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Washington, D.C.20549
Número de archivo de la Ley de Sociedades de Inversión 811-21477
Fondo de ingresos y oportunidades vinculados a la inflación de activos occidentales
(Nombre exacto del registrante como se especifica en la carta)
620 octavo
Avenue, 49th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10018
(Dirección de las oficinas ejecutivas principales) (Código postal)
Robert I. Frenkel, Esq.
Legg Mason & Co., LLC
100 Primer lugar de Stamford
Stamford, CT 06902
y dirección del agente para el servicio)
Número de teléfono del registratario, incluido el código de área: (888) 777-0102
Fecha de fin del año fiscal: 30 de noviembre
Fecha del período del informe: 30 de noviembre de 2019
los Anual Se presenta un informe a los Accionistas.
Reporte anual | 30 de noviembre de 2019 |
A partir de enero de 2021, según lo permitido por las regulaciones adoptadas por la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores, el Fondo
tiene la intención de dejar de enviar copias impresas de los informes de accionistas del Fondo como este, a menos que solicite específicamente copias impresas de los informes del Fondo o de su intermediario financiero (como un corredor de bolsa o banco). En lugar,
los informes estarán disponibles en un sitio web, y se le notificará por correo cada vez que se publique un informe y se le proporcione un enlace al sitio web para acceder al informe.
Si invierte a través de un intermediario financiero y ya eligió recibir informes de accionistas electrónicamente ("Entrega electrónica"), este cambio no lo afectará y no necesita tomar ninguna medida. Si aún no has elegido entrega electrónica, puedes elegir recibir
informes de accionistas y otras comunicaciones del Fondo electrónicamente contactando a su intermediario financiero.
Puede elegir recibir todos los informes futuros en papel de forma gratuita. Si invierte a través de un intermediario financiero, puede comunicarse con su intermediario financiero para solicitar que continúe recibiendo copias en papel.
de sus informes de accionistas. Esa elección se aplicará a todos los fondos de Legg Mason en su cuenta en ese intermediario financiero. Si es accionista directo del Fondo, puede llamar al Fondo al 1-888-888-0151, o escriba al Fondo por correo postal a P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233 o por entrega nocturna a Computershare, 462 South 4th Street, Suite
1600, Louisville, KY 40202 para informar al Fondo que desea continuar recibiendo copias en papel de sus informes de accionistas. Esa elección se aplicará a todos los fondos de Legg Mason en su cuenta mantenida directamente con el complejo de fondos.
Objetivos del fondo
El objetivo principal de inversión del Fondo es proporcionar ingresos actuales. La apreciación del capital, cuando es consistente con el ingreso actual, es un objetivo secundario de inversión.
Estimado accionista,
Nos complace proporcionar el informe anual de Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund para el informe de doce meses
período finalizado el 30 de noviembre de 2019. Siga leyendo para obtener una visión detallada de las condiciones económicas y de mercado prevalecientes durante el período de presentación de informes del Fondo y para saber cómo esas condiciones han afectado el rendimiento del Fondo.
Como siempre, seguimos comprometidos a brindarle un excelente servicio y un espectro completo de opciones de inversión. También seguimos comprometidos a complementar el
Apoyo que recibe de su asesor financiero. Una forma de lograr esto es a través de nuestro sitio web, Aquí puede obtener acceso inmediato a información de mercado e inversión, que incluye:
• |
Precios del fondo y rentabilidad, |
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Perspectivas de mercado y comentarios de nuestros gerentes de cartera, y |
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Una gran cantidad de recursos educativos. |
Esperamos poder ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos financieros.
Jane Trust, CFA
31 de diciembre de 2019
II | Fondo de ingresos y oportunidades vinculados a la inflación de activos occidentales |
P. ¿Cuál es la estrategia de inversión del Fondo?
A. El objetivo de inversión del Fondo es proporcionar ingresos actuales. La apreciación del capital, cuando es consistente con el ingreso actual, es un
objetivo de inversión secundaria. En condiciones normales de mercado y en el momento de la compra, el Fondo invertirá al menos el 80% de sus activos gestionados totalesyo en valores vinculados a la inflación. El Fondo también puede invertir hasta el 40% de sus activos gestionados totales en un grado de inversión inferior
valores. El Fondo puede invertir hasta el 100% de sus activos gestionados totales en no estadounidense inversiones en dólares que le dan al Fondo flexibilidad para invertir hasta el 100% de sus activos administrados totales en no estadounidense valores vinculados a la inflación en dólares (hasta el 100% de su no estadounidense la exposición al dólar puede no estar cubierta). El Fondo puede participar en estrategias monetarias, utilizando instrumentos como
Forwards de divisas, futuros y opciones, para tomar posiciones en moneda extranjera largas y cortas sujetas a un límite de exposición de dichas estrategias al 40% del total de los activos administrados. Esta capacidad se suma a la capacidad de tener una exposición 100% sin cobertura
a no estadounidense monedas en dólares mediante la compra de valores de renta fija. El Fondo puede utilizar estrategias relacionadas con productos básicos para hasta el 10% de sus activos administrados totales. Se espera exposición a productos básicos
se logrará utilizando una variedad de instrumentos, como contratos de futuros, opciones y otros derivados, o mediante inversiones en productos negociados en bolsa que ofrecen exposición a productos básicos. El Fondo no espera mantener productos físicos.
Cada una de las políticas anteriores es un no fundamental política que puede modificarse sin la aprobación de los accionistas. los
El fondo también tiene lo siguiente no fundamental política, que, en la medida requerida por la ley aplicable, solo puede cambiarse después de avisar a los accionistas: en condiciones normales de mercado, el Fondo invertirá en
al menos el 80% de sus activos administrados totales en valores protegidos contra la inflación y no protegido contra la inflación valores e instrumentos con potencial para mejorar los ingresos del Fondo. El Fondo puede invertir hasta
20% de la cartera en instrumentos de deuda de emisores de mercados emergentes, que no son valores vinculados a la inflación.
Recompra inversa
los acuerdos y otras formas de apalancamiento no excederán el 38% del total de los activos administrados del Fondo. El Fondo actualmente espera que la duración efectiva promedioii de su cartera oscilará entre cero y quince años, aunque esta duración objetivo puede cambiar de vez en cuando. El fondo
puede celebrar contratos de swap de incumplimiento crediticio, contratos de swap de tasa de interés, swaps de índice de precios al consumidor y contratos de swap de rendimiento total para fines de inversión, para administrar su tasa de interés de riesgo de crédito y exposición, cobertura o riesgo de riesgo vinculado a la inflación
para agregar apalancamiento. No puede garantizarse que el Fondo logrará sus objetivos de inversión.
El Fondo busca ofrecer un
cobertura de la inflación a través de inversiones en valores globales vinculados a la inflación, y principalmente en valores del Tesoro de EE. UU. protegidos contra la inflación ("TIPS")iii. El Fondo también busca ofrecer a los accionistas ciertas ventajas adicionales a través de la capacidad de invertir en otros ingresos fijos
clases de activos, que pueden dar como resultado retornos totales más altos y tasas de distribución más altas. Estas clases de activos incluyen inversiones selectas en crédito de alto rendimiento y grado de inversión, mercados emergentes y productos estructurados.
Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual | 1 |
Resumen del fondo (cont.)
En Western Asset Management Company, LLC ("Western Asset"), el Fondo
asesor de inversiones, utilizamos un enfoque de equipo de renta fija, con decisiones derivadas de la interacción entre varios especialistas del sector de gestión de inversiones. Los equipos del sector están compuestos por la gerencia de cartera senior de Western Asset
personal, analistas de investigación y un en la casa economista. Bajo este enfoque de equipo, la gestión de las carteras de renta fija de los clientes reflejará un consenso de puntos de vista interdisciplinarios dentro del activo occidental
organización. Los individuos responsables del desarrollo de la estrategia de inversión, día a día La gestión de la cartera, la supervisión y la coordinación del Fondo son S. Kenneth
Leech, Michael C. Buchanan, Frederick Marki y Chia-Liang Lian.
