it ineligible for index inclusion. If, however, a stock is suspended, FTSE Russell will determine its treatment as follows:
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in all other cases, a constituent will continue to be included in the Russell 2000® Index for a period of up to 20 business days at its last traded price; |
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if a constituent continues to be suspended at the end of the 20 business day period, it will be subject to review and a decision will be taken to either allow the constituent to remain in the Russell 2000® Index for a further period of up to 20 business days or to remove it at zero value. In making this determination, FTSE Russell will take into account the stated reasons for the suspension. These reasons may include announcements made by the company regarding a pending acquisition or restructuring, and any stated intentions regarding a date for the resumption of trading; |
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if the suspension period reaches 60 business days, the constituent will be removed from the Russell 2000® Index at zero value at the next index review, subject to the 60th business day of suspension occurring on or before the Friday which falls four weeks prior to the index review implementation date. Where the 60th business day of suspension occurs after such date, the constituent will be reviewed for removal at the subsequent index review; |
• |
in certain limited circumstances where the index weight of the constituent is significant and FTSE Russell determines that a market-related value can be established for the suspended constituent, for example because similar company securities continue to trade, deletion may take place at the market-related value en lugar. In such circumstances, FTSE Russell will set out its rationale for the proposed treatment of the constituent at the end of the 60 business day period; |
• |
if, following the end of the 60 business day period, a suspended constituent resumes trading in advance of the index review lock-down period (i.e., the two week period prior to the index review effective date) in March, June, September or December, the deletion notice will be rescinded and the constituent will be retained in the Russell 2000® Index. However, where the constituent resumes trading during the index review lock-down period, the constituent will continue to be removed from the Russell 2000® Index as previously announced but in these circumstances the deletion will instead be implemented at market value unless there are barriers that render a market value irreplicable. In this event, the company will continue to be removed at zero; y |
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if a constituent has been removed from the Russell 2000® Index and trading is subsequently restored, the constituent will only be reconsidered for inclusion after a period of 12 months from its deletion. For the purposes of index eligibility it will be treated as a new issue. |
Bankruptcy and Voluntary Liquidations — Companies that file for a Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy or have filed a liquidation plan will be removed from the Russell 2000® Index at the time of the bankruptcy filing (except when shareholder approval is required to finalize the liquidation plan, in which case the company will be removed once shareholder approval has been granted); whereas companies filing for a Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy will remain a member of the Russell 2000® Index, unless the company is delisted from the primary exchange, in which case normal delisting rules apply. If a company files for bankruptcy, is delisted and it can be confirmed that it will not trade on any market, including OTC, FTSE Russell may remove the stock at a nominal price of $0.0001.
Stock Distributions and distributions in specie— A price adjustment for stock distributions is applied on the ex-date of the distribution. Where FTSE Russell is able to value a distribution in specie prior to the ex-date, a price adjustment is made to the company paying the dividend at the open on the ex-date. If no valuation of the distribution exists prior to the ex-date, no price adjustment is applied. Where the company whose holders are receiving the distribution is an index member, its shares will be increased according to the terms of the distribution. If such company is not an index member, the distributed shares will be added to the Russell 2000® Index until they have been settled and have listed, at which point they will be removed at the last traded price giving appropriate notice.
Updates to Shares Outstanding and Free Float — FTSE Russell reviews the Russell 2000® Index quarterly for updates to shares outstanding and to free floats used in calculating the Russell 2000® Index. The changes are implemented quarterly in March, June, September and December after the close on the third Friday of such month. The June reconstitution will be implemented on the last Friday of June (unless the last Friday occurs on the 29th or 30th of the month, in which case reconstitution will occur on the Friday prior).
In March, September and December shares outstanding and free floats are updated to reflect (i) changes greater than 1% for cumulative shares in issue changes and (ii) changes greater than 3% for cumulative free float changes. In addition, a constituent with a free float of 15% or below will not be subject to the 3% change threshold and will instead be updated if the change is greater than 1%. Updates to shares outstanding and free floats will be implemented each June regardless of size (i.e., the percentage change thresholds above will not be applied). FTSE Russell implements the June updates using data sourced primarily from the companies’ publicly available information filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Outside of the quarterly update cycle, outstanding shares and free float will be updated with at least two days’ notice if prompted by primary or secondary offerings if (i) there is a USD $1 billion investable market capitalization change related to a primary/secondary offering measured by multiplying the change to index shares by the subscription price or (ii) there is a resultant 5% change in index shares related to a primary or secondary offering and a USD $250 million investable market capitalization change measured by multiplying the change to index shares by the subscription price. The pricing date will serve as the trigger for implementation; i.e. once FTSE Russell is aware that an offering has priced, the update will be implemented with two days’ notice from market close (contingent on the thresholds described above being triggered). If discovery of the pricing date occurs more than two days after the pricing date, the update will be deferred until the next quarterly review.
If a company distributes shares of an additional share class to its existing shareholders through a mandatory corporate action, the additional share class will be evaluated for separate index membership. The new share class will be deemed eligible if the market capitalization of the distributed shares meets the minimum size requirement (the market capitalization of the smallest member of the Russell 3000E Index from the previous rebalance as adjusted for performance to date). If the additional share class is not eligible at the time of distribution, it will not be added to the Russell 2000® Index.
License Agreement between Frank Russell Company (doing business as FTSE Russell) and GS Finance Corp.
Frank Russell Company doing business as FTSE Russell (“Russell”) and Goldman Sachs International have entered into a non-exclusive license agreement, granting GS Finance Corp., in exchange for a fee, permission to use the Russell 2000® Index in connection with the offer and sale of the notes. GS Finance Corp. is not affiliated with Russell; the only relationship between Russell and GS Finance Corp. is the licensing of the use of the Russell 2000® Index (a trademark of Russell) and trademarks relating to the Russell 2000® Index.
GS Finance Corp. does not accept any responsibility for the calculation, maintenance or publication of the Russell 2000® Index or any successor index.
the Russell 2000® Index in no way suggests or implies an opinion by Russell as to the advisability of investment in any or all of the securities upon which the Russell 2000® Index is based. Russell’s only relationship to GS Finance Corp. is the licensing of certain trademarks and trade names of Russell and of the Russell 2000® Index which is determined, composed and calculated by Russell without regard to GS Finance Corp. or the notes. Russell is not responsible for and has not reviewed the notes nor any associated literature or publications and Russell makes no representation or warranty express or implied as to their accuracy or completeness, or otherwise. Russell reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to alter, amend, terminate or in any way change the Russell 2000® Index. Russell has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the notes.
S&P/ASX 200 Index
The S&P/ASX 200 Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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was first launched in 1979 by the Australian Securities Exchange and was acquired and re-launched by its current index sponsor on April 3, 2000; y |
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is sponsored, calculated, published and disseminated by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a part of McGraw Hill Financial (“S&P”). |
The S&P/ASX 200 Index includes 200 of the largest and most liquid stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, which we refer to as the ASX, by float-adjusted market capitalization. As discussed below, the S&P/ASX 200 Index is not limited solely to companies having their primary operations or headquarters in Australia or to companies having their primary listing on the ASX. All ordinary and preferred shares (if such preferred shares are not of a fixed income nature) listed on the ASX, including secondary listings, are eligible for the S&P/ASX 200 Index. Hybrid stocks such as convertible stocks, bonds, warrants, preferred stock that provides a guaranteed fixed return and listed investment companies are not eligible for inclusion. Stocks currently under consideration for merger or acquisition are not eligible for inclusion or promotion to the S&P/ASX 200 Index.
As of February 12, 2020, the top 10 index stocks by weight were the following: Commonwealth Bank of Australia (8.18%), CSL Ltd. (7.83%), BHP Group Ltd. (5.96%), Westpac Banking Corp. (4.57%), ANZ Banking Group (4.02%), National Australia Bank Ltd. (3.97%), Woolworths Ltd. (2.98%), Wesfarmers Ltd. (2.71%), Macquarie Group Ltd. (2.47%) and Telestra Corporation Ltd. (2.39%).
As of February 12, 2020, the 11 GICS industry sectors represented by the stocks in the S&P/ASX 200 Index include: Financials (30.02%), Materials (17.20%), Health Care (11.46 %), Industrials (8.20%), Real Estate (7.52%), Consumer Discretionary (6.72%), Consumer Staples (5.94%), Energy (4.89%), Communication Services (3.63%), Information Technology (2.69%) and Utilities (1.73%).
Sector designations are determined by the index sponsor using criteria it has selected or developed. Index sponsors may use very different standards for determining sector designations. In addition, many companies operate in a number of sectors, but are listed in only one sector and the basis on which that sector is selected may also differ. As a result, sector comparisons between indices with different index sponsors may reflect differences in methodology as well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.