P. ¿Cuáles fueron las condiciones generales del mercado durante el Fondo?
¿período de información?
A. Los mercados de renta fija generalmente registraron buenos resultados durante el período de doce meses finalizado
30 de noviembre de 2019. Sectores extendidos (no bonos del Tesoro) experimentaron períodos de volatilidad, ya que se vieron afectados por una serie de factores, que incluyen la moderación del crecimiento global, el endurecimiento de la política monetaria y luego un
"Pivote moderado" por la Junta de la Reserva Federal (la "Fed")iv,
la guerra comercial en curso entre los EE. UU. y China, las incertidumbres que rodean el Brexit y muchos otros problemas geopolíticos.
Tanto a corto como a largo plazo
Los rendimientos del Tesoro de EE. UU. Disminuyeron durante el período del informe. El rendimiento para el dos año La nota del Tesoro comenzó el período del informe en 2.80% (el pico para el período de informe) y terminó el período en 1.61%. los
mínimo para el período del informe fue del 1,39% el 3 de octubre de 2019. El rendimiento para el diez años El Departamento del Tesoro comenzó el período del informe en 3.01% (el pico para el período de informe) y terminó el período en 1.78%. los
El mínimo para el período del informe fue 1.47% el 28 de agosto, 3 de septiembre y 4 de septiembre de 2019.
La inflación fue relativamente
bien contenido durante el período del informe. Para los doce meses terminados el 30 de noviembre de 2019, la tasa de inflación desestacionalizada, medida por el Índice de Precios al Consumidor para Todos los Consumidores Urbanos
("CPI-U")v, fue del 2,1%. los CPI-U menos comida y energía fue de 2.3% en el mismo período de tiempo. CONSEJOS, según lo medido por el índice Bloomberg Barclays de bonos vinculados a la inflación del Tesoro de EE. UU. ("TIPS")vi, devolvió 8.61% durante el período de informe.
P. ¿Cómo respondimos a estas condiciones cambiantes del mercado?
Se realizaron varios ajustes en la cartera del Fondo durante el período de referencia. El portafolio general
duraciónvii se gestionó activamente en respuesta a los cambios en el sector extendido y
Rendimientos de tesorería. La ampliación de los rendimientos de la deuda de los mercados emergentes en relación con los bonos del Tesoro de EE. UU. Nos permitió aumentar la exposición del Fondo a la deuda de los mercados emergentes a niveles atractivos en relación con los bonos del Tesoro, ya que este último se recuperó durante el verano.
Los rendimientos del Tesoro real no cayeron tanto como los rendimientos nominales del Tesoro, por lo que se aumentó la asignación a TIPS a más largo plazo para aumentar la exposición a los rendimientos reales. La exposición nominal del Fondo a largo plazo del Tesoro se redujo en la caída de
2019, a medida que los rendimientos del Tesoro a largo plazo continuaron disminuyendo. En general, la duración de la cartera fue menor al final del período sobre el que se informa, aunque aún fue más larga en relación con los puntos de referencia del Fondo.
2 | Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual |
El Fondo empleó futuros y opciones del Tesoro de EE. UU., Incluidas opciones sobre futuros, Eurodólares
futuros y opciones, futuros del Euro-Bund y opciones sobre futuros del Euro-Bund, durante el período de referencia para gestionar la curva de rendimiento del Fondoviii posicionamiento y riesgo de tasa de interés, y duración. El uso de estos instrumentos, sobre una base absoluta, resta valor a
actuación. Los swaps de tasas de interés, utilizados para gestionar la exposición a las tasas de interés, disminuyeron el rendimiento. Los contratos de swap de incumplimiento crediticio vinculados al crédito, que se emplearon para lograr una exposición sintética a los bonos corporativos, contribuyeron al rendimiento durante
el período del informe
El apalancamiento se utilizó para agregar rendimiento a la cartera, al aumentar la exposición del Fondo a
no TIPS clases de activos, incluidos créditos y productos básicos. El Fondo finalizó el período de presentación de informes con un apalancamiento como porcentaje de los activos brutos de aproximadamente el 31% frente al 30% cuando comenzó el período de presentación de informes. El uso de
el apalancamiento para comprar bonos de productos bursátiles y de mercados emergentes, entre otros, generó resultados positivos durante el período del informe.
Revisión de desempeño
Por los doce meses terminados el 30 de noviembre de 2019,
El Fondo de Oportunidades e Ingresos Vinculados a la Inflación de Activos Occidentales arrojó 10.25% basado en su valor de activo neto
("NAV")ix y 12.53% basado en su Bolsa de Nueva York
("NYSE") precio de mercado por acción. Los puntos de referencia no gestionados del Fondo, el Bloomberg Barclays vinculado a la inflación del gobierno de EE. UU. 1-10 Índice de añoX y el índice Bloomberg Barclays del gobierno de EE. UU. vinculado a la inflación de todos los vencimientosxi, devolvió 6.62% y 9.01%, respectivamente, para el mismo período. Bloomberg Barclays El gobierno mundial relaciona la inflación con todos
Índice de vencimientosXii y el índice de referencia personalizado del Fondoxiii devolvió 8.78% y 9.45%, respectivamente, durante el mismo período de tiempo.
Durante el período de doce meses, el Fondo realizó distribuciones a los accionistas por un total de $ 0,43 por acción *. La tabla de rendimiento muestra el rendimiento total de doce meses del Fondo en función de su VNA y el precio de mercado a partir de
30 de noviembre de 2019. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros.
Instantánea de rendimiento al 30 de noviembre de 2019 | ||||
Precio por acción | 12 meses Regreso trotal** |
$ 12.74 (NAV) | 10.25 | % † | ||
$ 11.14 (precio de mercado) | 12,53 | % ‡ |
Todas las cifras representan el rendimiento pasado y no son garantía de resultados futuros. Cifras de rendimiento para períodos más cortos que
un año representan cifras acumulativas y no están anualizadas.
** Los rendimientos totales se basan en cambios en el NAV o el precio de mercado, respectivamente. Devoluciones
reflejar la deducción de todos los gastos del Fondo, incluidos los honorarios de administración, los gastos operativos y otros gastos del Fondo. Las devoluciones no reflejan la deducción de las comisiones o impuestos de corretaje que los inversores pueden pagar por las distribuciones o la venta de acciones.
† El rendimiento total supone la reinversión de todas las distribuciones en NAV.
* Para conocer el carácter fiscal de las distribuciones pagadas durante el año fiscal que finalizó el 30 de noviembre de 2019, consulte la página 45 de este
Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual | 3 |
Resumen del fondo (cont.)
‡ El rendimiento total supone la reinversión de todas las distribuciones en adicional
acciones de acuerdo con el Plan de reinversión de dividendos del Fondo.
Una de las características distintivas de
final cerrado Los fondos en comparación con otros vehículos de inversión es la capacidad de comerciar con una prima o descuento para NAV. Dado que el Fondo cotiza en la Bolsa de Nueva York, el precio de la acción puede cotizar por encima (premium) o por debajo
(descuento) su NAV. Mientras que el NAV refleja las inversiones subyacentes del Fondo, el precio de la acción refleja la oferta y la demanda general en el mercado. Históricamente, la mayoría de
final cerrado los fondos se han negociado con un descuento sobre el NAV. Este Fondo no fue una excepción al fenómeno. Creemos que el descuento del Fondo puede estar impulsado por una serie de factores, incluido el total final cerrado mercado de fondos, tasa de distribución actual y demanda silenciada de productos de inversión vinculados a la inflación. Si bien hay acciones que pueden reducir temporalmente el descuento al NAV, que la Junta de Síndicos
Evaluamos regularmente, creemos que si la demanda de los inversores por inversiones vinculadas a la inflación aumentó, ese desarrollo, entre otros factores, puede ayudar a reducir el descuento del precio de las acciones del Fondo a NAV con el tiempo. Western Asset sigue creyendo que
El fondo ofrece a los inversores la oportunidad de protección contra la inflación a largo plazo al tiempo que proporciona una fuente de diversificación para las carteras de renta fija de los inversores.