As of February 12, 2020, the countries of domicile included in the S&P/ASX 200 Index and their relative weights were: Australia (96.79%), United Kingdom (1.18%), New Zealand (1.04%), Ireland (0.74%), Netherlands (0.16%) and United States (0.09%).
The S&P/ASX 200 Index is intended to provide exposure to the largest 200 eligible securities that are listed on the ASX by float-adjusted market capitalization. Constituent companies for the S&P/ASX 200 Index are chosen based on market capitalization, public float and liquidity. All index-eligible securities that have their primary or secondary listing on the ASX are included in the initial selection of stocks from which the 200 index stocks may be selected.
The float-adjusted market capitalization of companies is determined based on the daily average market capitalization over the last six months. The security’s price history over the last six months, the latest available shares on issue and the investable weight factor, which we refer to as the IWF, are the factors relevant to the calculation of daily average market capitalization. The IWF is a variable that is primarily used to determine the available float of a security for ASX listed securities.
Number of Shares
For domestic securities (companies incorporated in Australia and traded on the ASX, companies incorporated overseas but exclusively listed on the ASX and companies incorporated overseas and traded on other markets but most of its trading activity is on the ASX), this figure is purely based upon the latest available data from the ASX.
Foreign-domiciled securities may quote the total number of securities on the ASX that is representative of their global equity capital; whereas other foreign-domiciled securities may quote securities on the ASX on a partial basis that represents their Australian equity capital. In order to overcome this inconsistency, S&P will quote the number of index securities that are represented by CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) for a foreign entity. When CDIs are not issued, S&P will use the total securities held on the Australian register (CHESS and, where supplied, the issuer sponsored register). This quoted number for a foreign entity is representative of the Australian equity capital, thereby allowing the S&P/ASX 200 Index to be reflective of the Australian market.
The number of CDIs or shares of a foreign entity quoted on the ASX can experience more volatility than is typically the case for ordinary shares on issue. Therefore, an average number on issue will be applied over a three-month period.
Where CDI information is not supplied to the ASX by the company or the company’s share register, estimates for Australian equity capital will be drawn from CHESS data and, ultimately, registry-sourced data.
The S&P/ASX 200 Index is float-adjusted, meaning that the share counts used in calculating the S&P/ASX 200 Index reflect only those shares available to investors rather than all of a company’s outstanding shares. S&P seeks to exclude shares held by certain shareholders concerned with the control of a company, a group that generally includes the following: officers and directors and related individuals whose holdings are publicly disclosed; private equity, venture capital and special equity firms; asset managers and insurance companies with board of directors representation; shares held by another publicly traded company; holders of restricted shares; company-sponsored employee share plans or trusts, defined contribution plans/savings and investment plans; foundations or family trusts associated with the company; government entities at all levels except government retirement or pension funds; sovereign wealth funds; and any individual person listed as a 5% or greater stakeholder in a company as reported in regulatory filings (collectively, “control holders”). To this end, S&P excludes all share-holdings (other than depositary banks; pension funds, including government pension and retirement funds; mutual funds, exchange traded fund providers, investment funds and asset managers, including hedge funds with no board of director representation; investment funds of insurance companies; and independent foundations not associated with the company) with a position greater than 5% of the outstanding shares of a company from the float-adjusted share count to be used in index calculations.
The exclusion is accomplished by calculating an investable weight factor (IWF) for each stock that is included in the S&P/ASX 200 Index as follows:
IWF = (available float shares)/(total shares outstanding)
where available float shares is defined as total shares outstanding less shares held by strategic holders. In most cases, an IWF is reported to the nearest one percentage point. For companies with multiple share class lines, a separate IWF is calculated for each share class line.
A company must have a minimum IWF of 0.3 to be eligible for index inclusion, however an IWF at or above that level is not necessary for ongoing index membership.
IWFs are reviewed annually as part of the September quarterly review. However, any event that alters the float of a security in excess of 5% will be implemented as soon as practicable by an adjustment to the IWF.
Liquidity Test
adjusted market capitalization for the last six months) relative to the market capitalization weighted average of the stock median liquidities of the 500 companies of the All Ordinaries index, another member of the S&P/ASX index family.
Index Maintenance
S&P rebalances the S&P/ASX 200 Index constituents quarterly to ensure adequate market capitalization and liquidity based on the previous six months’ worth of data. The reference date used for the six months worth of trading data is the last Friday of the month prior to the rebalancing, except for the September rebalancing where the reference date for data used is the second to last Friday of August. Quarterly review changes take effect after the market close on the third Friday of March, June, September and December. Eligible stocks are considered for index inclusion based on their float-adjusted market capitalization rank relative to the stated quota of 200 securities. For example, a stock that is currently in the S&P/ASX 300 and is ranked at 175, based on float-adjusted market capitalization, within the universe of eligible securities may be considered for inclusion into the S&P/ASX 200 Index, provided that liquidity hurdles are met. Stocks that fail the relative liquidation criteria are typically removed from the float-adjusted market capitalization rankings.
In order to limit the level of index turnover, eligible non-constituent securities will generally only be considered for index inclusion once a current constituent stock is excluded due to a sufficiently low rank and/or liquidity, based on the float-adjusted market capitalization. Potential index inclusions and exclusions need to satisfy buffer requirements in terms of the rank of the stock relative to a given index. In order to be added to the S&P/ASX 200 Index, a stock must be ranked 179th or higher, and in order to be deleted from the S&P/ASX 200 Index, a stock must be ranked 221st or lower. The buffers are established to limit the level of index turnover that may take place at each quarterly rebalancing. The buffers serve as guidelines for arriving at any potential constituent changes to the S&P/ASX 200 Index, however, these rules can be by-passed when circumstances warrant.
Between rebalancing dates, an index addition is generally made only if a vacancy is created by an index deletion. Index additions are made according to float-adjusted market capitalization and liquidity. An initial public offering is added to the S&P/ASX 200 Index only when an appropriate vacancy occurs and is subject to proven liquidity for at least eight weeks. An exception may be made for extraordinary large offerings where sizeable trading volumes justify index inclusion.
Deletions can occur between index rebalancing dates due to acquisitions, mergers and spin-offs or due to suspension or bankruptcies. The decision to remove a stock from the S&P/ASX 200 Index will be made once there is sufficient evidence that the transaction will be completed. Stocks that are removed due to mergers & acquisitions activity are removed from the S&P/ASX 200 Index at the cash offer price for cash-only offers. Otherwise the best available price in the market is used.
Share numbers for all index constituents are updated quarterly and are rounded to the nearest thousand. The update to the number of issued shares will be considered if the change is at least 5% of the float adjusted shares, as at the quarterly rebalancing reference date.
Share updates for foreign-domiciled securities will take place at each quarterly rebalancing. The update to the number of index shares will only take place when the 3-month average of CDIs or the total securities held in the Australian branch of the issuer sponsored register (where supplied) and in CHESS, on the rebalancing reference date, differs from the current index shares by 5% or more. Where CDI information is not supplied to the ASX by the company or the company’s share register, estimates for Australian equity capital will be drawn from CHESS data and, ultimately, registry-sourced data.
Intra quarter share changes are implemented at the effective date or as soon as reliable information is available; however, they will only take place in the following circumstances:
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Changes in a company’s shares outstanding of 5% or more due to market-wide shares issuance or major off-market buy-backs; |
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Rights issues, bonus issues and other major corporate actions; y |
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Share issues resulting from index companies merging. |
IWFs are reviewed annually as part of the September quarterly review. However, any event that alters the float of a security in excess of 5% will be implemented as soon as practicable by an adjustment to the IWF.
Index Calculation
The S&P/ASX 200 Index is calculated using a base-weighted aggregate methodology. The value of the S&P/ASX 200 Index on any day for which an index value is published is determined by a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum for all index stocks of the products of the price of each stock in the S&P/ASX 200 Index times the number of shares of such stock included in the S&P/ASX 200 Index times that stock’s IWF, and the denominator of which is the divisor, which is described more fully below.
In order to prevent the value of the S&P/ASX 200 Index from changing due to corporate actions, all corporate actions may require S&P to make an index or divisor adjustment. This helps maintain the value of the S&P/ASX 200 Index and ensures that the movement of the S&P/ASX 200 Index does not reflect the corporate actions of the individual companies that comprise the S&P/ASX 200 Index.