P. ¿Cuáles fueron los principales contribuyentes al rendimiento?
A. Los mayores contribuyentes a
El rendimiento absoluto del Fondo durante el período sobre el que se informa fueron sus asignaciones a los mercados emergentes en moneda local y deuda denominada en dólares estadounidenses. El Fondo invirtió en mercados emergentes que se correlacionaron con productos básicos que son precursores
a las presiones inflacionarias de EE. UU. En otros lugares, la exposición táctica de los productos básicos del Fondo contribuyó al rendimiento. En particular, el posicionamiento táctico del Fondo en el sector de Energía y metales preciosos fue recompensado.
P. ¿Cuáles fueron los principales detractores del rendimiento?
A. Los detractores del rendimiento absoluto del Fondo fueron relativamente modestos durante el período del informe, con la selección de valores de TIPS y las operaciones con divisas extranjeras en contra de los resultados.
¿Buscando información adicional?
El fondo
se comercializa con el símbolo "WIW" y su precio de mercado de cierre está disponible en la mayoría de los periódicos en las listas de NYSE. El NAV diario está disponible. en línea bajo el símbolo "XWIWX" en la mayoría
sitios web financieros. Barron's y el Wall Street Journal's Lunes edición ambos llevan final cerrado tablas de fondos que proporcionan información adicional. Además, el Fondo emite trimestralmente
comunicado de prensa que se puede encontrar en la mayoría de los principales sitios web financieros, así como en (haga clic en el nombre del Fondo).
En un esfuerzo continuo por
proporcionar información sobre el Fondo, los accionistas pueden llamar 1-888-777-0102 (sin cargo), de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m.
a las 5:30 p.m. Hora del Este, para el NAV actual del Fondo, el precio de mercado y otra información.
4 4 | Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual |
Gracias por su inversión en Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund. Como siempre, nosotros
Apreciamos que nos haya elegido para administrar sus activos y nos mantenemos enfocados en lograr los objetivos de inversión del Fondo.
Western Asset Management Company, LLC
20 de diciembre de 2019
RIESGOS Los bonos están sujetos a una variedad de riesgos, incluidos los riesgos de tasa de interés, crédito e inflación. A medida que aumentan las tasas de interés, los precios de los bonos caen, lo que reduce el valor de un ingreso fijo
precio de la inversión. El Fondo está sujeto a los riesgos adicionales asociados con los valores protegidos contra la inflación, incluidos el riesgo de liquidez, el riesgo de prepago, el riesgo de extensión y el riesgo de deflación. Inversiones en empresas extranjeras, incluidas las emergentes.
mercados, implican riesgos más allá de los inherentes únicamente a las inversiones nacionales. El apalancamiento puede hacer que un fondo sea más volátil que si el fondo no hubiera sido apalancado, lo que puede aumentar el riesgo de pérdida de inversión. Derivados, como opciones,
Los futuros, forwards y swaps, pueden ser ilíquidos, crear riesgos de contraparte, aumentar desproporcionadamente las pérdidas y tener un impacto potencialmente grande en el rendimiento de los fondos. En la medida en que el Fondo invierta en activos respaldados, respaldados por hipotecas o
los valores relacionados con hipotecas, su exposición al prepago y los riesgos de extensión pueden ser mayores que si invirtiera en otros valores de renta fija. Las inversiones internacionales están sujetas a fluctuaciones monetarias, así como sociales, económicas y políticas.
riesgos Estos riesgos se magnifican en los mercados emergentes.
Una inversión en el Fondo está sujeta a los siguientes riesgos adicionales. Valores de baja calificación, o valores equivalentes sin calificación, que comúnmente se conocen como
Los “bonos basura” generalmente conllevan una mayor volatilidad potencial de los precios y pueden ser menos líquidos que los valores de mayor calificación. Es posible que el Fondo tenga que aplicar un mayor grado de juicio al establecer un precio para valores de baja calificación para fines
de valoración de acciones de fondos. Los cambios en las condiciones económicas o la evolución con respecto al emisor individual tienen más probabilidades de causar volatilidad de los precios y debilitar la capacidad de dichos valores para realizar pagos de capital e intereses que en el caso de
valores de mayor grado. Se considera que los valores de baja calificación tienen características predominantemente especulativas con respecto a la capacidad del emisor para pagar intereses y pagar el principal. Estos valores también pueden ser más susceptibles a
percibe condiciones adversas de la industria económica y competitiva que los valores de mayor calificación. Los títulos de baja calificación y sin calificación generalmente son emitidos por emisores menos solventes que pueden tener una mayor cantidad de deuda pendiente en relación con sus
activos que los emisores de valores de mayor grado. En caso de quiebra de un emisor, los reclamos de otros acreedores pueden tener prioridad sobre los reclamos de los titulares de valores de menor calificación, dejando pocos o ningún activo disponible para pagar el menor grado
titulares de seguridad. El Fondo puede incurrir en gastos en la medida necesaria para buscar la recuperación en caso de incumplimiento o para negociar nuevos términos con un emisor en mora. Los valores de baja calificación con frecuencia tienen características de rescate que permiten a un emisor recomprar
La garantía del Fondo antes de su vencimiento. Si el emisor canjea valores de baja calificación, el Fondo puede tener que invertir los ingresos en valores con menores
Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual | 5 5 |
Resumen del fondo (cont.)
cede y puede perder ingresos. Los títulos de baja calificación y sin calificación conllevan el riesgo de que
el administrador de inversiones del Fondo puede no evaluar con precisión la calificación comparativa del valor. El análisis de la solvencia de los emisores de títulos de baja calificación y sin calificación puede ser más complejo que para los emisores de mayor calidad.
valores. En la medida en que el Fondo tenga valores de baja calificación y / o sin calificación, el éxito del Fondo en el logro de sus objetivos de inversión puede depender más del análisis crediticio del administrador de inversiones del Fondo que si el Fondo
poseía valores exclusivamente de mayor calidad y calificación. Si no se producen cambios en los tipos de cambio de divisas como se esperaba, el Fondo puede perder dinero en transacciones de divisas. La capacidad del Fondo de utilizar con éxito las transacciones de divisas depende
en una serie de factores, incluidas las transacciones de divisas disponibles a precios que no son demasiado costosos, la disponibilidad de mercados líquidos y la capacidad del Fondo para predecir con precisión la dirección de los cambios en los tipos de cambio de divisas.
Los tipos de cambio de divisas pueden ser volátiles. Las transacciones de divisas están sujetas al riesgo de contraparte, que es el riesgo de que la otra parte en la transacción no cumpla con su obligación contractual. El Fondo puede ganar exposición a los productos básicos.
mercados invirtiendo una parte de sus activos en una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta, Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund CFC (la "Subsidiaria"), organizada bajo las leyes de las Islas Caimán. El fondo y el
Las subsidiarias se consideran "grupos de productos básicos" y el asesor de inversiones se considera un "operador de grupo de productos básicos" con respecto al Fondo en virtud de la Ley de Intercambio de Productos Básicos. El asesor de inversiones, directamente oa través de sus afiliados,
por lo tanto, está sujeto a una doble regulación por parte de la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (la "SEC") y la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Productos Básicos (la "CFTC").
Debido a cambios regulatorios recientes, se pueden imponer requisitos regulatorios adicionales y el Fondo puede incurrir en gastos adicionales. Los requisitos reglamentarios que rigen el uso de futuros de productos básicos (que
incluir futuros sobre índices de valores de base amplia, futuros sobre tasas de interés y futuros sobre divisas), las opciones sobre futuros sobre materias primas, ciertos swaps u otras inversiones podrían cambiar en cualquier momento. Inversiones del Fondo en productos vinculados
los derivados pueden someter al Fondo a una mayor volatilidad que las inversiones en valores tradicionales. El valor de los derivados vinculados a materias primas puede verse afectado por cambios en los movimientos generales del mercado, la volatilidad del índice de materias primas, prolongado o intenso.
especulación por parte de los inversores, cambios en las tasas de interés o factores que afectan a una industria o producto en particular, tales como sequías, inundaciones, otros fenómenos climáticos, enfermedades del ganado, embargos, aranceles y políticas internacionales económicas, políticas y regulatorias
desarrollos. Al invertir en la Filial, el Fondo está expuesto indirectamente a los riesgos asociados con las inversiones de la Filial. Las inversiones mantenidas por la Subsidiaria son generalmente similares a las permitidas por el
El Fondo está sujeto a los mismos riesgos que se aplican a inversiones similares si el Fondo lo mantiene directamente. La Subsidiaria no está registrada como una compañía de inversión y no está sujeta a todas las protecciones de los inversionistas de la Ley de Compañía de Inversión de
1940 (la "Ley de 1940"). Los cambios en las leyes de los Estados Unidos y / o las Islas Caimán podrían afectar negativamente al Fondo. Por ejemplo, las Islas Caimán actualmente no imponen ningún impuesto a las ganancias, a las ganancias corporativas o de capital, impuestos sobre bienes,
impuesto de sucesiones, regalo
6 6 | Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual |
Impuesto o retención fiscal sobre la Filial. Si la ley de las Islas Caimán cambia de tal manera que la Subsidiaria debe pagar los impuestos de las Islas Caimán, los accionistas probablemente sufrirían una disminución en los retornos de inversión. los
La exposición del Fondo a los mercados de materias primas, incluso a través de la Subsidiaria, puede estar limitada por su intención de calificar como una compañía de inversión regulada para fines del impuesto federal sobre los ingresos de los EE. UU., Y puede interferir con su capacidad para calificar como tal.
Este material no pretende ser una recomendación o un consejo de inversión de ningún tipo, incluso en relación con reinversiones, transferencias y
distribuciones Dicho material no se proporciona en calidad de fiduciario, no se puede confiar en él o en relación con la toma de decisiones de inversión, y no constituye una solicitud de una oferta para comprar o vender valores. Todo el contenido tiene
se ha proporcionado solo con fines informativos o educativos y no pretende ser y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento legal o fiscal y / o una opinión legal. Siempre consulte a un profesional financiero, fiscal y / o legal con respecto a su
Las tenencias y los desgloses de la cartera son al 30 de noviembre de 2019 y están sujetos a cambios y pueden no ser representativos de
inversiones actuales o futuras de los gestores de cartera. Consulte las páginas 10 a 20 para obtener una lista y un desglose porcentual de las tenencias del Fondo.
La mención de desgloses sectoriales es solo para fines informativos y
no debe interpretarse como una recomendación para comprar o vender valores. La información proporcionada sobre tales sectores no es una base suficiente sobre la cual tomar una decisión de inversión. Inversores que buscan asesoramiento financiero sobre
La conveniencia de invertir en cualquier valor o estrategia de inversión discutida debe consultar a su profesional financiero. Las cinco principales tenencias del Fondo (como porcentaje de los activos netos) del Fondo al 30 de noviembre de 2019 fueron: Tesoro de EE. UU.
Valores protegidos contra la inflación (108.2%), Bonos corporativos y pagarés (8.7%), No estadounidenses Valores protegidos contra la inflación del Tesoro (8,5%), bonos soberanos (7,2%) y obligaciones hipotecarias garantizadas (6,1%). los
La composición de la cartera del fondo está sujeta a cambios en cualquier momento.
Todas las inversiones están sujetas a riesgos, incluida la posible pérdida de capital. Pasado
El rendimiento no es garantía de resultados futuros. Todo el rendimiento del índice no refleja ninguna deducción por honorarios, gastos o impuestos. Tenga en cuenta que un inversor no puede invertir directamente en un índice.
La información proporcionada no pretende ser un pronóstico de eventos futuros, una garantía de resultados futuros o asesoramiento de inversión. Las opiniones expresadas pueden diferir de las de la empresa en su conjunto.
Western Anual Inflation-Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Informe anual | 7 7 |
Resumen del fondo (cont.)
yo |
"Total de activos gestionados" es igual al total de activos del Fondo (incluidos los activos atribuibles al apalancamiento) menos los pasivos acumulados (que no sean |
ii |
La duración efectiva es un cálculo de duración para bonos con opciones integradas. La duración efectiva tiene en cuenta que los flujos de efectivo esperados fluctuarán a medida que |
iii |
Los Valores Protegidos contra la Inflación del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos ("TIPS") son valores indexados a la inflación emitidos por el Tesoro de los Estados Unidos en cinco años, diez años y vencimientos a treinta años. El principal se ajusta al Índice de Precios al Consumidor, la medida de inflación comúnmente utilizada. La tasa de cupón es constante, pero genera una cantidad diferente de interés cuando |
iv |
La Junta de la Reserva Federal (la "Fed") es responsable de la formulación de políticas de los Estados Unidos diseñadas para promover el crecimiento económico, el pleno empleo, estable |
v |
El índice de precios al consumidor para todos los consumidores urbanos ("CPI-U") es una medida del cambio promedio en los precios sobre |
vi |
El índice Bloomberg Barclays de bonos vinculados a la inflación del Tesoro de EE. UU. ("TIPS") representa un índice de mercado no administrado compuesto por el Tesoro de EE. UU. |
vii |
La duración es la medida de la sensibilidad al precio de un valor de renta fija a un cambio en la tasa de interés de 100 puntos básicos. El cálculo se basa en la ponderación |
viii |
La curva de rendimiento es la representación gráfica de la relación entre el rendimiento de los bonos de la misma calidad crediticia pero con diferentes vencimientos. |
ix |
El valor del activo neto (“NAV”) se calcula restando los pasivos totales, incluidos los pasivos asociados con el apalancamiento financiero (si corresponde), del |
X |
Bloomberg Barclays Vinculado a la inflación del gobierno de EE. UU. 1-10 El índice del año mide el rendimiento del intermedio de EE. UU. |
xi |
El índice Bloomberg Barclays del gobierno de EE. UU. Vinculado a la inflación de todos los vencimientos mide el rendimiento del mercado de TIPS de EE. UU. El índice incluye TIPS con uno |
xii |
El índice Bloomberg Barclays del gobierno mundial vinculado a la inflación de todos los vencimientos mide el desempeño de los principales mercados gubernamentales de bonos vinculados a la inflación. |
xiii |
El índice de referencia personalizado se compone del 90% del índice Bloomberg Barclays del gobierno de EE. UU. Vinculado a la inflación de todos los vencimientos, el 5% del índice de crédito Bloomberg Barclays de EE. UU. Y el 5% |
8 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Investment breakdown (%) as a percent of total investments
† |
The bar graph above represents the composition of the Fund’s investments as of November 30, 2019 and November 30, 2018 and does not |
‡ |
Represents less than 0.1%. |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 9 9 |
Consolidated schedule of investments