The table below summarizes the types of index adjustments and indicates whether the corporate action will require a divisor adjustment:
Corporate Action |
Treatment |
Company addition/deletion |
Addition Companies are added at the float market capitalization weight. The net change to the index market capitalization causes a divisor adjustment. Deletion The weights of all stocks in the index will proportionally change. Relative weights will stay the same. The index divisor will change due to the net change in the index market capitalization |
Change in shares outstanding |
Increasing (decreasing) the shares outstanding increases (decreases) the market capitalization of the index. The change to the index market capitalization causes a divisor adjustment. |
Split/reverse split |
Shares outstanding are adjusted by split ratio. Stock price is adjusted by split ratio. There is no change to the index market capitalization and no divisor adjustment.. |
Spin-off |
The spin-off is added to the index on the ex-date at a price of zero. The spin-off index shares are based on the spin-off ratio. On the ex-date the spin-off will have the same attributes as its parent company, and will remain in the index for at least one trading day. As a result, there will be no change to the index divisor on the ex-date. relative weights of all index components are unchanged. The net change in index market capitalization will cause a divisor change. |
Increasing (decreasing) the IWF increases (decreases) the market capitalization of the index. A net change to the index market capitalization causes a divisor adjustment. |
Ordinary dividend |
When a company pays an ordinary cash dividend, the index does not make any adjustments to the price or shares of the stock. As a result there are no divisor adjustments to the index. |
Special dividend |
The stock price is adjusted by the amount of the dividend. The net change to the index market capitalization causes a divisor adjustment |
Rights offering |
All rights offerings that are in the money on the ex-date are applied under the assumption the rights are fully subscribed. The stock price is adjusted by the value of the rights and the shares outstanding are increased by the rights ratio. The net change in market capitalization causes a divisor adjustment. |
Recalculation Policy
S&P reserves the right to recalculate and republish the S&P/ASX 200 Index at its discretion in the event one of the following issues has occurred: (1) incorrect or revised closing price of one or more constituent securities; (2) missed corporate event; (3) incorrect application of corporate action or index methodology; (4) late announcement of a corporate event; or (5) incorrect calculation or data entry error. The decision to recalculate the S&P/ASX 200 Index is made at the discretion of the index manager and/or index committee, as further discussed below. The potential market impact or disruption resulting from the potential recalculation is considered when making any such decision. In the event of an incorrect closing price, a missed corporate event or a misapplied corporate action, a late announcement of a corporate event, or an incorrect calculation or data entry error that is discovered within two trading days of its occurrence, the index manager may, at his or her discretion, recalculate the S&P/ASX 200 Index without involving the index committee. In the event any such event is discovered beyond the two trading day period, the index committee shall decide whether the S&P/ASX 200 Index should be recalculated. In the event of an incorrect application of the methodology that results in the incorrect composition and/or weighting of index constituents, the index committee shall determine whether or not to recalculate the S&P/ASX 200 Index following specified guidelines. In the event that the S&P/ASX 200 Index is recalculated, it shall be done within a reasonable timeframe following the detection and review of the issue.
Calculations and Pricing Disruptions
Prices used to calculate the S&P/ASX 200 Index are obtained from IDC and Refinitv. If the relevant exchange suffers a failure or interruption, real-time calculations are halted until the exchange confirms that trading and price dissemination has resumed.
el S&P/ASX 200 Index. If no trades were reported for a security, the previous close adjusted for corporate actions is used for index calculation.
In extreme circumstances, S&P may decide to delay index adjustments or not publish the S&P/ASX 200 Index.
Unexpected Exchange Closures
An unexpected market/exchange closure occurs when a market/exchange fully or partially fails to open or trading is temporarily halted. This can apply to a single exchange or to a market as a whole, when all of the primary exchanges are closed and/or not trading. Unexpected market/exchange closures are usually due to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, inclement weather, outages, or other events.
In the event of an unexpected exchange closure, S&P uses the following guidelines:
(i) |
If an unexpected exchange closure occurs prior to the open of trading and it is indicated that trading will not open for a given day, S&P will treat the day as an unscheduled market holiday. |
(ii) |
If a market disruption occurs intraday, S&P will wait for the impacted exchange to publish a list of closing prices, which will then be used to calculate the closing index values. If no list is published, the last trade for each security before the interruption is used to calculate the index closing value. If no trades were reported for a security, the previous closing price, adjusted for corporate actions, is used for index calculation. |
License Agreement between S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and GS Finance Corp.