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities — 108.2% |
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.375 | % | 1/15/25 | 10,897,120 | PS | 12,089,186 | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.000 | % | 1/15/26 | 145,366,327 | 161,024,302 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.375 | % | 1/15/27 | 6,366,000 | 7,335,451 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
1.750 | % | 1/15/28 | 31,865,600 | 35,745,280 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
3.625 | % | 4/15/28 | 15,874,800 | 20,312,767 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.500 | % | 1/15/29 | 17,854,787 | 21,515,447 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
3.875 | % | 4/15/29 | 74,188,350 | 99,059,218 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.125 | % | 2/15/40 | 8,315,510 | 11,017,775 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
2.125 | % | 2/15/41 | 13,366,044 | 17,876,350 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
1.375 | % | 2/15/44 | 55,128,568 | 66,249,163 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
0.750 | % | 2/15/45 | 27,171,771 | 28,738,171 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Inflation Indexed |
1.000 | % | 2/15/48 | 3,123,630 | 3,524,431 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 4/15/20 | 54,820,500 | 54,667,099 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 4/15/21 | 43,333,600 | 43,041,104 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.625 | % | 7/15/21 | 21,644,990 | 21,792,212 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 1/15/22 | 17,016,300 | 16,915,836 | |||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 4/15/22 | 87,734,487 | 87,096,223 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 7/15/22 | 64,903,307 | 64,798,561 | (a) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.125 | % | 1/15/23 | 13,748,893 | 13,666,832 | (b) | ||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Notes, Inflation Indexed |
0.625 | % | 1/15/26 | 55,390,531 | 56,820,961 | |||||||||||
Total U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (Cost — |
843,286,369 | ||||||||||||||
Corporate Bonds & Notes — 8.7% | ||||||||||||||||
Energy — 4.9% | ||||||||||||||||
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.1% |
Halliburton Co., Senior Notes |
3.800 | % | 11/15/25 | 500,000 | 527,459 | |||||||||||
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 4.8% |
Apache Corp., Senior Notes |
5.250 | % | 2/1/42 | 910,000 | 906,081 | |||||||||||
Apache Corp., Senior Notes |
4.250 | % | 1/15/44 | 2,630,000 | 2,310,355 | |||||||||||
Continental Resources Inc., Senior Notes |
4.900 | % | 6/1/44 | 2,250,000 | 2,290,229 | |||||||||||
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, Senior Notes |
3.125 | % | 7/31/29 | 3,380,000 | 3,447,487 | |||||||||||
Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA, Senior Notes |
5.150 | % | 2/11/26 | 3,720,000 | 4,110,265 | (c) | ||||||||||
KazTransGas JSC, Senior Notes |
4.375 | % | 9/26/27 | 4,000,000 | 4,202,500 | (c) | ||||||||||
MEG Energy Corp., Secured Notes |
6.500 | % | 1/15/25 | 30,000 | 31,258 | (c) | ||||||||||
MEG Energy Corp., Senior Notes |
7.000 | % | 3/31/24 | 110,000 | 108,144 | (c) | ||||||||||
Noble Energy Inc., Senior Notes |
3.900 | % | 11/15/24 | 500,000 | 524,550 | |||||||||||
Noble Energy Inc., Senior Notes |
4.950 | % | 8/15/47 | 3,210,000 | 3,426,690 |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
10 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — continued |
Oasis Petroleum Inc., Senior Notes |
6.875 | % | 3/15/22 | 400,000 | PS | 374,750 | ||||||||||
Oasis Petroleum Inc., Senior Notes |
6.875 | % | 1/15/23 | 490,000 | 450,800 | |||||||||||
Occidental Petroleum Corp., Senior Notes |
5.550 | % | 3/15/26 | 330,000 | 374,309 | |||||||||||
Occidental Petroleum Corp., Senior Notes |
6.200 | % | 3/15/40 | 2,690,000 | 3,201,393 | |||||||||||
Petrobras Global Finance BV, Senior Notes |
5.999 | % | 1/27/28 | 3,690,000 | 4,118,640 | |||||||||||
Range Resources Corp., Senior Notes |
5.000 | % | 3/15/23 | 900,000 | 784,116 | |||||||||||
Whiting Petroleum Corp., Senior Notes |
5.750 | % | 3/15/21 | 1,860,000 | 1,706,085 | |||||||||||
Whiting Petroleum Corp., Senior Notes |
6.250 | % | 4/1/23 | 1,100,000 | 767,250 | |||||||||||
Williams Cos. Inc., Senior Notes |
5.750 | % | 6/24/44 | 2,350,000 | 2,697,126 | |||||||||||
YPF SA, Senior Notes |
8.500 | % | 7/28/25 | 1,700,000 | 1,403,206 | (d) | ||||||||||
Total Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels |
37,235,234 | |||||||||||||||
Total Energy |
37,762,693 | |||||||||||||||
Financials — 1.0% | ||||||||||||||||
Banks — 0.7% |
Barclays Bank PLC, Subordinated Notes |
7.625 | % | 11/21/22 | 5,060,000 | 5,678,408 | |||||||||||
Diversified Financial Services — 0.2% |
ILFC E-Capital Trust II, Ltd. GTD ((Highest of 3 mo. USD LIBOR, 10 year Treasury |
4.020 | % | 12/21/65 | 2,084,000 | 1,632,678 |
(c)(e) |
Insurance — 0.1% |
Ambac Assurance Corp., Subordinated Notes |
5.100 | % | 6/7/20 | 48,493 | 71,182 | (c) | ||||||||||
Ambac LSNI LLC, Senior Secured Notes (3 mo. USD LIBOR + 5.000%) |
7.104 | % | 2/12/23 | 206,853 | 208,920 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Total Insurance |
280,102 | |||||||||||||||
Total Financials |
7,591,188 | |||||||||||||||
Health Care — 1.2% | ||||||||||||||||
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 0.1% |
Immucor Inc., Senior Notes |
11.125 | % | 2/15/22 | 1,180,000 | 1,184,793 |
(c) |
Pharmaceuticals — 1.1% |
Bausch Health Americas Inc., Senior Notes |
9.250 | % | 4/1/26 | 2,870,000 | 3,292,565 | (c) |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 11 |
Consolidated schedule of investments (cont’d)
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Pharmaceuticals — continued |
Bausch Health Americas Inc., Senior Notes |
8.500 | % | 1/31/27 | 1,970,000 | PS | 2,235,999 | (c) | |||||||||
Bausch Health Cos. Inc., Senior Notes |
9.000 | % | 12/15/25 | 2,620,000 | 2,960,600 | (c) | ||||||||||
Total Pharmaceuticals |
8,489,164 | |||||||||||||||
Total Health Care |
9,673,957 | |||||||||||||||
Materials — 1.6% | ||||||||||||||||
Metals & Mining — 1.6% |
Alcoa Nederland Holding BV, Senior Notes |
6.125 | % | 5/15/28 | 1,470,000 | 1,587,339 | (c) | ||||||||||
Anglo American Capital PLC, Senior Notes |
4.000 | % | 9/11/27 | 1,630,000 | 1,697,492 | (c) | ||||||||||
ArcelorMittal, Senior Notes |
6.125 | % | 6/1/25 | 720,000 | 816,920 | |||||||||||
Glencore Funding LLC, Senior Notes |
4.125 | % | 3/12/24 | 750,000 | 787,535 | (c) | ||||||||||
Glencore Funding LLC, Senior Notes |
4.000 | % | 3/27/27 | 500,000 | 518,581 | (c) | ||||||||||
Glencore Funding LLC, Senior Notes |
3.875 | % | 10/27/27 | 1,630,000 | 1,691,484 | (c) | ||||||||||
Southern Copper Corp., Senior Notes |
5.250 | % | 11/8/42 | 3,440,000 | 3,885,298 | |||||||||||
Yamana Gold Inc., Senior Notes |
4.625 | % | 12/15/27 | 1,360,000 | 1,440,605 | |||||||||||
Total Materials |
12,425,254 | |||||||||||||||
Total Corporate Bonds & Notes (Cost — $63,505,333) |
67,453,092 | ||||||||||||||
Non-U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities — 8.5% |
Brazil — 3.1% |
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie B, Notes |
6.000 | % | 8/15/30 | 26,794,787 | BRL | 7,970,193 | ||||||||||
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie B, Notes |
6.000 | % | 8/15/50 | 47,093,869 | BRL | 16,008,349 | ||||||||||
Total Brazil |
23,978,542 | |||||||||||||||
Italy — 4.1% |
Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro |
3.100 | % | 9/15/26 | 24,206,945 | EUR | 31,958,387 |
(d) |
Russia — 0.5% |
Russian Federal Inflation Linked Bond — OFZ |
2.500 | % | 2/2/28 | 267,397,500 | RUB | 3,987,606 | ||||||||||
Uruguay — 0.8% |
Uruguay Government International Bond |
4.250 | % | 4/5/27 | 230,403,318 | UYU | 6,428,970 | ||||||||||
Total Non-U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected |
66,353,505 | ||||||||||||||
Sovereign Bonds — 7.2% | ||||||||||||||||
Argentina — 0.2% |
Argentina POM Politica Monetaria, Bonds (Argentina Central Bank 7 Day Repo Reference Rate) |
70.941 | % | 6/21/20 | 276,920,000 | ARS | 1,202,638 |
(e)(f) |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
12 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Brazil — 0.1% |
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F, Notes |
10.000 | % | 1/1/21 | 1,900,000 | BRL | PS | 472,582 | |||||||||
Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F, Notes |
10.000 | % | 1/1/27 | 570,000 | BRL | 157,659 | ||||||||||
Total Brazil |
630,241 | |||||||||||||||
Chile — 0.9% |
Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos, Bonds |
5.000 | % | 3/1/35 | 4,785,000,000 | CLP | 6,923,734 | ||||||||||
Ecuador — 0.5% |
Ecuador Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
10.500 | % | 3/24/20 | 3,120,000 | 3,087,059 | (c) | ||||||||||
Ecuador Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
7.950 | % | 6/20/24 | 1,070,000 | 881,857 | (d) | ||||||||||
Total Ecuador |
3,968,916 | |||||||||||||||
Indonesia — 1.7% |
Indonesia Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
3.850 | % | 7/18/27 | 400,000 | 424,481 | (c) | ||||||||||
Indonesia Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
3.500 | % | 1/11/28 | 1,790,000 | 1,860,572 | |||||||||||
Indonesia Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
5.125 | % | 1/15/45 | 430,000 | 510,482 | (c) | ||||||||||
Indonesia Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
4.750 | % | 7/18/47 | 880,000 | 1,010,888 | (c) | ||||||||||
Indonesia Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
4.350 | % | 1/11/48 | 2,010,000 | 2,211,795 | |||||||||||
Indonesia Treasury Bond, Senior Notes |
7.000 | % | 5/15/27 | 100,812,000,000 | IDR | 7,177,914 | ||||||||||
Total Indonesia |
13,196,132 | |||||||||||||||
Mexico — 2.8% |
Mexican Bonos, Bonds |
8.000 | % | 11/7/47 | 51,280,000 | MXN | 2,825,199 | ||||||||||
Mexican Bonos, Senior Notes |
7.750 | % | 11/13/42 | 273,450,000 | MXN | 14,597,331 | ||||||||||
Mexico Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
4.500 | % | 4/22/29 | 3,720,000 | 4,082,700 | |||||||||||
Total Mexico |
21,505,230 | |||||||||||||||
Nigeria — 0.0% |
Nigeria Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
6.500 | % | 11/28/27 | 280,000 | 280,185 |
(c) | ||||||||||
Qatar — 0.5% |
Qatar Government International Bond, Senior Notes |
4.000 | % | 3/14/29 | 3,770,000 | 4,206,566 |
(c) |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 13 |
Consolidated schedule of investments (cont’d)
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Russia — 0.5% |
Russian Federal Bond — OFZ |
7.050 | % | 1/19/28 | 250,000,000 | RUB | PS | 4,082,608 | |||||||||
Total Sovereign Bonds (Cost — $66,063,782) |
55,996,250 | ||||||||||||||
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (g) — 6.1% |
Banc of America Funding Trust, 2015-R2 4A2 (1 mo. USD LIBOR + |
3.251 | % | 9/29/36 | 13,420,848 | 11,648,370 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Banc of America Funding Trust, 2015-R2 5A2 |
3.501 | % | 9/29/36 | 8,427,565 | 6,755,673 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust, 2006-C5 AJ |
5.373 | % | 12/15/39 | 1,288,902 | 858,808 | |||||||||||
Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust, 2007-C5 AM |
5.869 | % | 9/15/40 | 1,210,207 | 774,533 | (e) | ||||||||||
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC) Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, |
4.000 | % | 8/25/56 | 3,690,000 | 3,738,741 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC) Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series, |
4.000 | % | 8/25/56 | 5,170,000 | 5,157,796 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC) Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes, 2017-DNA2 M2 (1 mo. USD LIBOR + |
5.158 | % | 10/25/29 | 2,660,000 | 2,835,861 | (e) | ||||||||||
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) — CAS, 2017-C06 1B1 (1 mo. USD |
5.858 | % | 2/25/30 | 2,950,000 | 3,190,192 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) — CAS, 2019-R07 1M2 (1 mo. USD |
3.808 | % | 10/25/39 | 2,860,000 | 2,877,374 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust, 2007-CB19 AJ |
6.006 | % | 2/12/49 | 2,256,717 | 1,469,971 | (e) | ||||||||||
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust, 2007-LD12 AJ |
6.650 | % | 2/15/51 | 43,260 | 41,308 | (e) | ||||||||||
Lehman Mortgage Trust, 2006-5 2A2, IO |
5.442 | % | 9/25/36 | 2,759,530 | 787,205 | (e) | ||||||||||
Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust, 2007-11AR 2A3 |
3.504 | % | 6/25/37 | 89,156 | 67,535 | (e) |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
14 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (g) — continued |
Natixis Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust, 2019-TRUE A (1 mo. USD LIBOR + 2.011%) |
3.773 | % | 4/18/24 | 5,700,000 | PS | 5,714,045 | (c)(e) | |||||||||
WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Trust, 2006-AR3 A1B (Federal Reserve |
3.326 | % | 2/25/46 | 2,009,975 | 1,945,777 | (e) | ||||||||||
Total Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (Cost — $42,576,088) |
47,863,189 | ||||||||||||||
Asset-Backed Securities — 0.6% | ||||||||||||||||
Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust, 2007-SD2 2A1 (1 mo. USD LIBOR + |
2.108 | % | 9/25/46 | 46,441 | 44,674 | (e) | ||||||||||
Origen Manufactured Housing Contract Trust, 2007-B A1 (1 mo. USD LIBOR + |
2.965 | % | 10/15/37 | 4,947,977 | 4,887,225 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Security National Mortgage Loan Trust, 2006-3A A2 |
5.830 | % | 1/25/37 | 73,612 | 73,801 | (c)(e) | ||||||||||
Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost — $4,576,956) |
5,005,700 | ||||||||||||||
U.S. Government & Agency Obligations — 0.1% |
U.S. Government Obligations — 0.1% |
U.S. Treasury Bonds (Cost — $869,743) |
2.375 | % | 11/15/49 | 880,000 | 913,619 | |||||||||||
Expiration Date |
Contracts | Notional Amount† |
Purchased Options — 0.0% | ||||||||||||||||
Exchange-Traded Purchased Options — 0.0% |
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes Futures, Call @ $129.50 |
12/27/19 | 335 | 335,000 | 167,500 | ||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call @ $159.00 |
12/27/19 | 67 | 67,000 | 85,844 | ||||||||||||
Total Purchased Options (Cost — $248,258) |
253,344 | ||||||||||||||
Total Investments before Short-Term Investments (Cost — |
1,087,125,068 |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 15 |
Consolidated schedule of investments (cont’d)
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Seguridad | Rate | Maturity Date |
Face Amount† |
Value | ||||||||||||
Short-Term Investments — 3.4% | ||||||||||||||||
Repurchase Agreements — 0.8% | ||||||||||||||||
Deutsche Bank AG, repurchase agreement dated 11/29/19, Proceeds at Maturity — $6,000,800; (Fully collateralized by |
1.600 | % | 12/2/19 | 6,000,000 | PS | 6,000,000 | ||||||||||
Sovereign Bonds — 0.2% | ||||||||||||||||
Argentina Treasury Bills (Cost — $5,736,577) |
40.684 | % | 7/29/20 | 154,500,000 | ARS | 1,652,665 |
(f)(h) |
Shares | ||||||||||||||||
Money Market Funds — 2.4% | ||||||||||||||||
Dreyfus Government Cash Management, Institutional Shares (Cost — $18,550,389) |
1.556 | % | 18,550,389 | 18,550,389 | ||||||||||||
Total Short-Term Investments (Cost — $30,286,966) |
26,203,054 | ||||||||||||||
Total Investments — 142.8% (Cost — $1,082,687,402) |
1,113,328,122 | ||||||||||||||
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (42.8)% |
(333,807,755 | ) | |||||||||||||
Total Net Assets — 100.0% |
PS | 779,520,367 |
† |
Face amount/notional amount denominated in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted. |
(a) |
All or a portion of this security is held by the counterparty as collateral for open reverse repurchase agreements. |
(b) |
All or a portion of this security is held at the broker as collateral for open futures contracts. |
(c) |
Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security may be resold in transactions that are exempt from |
(d) |
Security is exempt from registration under Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. Regulation S applies to securities offerings that are made outside of the |