The “S&P/ASX 200” is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and ASX Operations Pty Ltd, and has been licensed for use by GS Finance Corp. (“Licensee”). Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”) and Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). ASX 200 is a registered trademark of ASX Operations Pty Ltd. The trademarks have been licensed to SPDJI and have been sublicensed for use for certain purposes by Licensee. Licensee’s Product(s) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, any of their respective affiliates (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”) or ASX Operations Pty Ltd. Neither S&P Dow Jones Indices nor ASX Operations Pty Ltd make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Licensee’s Product(s) or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in Licensee’s Product(s) particularly or the ability of the S&P/ASX 200 to track general market performance. S&P Dow Jones Indices and ASX Operations Pty Ltd only relationship to Licensee with respect to the S&P/ASX 200 is the licensing of the Index and certain trademarks, service marks and/or trade names of S&P Dow Jones Indices and/or its licensors. The S&P/ASX 200 is determined, composed and calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices ASX Operations Pty Ltd. without regard to Licensee or the Licensee’s Product(s). S&P Dow Jones Indices and ASX Operations Pty Ltd. have no obligation to take the needs of Licensee or the owners of Licensee’s Product(s) into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the S&P/ASX 200. Neither S&P Dow Jones Indices nor ASX Operations Pty Ltd. are responsible for and have not participated in the determination of the prices, and amount of Licensee’s Product(s) or the timing of the issuance or sale of Licensee’s Product(s) or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which Licensee’s Product(s) is to be converted into cash, surrendered or redeemed, as the case may be. S&P Dow Jones Indices and ASX Operations Pty Ltd. have no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of Licensee’s Product(s). There is no assurance that investment products based on the S&P/ASX 200 will accurately track index performance or provide positive investment returns. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC is not an investment advisor. Inclusion of a security within an index is not a recommendation by S&P Dow Jones Indices to buy, sell, or hold such security, nor is it considered to be investment advice.
S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% USD Excess Return Index
The S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% USD Excess Return Index (the “Excess Return index”):
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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has a launch date of May 13, 2009, with a base value of 100 as of its base date, December 31, 1990; y |
• |
is sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (“S&P”). |
The Excess Return index is the excess return version of the S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index (the “Risk Control index”), meaning that the Excess Return index is designed to measure the return on a hypothetical investment in the Risk Control index borrowed at the overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR rate.
Any percentage increase in the Risk Control index will be offset by the overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR rate. See “U.K. Regulators Will No Longer Persuade or Compel Banks to Submit Rates for Calculation of LIBOR After 2021; Interest Rate Benchmark May Be Discontinued” and “Regulation and Reform of “Benchmarks”, Including LIBOR and Other Types of Benchmarks, May Cause such “Benchmarks” to Perform Differently Than in the Past, or to Disappear Entirely, or Have Other Consequences Which Cannot be Predicted” in the applicable pricing supplement for more information about overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR.
The Risk Control index is intended to provide investors with exposure to the S&P 500®Total Return Index (the “Total Return index”) subject to a risk control strategy that dynamically increases or decreases the exposure to the Total Return index in an attempt to achieve a 10% volatility target. The Risk Control index’s exposure to the Total Return index can be greater than, less than or equal to 100%. Exposure in excess of 100% is achieved by hypothetically borrowing cash at a rate of overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR. Exposure of less than 100% is achieved by hypothetically selling some of the exposure to the Total Return index, which results in a hypothetical cash position that accrues interest at the overnight U.S. LIBOR rate. Notwithstanding that the title of each of the Excess Return index and the Risk Control index includes the phrase “Risk Control”, the Excess Return index and the Risk Control index may decrease significantly more or increase significantly less than the Total Return index.
The Total Return index is a total return-based calculation of the S&P 500® Index. The S&P 500® Index includes a representative sample of 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy.
The Excess Return index, the Risk Control index, the Total Return index and the S&P 500® Index are calculated, maintained and published by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (“S&P”). Additional information about the Excess Return index, the Risk Control index, the Total Return index, and the S&P 500® Index is available on the following websites:,, and We are not incorporating by reference the websites or any material they include in this underlier supplement.
well as actual differences in the sector composition of the indices.) The S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% USD Excess Return Index
The Excess Return index is the excess return version of the Risk Control index. The Excess Return index is designed to measure the return on a hypothetical investment in the Risk Control index that is made with borrowed funds. Borrowing costs are assessed at a rate of overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR. Such costs will reduce any positive index return and will increase any negative index return. The level of the Excess Return index on an index calculation day (“T”) is equal to the producto de (a) the level of the Excess Return index on the previous index calculation day (“T – 1”) multiplied by (b) (i) the return of the Risk Control index on the Excess Return index calculation day (“T”) minus (ii) the borrowing costs.