(e) |
Variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is as of the most recent information available. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published |
(f) |
Security is valued in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Board of Trustees (Note 1). |
(g) |
Collateralized mortgage obligations are secured by an underlying pool of mortgages or mortgage pass-through certificates that are structured to direct payments |
(h) |
Rate shown represents yield-to-maturity. |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
16 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Abbreviations used in this schedule: |
ARS | — Argentine Peso | |
BRL | — Brazilian Real | |
CAS | — Connecticut Avenue Securities | |
CLP | — Chilean Peso | |
CMT | — Constant Maturity Treasury | |
EUR | — Euro | |
GTD | — Guaranteed | |
IDR | — Indonesian Rupiah | |
IO | — Interest Only | |
JSC | — Joint Stock Company | |
LIBOR | — London Interbank Offered Rate | |
MXN | — Mexican Peso | |
RUB | — Russian Ruble | |
USD | — United States Dollar | |
UYU | — Uruguayan Peso |
At November 30, 2019, the Fund had the following open reverse repurchase agreements:
Counterparty | Rate | Effective Date |
Maturity Date |
Face Amount of Reverse Repurchase Agreements |
Asset Class of Collateral* | Collateral Value |
Credit Suisse | 2.600% | 4/8/2019 | TBD** | PS | 20,137,500 | U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities | PS | 21,494,745 | ||||||||||||||
Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. | 2.050% | 10/8/2019 | 12/13/2019 | 338,825,000 | U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities | 333,227,255 | ||||||||||||||||
Efectivo | 9,556,000 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PS | 358,962,500 | PS | 364,278,000 |
* * |
Refer to the Consolidated Schedule of Investments for positions held at the counterparty as collateral for reverse repurchase agreements. |
** ** |
TBD—To Be Determined; These reverse repurchase agreements have no maturity dates because they are renewed daily and can be terminated by either the |
Schedule of Written Options | ||||||||||||||||||||
Exchange-Traded Written Options |
Seguridad | Expiration Date |
Strike Precio |
Contracts | Notional Amount |
Value | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes Futures, Call | 12/27/19 | PS | 131.00 | 669 | PS | 669,000 | PS | (73,172) | ||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes Futures, Call | 2/21/20 | 131.00 | 335 | 335,000 | (146,563) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call | 12/27/19 | 158.00 | 268 | 268,000 | (489,938) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call | 12/27/19 | 160.00 | 134 | 134,000 | (115,156) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call | 12/27/19 | 161.00 | 134 | 134,000 | (73,281) |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 17 |
Consolidated schedule of investments (cont’d)
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
Schedule of Written Options (cont’d) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Seguridad | Expiration Date |
Strike Precio |
Contracts | Notional Amount |
Value | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call | 2/21/20 | PS | 160.00 | 167 | PS | 167,000 | PS | (307,906) | ||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds Futures, Call | 2/21/20 | 161.00 | 836 | 836,000 | (1,227,875) | |||||||||||||||
Total Exchange-Traded Written Options (Premiums received — $2,256,898) |
PS | (2,433,891) |
At November 30, 2019, the Fund had the following open futures contracts:
Number of Contracts |
Expiration Date |
Notional Amount |
Mercado Value |
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) |
Contracts to Buy: | ||||||||||||||||||||
90-Day Eurodollar | 190 | 19/12 | PS | 46,195,067 | PS | 46,593,938 | PS | 398,871 | ||||||||||||
90-Day Eurodollar | 1,340 | 6/20 | 329,249,189 | 329,573,000 | 323,811 | |||||||||||||||
90-Day Eurodollar | 78 | 3/21 | 19,187,189 | 19,215,300 | 28,111 | |||||||||||||||
Copper | 338 | 3/20 | 22,756,695 | 22,489,675 | (267,020) | |||||||||||||||
Euro | 94 | 19/12 | 13,074,422 | 12,956,725 | (117,697) | |||||||||||||||
Gold 100 Ounce | 114 | 4/20 | 17,159,565 | 16,850,340 | (309,225) | |||||||||||||||
Mexican Peso | 86 | 19/12 | 2,172,390 | 2,193,860 | 21,470 | |||||||||||||||
Plata | 102 | 3/20 | 9,183,825 | 8,724,060 | (459,765) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury 2-Year Notes | 618 | 3/20 | 133,358,564 | 133,232,110 | (126,454) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury 5-Year Notes | 578 | 3/20 | 68,808,216 | 68,763,938 | (44,278) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury 10-Year Notes | 749 | 3/20 | 96,986,267 | 96,890,175 | (96,092) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Long-Term Bonds | 19 | 3/20 | 3,039,151 | 3,020,406 | (18,745) | |||||||||||||||
WTI Crude | 283 | 12/20 | 14,907,503 | 14,803,730 | (103,773) | |||||||||||||||
(770,786) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Contracts to Sell: | ||||||||||||||||||||
British Pound | 67 | 19/12 | 5,182,283 | 5,417,369 | (235,086) | |||||||||||||||
Euro-Bund | 231 | 19/12 | 44,836,163 | 43,536,066 | 1,300,097 | |||||||||||||||
Gasolina | 38 | 3/20 | 2,503,625 | 2,560,144 | (56,519) | |||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Ultra Long-Term Bonds | 346 | 3/20 | 65,243,370 | 64,950,687 | 292,683 | |||||||||||||||
1,301,175 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net unrealized appreciation on open futures contracts |
PS | 530,389 |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
18 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
At November 30, 2019, the Fund had the following open forward foreign currency contracts:
Moneda Purchased |
Moneda Sold |
Counterparty | Asentamiento Date |
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) |
COP | 82,621,685,652 | USD | 23,544,644 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | PS | (118,672) | |||||||||||||
IDR | 52,969,535,174 | USD | 3,677,929 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | 59,060 | ||||||||||||||
INR | 1,036,321,925 | USD | 14,466,193 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | (84,641) | ||||||||||||||
JPY | 897,550,000 | USD | 8,443,794 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | (212,333) | ||||||||||||||
MYR | 49,281,000 | USD | 11,727,987 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | 60,935 | ||||||||||||||
USD | 17,945,032 | EUR | 16,200,000 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | 31,448 | ||||||||||||||
USD | 5,624,567 | MXN | 112,802,368 | Barclays Bank PLC | 1/17/20 | (104,392) | ||||||||||||||
USD | 8,662,270 | EUR | 7,837,846 | BNP Paribas SA | 1/17/20 | (4,638) | ||||||||||||||
BRL | 25,359,699 | USD | 6,054,787 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (85,846) | ||||||||||||||
BRL | 30,058,681 | USD | 7,054,372 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | 20,573 | ||||||||||||||
BRL | 30,650,000 | USD | 7,330,432 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (116,307) | ||||||||||||||
EUR | 200,000 | USD | 223,844 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (2,689) | ||||||||||||||
EUR | 300,000 | USD | 331,738 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (5) | ||||||||||||||
GBP | 4,241,448 | USD | 5,202,709 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | 293,726 | ||||||||||||||
RUB | 2,101,159,580 | USD | 32,366,862 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | 70,809 | ||||||||||||||
USD | 468,107 | AUD | 696,486 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (3,634) | ||||||||||||||
USD | 18,858,986 | EUR | 17,090,000 | Citibank N.A. | 1/17/20 | (38,739) | ||||||||||||||
USD | 16,236,445 | TWD | 499,498,000 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1/17/20 | (172,306) | ||||||||||||||
Total |
PS | (407,651) |
Abbreviations used in this table: |
AUD | — Australian Dollar | |
BRL | — Brazilian Real | |
COP | — Colombian Peso | |
EUR | — Euro | |
GBP | — British Pound | |
IDR | — Indonesian Rupiah | |
INR | — Indian Rupee | |