The S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index
The Risk Control index is designed to measure the return on a hypothetical investment in the Total Return index that dynamically increases or decreases its exposure to the Total Return index in an attempt to achieve a 10% volatility target (the “volatility target”). While the Risk Control index is designed to achieve a stable level of volatility, there can be no assurance that the Risk Control index will achieve this goal.
The return on the Risk Control index consists of two components: (1) the exposure to the Total Return index, which may be greater than (but not greater than 150%), less than (as low as zero) or equal to 100% of the daily return of the Total Return index, and (2) an interest cost or gain. An exposure greater than 100% of the daily return of the Total Return index is a leveraged position where the exposure to the Total Return index is increased by hypothetically borrowing cash (and paying interest on such cash as described below) and investing such cash in the Total Return index. An exposure less than 100% of the daily return of the Total Return index is a deleveraged position where the exposure to the Total Return index is decreased by hypothetically selling some of the exposure, which results in a hypothetical cash position that accrues interest. An exposure equal to 100% of the daily return of the Total Return index has the same daily return as the Total Return index. Interest cost accrues on the amount of any hypothetical borrowed cash and interest gain accrues on the amount of any hypothetical cash position. The rate of overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR is used to calculate the interest cost or gain. The Excess Return index sponsor may use other successor interest rates if overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR is unavailable, and a 360-day year is assumed for the interest calculations in accordance with U.S. banking practices.
Each Risk Control index calculation day (“T”), the Excess Return index sponsor calculates the “leverage factor”, which determines whether the exposure to the Total Return index should be greater than, less than or equal to 100% of the daily return of the Total Return index for the following Risk Control index calculation day (“T + 1”). The leverage factor is a ratio of the target volatility level (of 10%) to the “realized volatility” (as defined below) for the second preceding Risk Control index calculation day (“T – 2”), subject to a maximum leverage factor of 150% and a minimum leverage factor of 0%. For example, if on the second preceding Risk Control index calculation day the realized volatility were equal to 8%, on the Risk Control index calculation day the leverage factor would be equal to 125% (10% divided by 8%) and on the following Risk Control index calculation day the Risk Control index would be exposed to 125% of the daily return of the Total Return index.
Although the Risk Control index is rebalanced at the close of each Risk Control index calculation day, because of how the leverage factor is calculated, there is a lag of two Risk Control index calculation days between the calculation of the leverage factor and the rebalancing of the Risk Control index in accordance with that leverage factor. Therefore, on any given Risk Control index calculation day, the leverage factor that determined the Risk Control index’s exposure to the Total Return index for such Risk Control index calculation day was based on the realized volatility of the Total Return index from two Risk Control index calculation days prior.
term volatility and long-term volatility are calculated based on the historical daily returns over the same time period (from the day that is two Risk Control index calculation days before the inception date (May 13, 2009) of the Risk Control index to the day that is two Risk Control index calculation days before the current Risk Control index calculation day) and both apply and gradually increase a discount that gradually reduces the significance of a given historical daily return as it moves farther into the past. However, short-term volatility applies a larger discount than does long-term volatility. The discount for short-term volatility is slightly more than double the discount for long-term volatility. As a result, the 10 most recent Risk Control index calculation days account for approximately 50% of the weighting when determining short-term volatility, while the 23 most recent Risk Control index calculation days account for approximately 50% of the weighting when determining long-term volatility. The short-term realized volatility calculation and the long-term realized volatility calculations differ only in that the long-term volatility calculation places 50% of the calculation weighting on an additional 13 days.
When the volatility of the Total Return index increases (or decreases), short-term volatility will increase (or decrease) more quickly than long-term volatility. Because realized volatility is the greater of short-term volatility and long-term volatility, realized volatility will increase quickly when volatility increases, which will quickly reduce exposure to the Total Return index. Conversely, because realized volatility is the greater of short-term volatility and long-term volatility, realized volatility will decrease slowly when volatility decreases, which in turn will gradually increase exposure to the Total Return index.
If realized volatility is less than the volatility target, the leverage factor will be greater than one and the exposure to the daily return of the Total Return index will be greater than 100%. As a result, interest costs will be incurred for the exposure greater than 100% at the rate of overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR. For example, if the realized volatility is 8%, the leverage factor will be 125% (i.e., 10 divided by 8 = 125%). In this case, the Risk Control index would be exposed to 125% of the daily return of the Total Return index, and interest cost will be assessed for the 25% exposure above 100%. If realized volatility is greater than the volatility target, the leverage factor will be less than one and the exposure to the daily return of the Total Return index will be less than 100%. As a result, exposure will be moved to the cash position, which will accrue interest at the rate of overnight U.S. dollar LIBOR. For example, if the realized volatility is 12%, the leverage factor will be approximately 83% (i.e., 10 divided by 12 = approximately 83%). In this case, the Risk Control index would be exposed to approximately 83% of the daily return of the Total Return index, plus the interest gain on the 17% of exposure that is moved to the cash position. If realized volatility is equal to the volatility target, the leverage factor will be equal to one and exposure to the daily return of the Total Return index will be equal to 100% and there will be no interest cost or gain.
Since May 1, 2012 (when the information first became publicly available), on average, approximately 14% of the Risk Control index’s exposure has been to the hypothetical cash position. The Risk Control index’s exposure to the Total Return index has been as low as approximately 33% (an approximately 67% exposure to the hypothetical cash position) and as high as 150% (the maximum exposure).
The Total Return Index
The Total Return index is a total return-based calculation of the S&P 500® Index. The total return construction reflects both movements in stock prices and the reinvestment of dividend income. The Total Return index represents the total return earned in a portfolio that tracks the S&P 500® Index and reinvests dividend income in the overall index, not in the specific stock paying the dividend.
payment. Some stocks included in the S&P 500® Index do not pay dividends and this amount always remains zero. Ordinary cash dividends are applied on the ex-dividend date in calculating the total return index. The Total Return index reflects both ordinary and special cash dividends. “Special dividends” are those dividends that are outside of the normal payment pattern established historically by the issuing company. These may be described by the company as “special,” “extra,” “year-end” or “return of capital.” Whether a dividend is funded from operating earnings or from other sources of cash does not affect the determination of whether it is ordinary or special. S&P Dow Jones Indices will generally consider the third consecutive instance of a non-ordinary dividend (in terms of timing, not amount) to be ordinary for index calculation purposes as a third consecutive instance will now be considered to be part of the normal payment pattern established by the company. As discussed under “The S&P 500® Index” below, special dividends are treated as corporate actions with offsetting price and divisor adjustments.
The total daily dividend amount calculated above is converted to index points by dividing such amount by the divisor for the price return version of the S&P 500® Index. The daily total return for the Total Return index is then determined by calculating (a) the sum of (i) the level of the price return version of the S&P 500® Index on that day más (ii) the index points reflecting the total daily dividend amount on such day divided by (b) the level of the price return version of the S&P 500® Index for the previous day minus (c) one. The daily total return is used to update the Total Return index level from one day to the next by calculating the producto of (a) the level of the Total Return index from the previous day times (b) the sum of (i) one más (ii) the daily total return for the given day.
For information about the construction, calculation methodology and maintenance of the S&P 500® Index, please see “– The S&P 500® Index” below.
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Index will accurately track index performance or provide positive investment returns. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC is not an investment advisor. Inclusion of a security within an index is not a recommendation by S&P Dow Jones Indices to buy, sell, or hold such security, nor is it considered to be investment advice.
S&P 500® Index
The S&P 500® Index, which we also refer to in this description as the “index”:
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is an equity index, and therefore cannot be invested in directly; |
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does not file reports with the SEC because it is not an issuer; |
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was first launched on March 4, 1957 based on an initial value of 10 from 1941-1943; y |
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is sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (“S&P”). |
The S&P 500® Index includes a representative sample of 500 companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy. The 500 companies are not the 500 largest companies listed on the NYSE and not all 500 companies are listed on the NYSE. S&P chooses companies for inclusion in the S&P 500® Index with an aim of achieving a distribution by broad industry groupings that approximates the distribution of these groupings in the common stock population of the U.S. equity market. Although the S&P 500® Index contains 500 constituent companies, at any one time it may contain greater than 500 constituent trading lines since some companies included in the S&P 500® Index prior to July 31, 2017 may be represented by multiple share class lines in the S&P 500® Index. The S&P 500® Index is calculated, maintained and published by S&P and is part of the S&P Dow Jones Indices family of indices. Additional information is available on the following websites: and We are not incorporating by reference the websites or any material they include in this underlier supplement.