JPY | — Japanese Yen | |
MXN | — Mexican Peso | |
MYR | — Malaysian Ringgit | |
RUB | — Russian Ruble | |
TWD | — Taiwan Dollar | |
USD | — United States Dollar |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 19 |
Consolidated schedule of investments (cont’d)
November 30, 2019
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund
At November 30, 2019, the Fund had the following open swap contracts:
Notional Amount |
Termination Date |
Pagos Made by the Fund† |
Pagos Received by the Fund† |
Upfront Premiums Paid (Received) |
Unrealized (Depreciation) |
$39,783,000 | 8/31/23 | 2.500% semi-annually | 3-Month LIBOR quarterly | $(2,481) | $(1,341,511) |
OTC INTEREST RATE SWAPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Swap Counterparty | Notional Amount |
Termination Date |
Pagos Made by the Fund† |
Pagos Received by the Fund† |
Upfront Premiums Paid (Received) |
Unrealized Appreciation |
Barclays Bank PLC | PS | 95,600,000 | 5/3/20 | 2.023%* | CPURNSA | * * | – | PS | 126,597 |
Referencia Entity |
Notional Amount2 |
Termination Date |
Periodic Pagos Received by the Fund† |
Mercado Value3 |
Upfront Premiums Paid (Received) |
Unrealized Appreciation |
Markit CDX.NA.IG.33 Index | PS | 42,285,000 | 12/20/24 | 1.000% quarterly | PS | 1,018,603 | PS | 811,412 | PS | 207,191 |
1 |
If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay |
2 |
The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event |
3 |
The quoted market prices and resulting values for credit default swap agreements on asset-backed securities and credit indices serve as an indicator of the |
† |
Percentage shown is an annual percentage rate. |
* * |
One time payment made at termination date. |
Abbreviations used in this table: |
CPURNSA | — U.S. CPI Urban Consumers NSA Index | |
LIBOR | — London Interbank Offered Rate |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
20 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities
November 30, 2019
Assets: | ||||
Investments, at value (Cost — $1,082,687,402) |
PS | 1,113,328,122 | ||
Foreign currency, at value (Cost — $4,618,243) |
4,563,283 | |||
Efectivo |
45,921 | |||
Receivable for securities sold |
17,686,515 | |||
Deposits with brokers for reverse repurchase agreements |
9,559,000 | |||
Deposits with brokers for open futures contracts and exchange-traded options |
8,502,976 | |||
Interest receivable |
6,126,215 | |||
Deposits with brokers for centrally cleared swap contracts |
991,209 | |||
Foreign currency collateral for open futures contracts and exchange-traded options, at value (Cost — |
739,149 | |||
Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts |
536,551 | |||
Deposits with brokers for OTC derivatives |
270,000 | |||
OTC swaps, at value (premiums paid — $0) |
126,597 | |||
Prepaid expenses |
24,919 | |||
Total Assets |
1,162,500,457 | |||
Liabilities: | ||||
Payable for open reverse repurchase agreements (Note 3) |
358,962,500 | |||
Payable for securities purchased |
17,887,526 | |||
Written options, at value (premiums received — $2,256,898) |
2,433,891 | |||
Interest payable |
1,386,543 | |||
Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts |
944,202 | |||
Payable to broker — variation margin on open futures contracts |
379,479 | |||
Deposits from brokers for open reverse repurchase agreements |
366,000 | |||
Investment management fee payable |
328,756 | |||
Administration fee payable |
46,965 | |||
Trustees’ fees payable |
27,887 | |||
Payable to broker — variation margin on centrally cleared swap contracts |
12,708 | |||
Accrued expenses |
203,633 | |||
Total Liabilities |
382,980,090 | |||
Total Net Assets | PS | 779,520,367 | ||
Net Assets: | ||||
Common shares, no par value, unlimited number of shares authorized, 61,184,134 shares issued and |
PS | 819,718,608 | ||
Total distributable earnings (loss) |
(40,198,241) | |||
Total Net Assets | PS | 779,520,367 | ||
Shares Outstanding | 61,184,134 | |||
Net Asset Value | PS | 12.74 |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 21 |
Consolidated statement of operations
For the Year Ended November 30, 2019
Investment Income: | ||||
Interest |
PS | 37,707,043 | ||
Less: Foreign taxes withheld |
(118,057) | |||
Total Investment Income |
37,588,986 | |||
Expenses: | ||||
Interest expense (Note 3) |
8,589,211 | |||
Investment management fee (Note 2) |
3,867,616 | |||
Administration fees (Note 2) |
552,517 | |||
Legal fees |
371,105 | |||
Trustees’ fees |
186,557 | |||
Transfer agent fees |
95,878 | |||
Fund accounting fees |
82,426 | |||
Custody fees |
65,985 | |||
Audit and tax fees |
55,239 | |||
Commodity pool reports |
42,935 | |||
Stock exchange listing fees |
33,754 | |||
Seguro |
13,417 | |||
Shareholder reports |
3,598 | |||
Miscellaneous expenses |
15,744 | |||
Total Expenses |
13,975,982 | |||
Net Investment Income | 23,613,004 | |||
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments, Futures Contracts, Written Options, Swap Contracts, Forward Foreign Currency Contracts and Foreign Currency Transactions (Notes 1, 3 and 4): |
Net Realized Gain (Loss) From: |
Investment transactions |
(2,238,163) | |||
Futures contracts |
(13,406,472) | |||
Written options |
1,643,978 | |||
Swap contracts |
611,549 | |||
Forward foreign currency contracts |
2,789,225 | |||
Foreign currency transactions |
(729,215) | |||
Net Realized Loss |
(11,329,098) | |||
Change in Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) From: |
Inversiones |
58,946,485 | |||
Futures contracts |
3,208,220 | |||
Written options |
(176,993) | |||
Swap contracts |
(798,763) | |||
Forward foreign currency contracts |
1,021,739 | |||
Foreign currencies |
(96,921) | |||
Change in Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) |
62,103,767 | |||
Net Gain on Investments, Futures Contracts, Written Options, Swap Contracts, Forward Foreign Currency Contracts and Foreign Currency Transactions |
50,774,669 | |||
Increase in Net Assets From Operations | PS | 74,387,673 |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
22 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Consolidated statements of changes in net assets
For the Years Ended November 30, | 2019 | 2018 | ||||||
Operations: | ||||||||
Net investment income |
PS | 23,613,004 | PS | 25,716,139 | ||||
Net realized gain (loss) |
(11,329,098) | 649,223 | ||||||
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) |
62,103,767 | (50,782,002) | ||||||
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations |
74,387,673 | (24,416,640) | ||||||
Distributions to Shareholders From (Note 1): | ||||||||
Total distributable earnings |
(26,431,546) | (26,431,546) | ||||||
Decrease in Net Assets From Distributions to |
(26,431,546) | (26,431,546) | ||||||
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets |
47,956,127 | (50,848,186) | ||||||
Net Assets: | ||||||||
Beginning of year |
731,564,240 | 782,412,426 | ||||||
End of year |
PS | 779,520,367 | PS | 731,564,240 |
See Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 23 |
Consolidated statement of cash flows
For the Year Ended November 30, 2019
Increase (Decrease) in Cash: | ||||
Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities: | ||||
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations |
PS | 74,387,673 | ||
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash provided (used) by operating |
Purchases of portfolio securities |
(371,127,786) | |||
Sales of portfolio securities |
381,220,427 | |||
Net purchases, sales and maturities of short-term investments |
(11,159,821) | |||
Net inflation adjustment |
(14,593,707) | |||
Net amortization of premium (accretion of discount) |
1,922,588 | |||
Increase in receivable for securities sold |
(9,880,248) | |||
Increase in interest receivable |
(215,690) | |||
Decrease in prepaid expenses |
2,336 | |||
Decrease in payable to broker — variation margin on centrally cleared swap contracts |
(5,051) | |||
Increase in deposits from brokers for reverse repurchase agreements |
366,000 | |||
Increase in payable for securities purchased |
7,012,431 | |||
Increase in investment management fee payable |
27,144 | |||
Decrease in Trustees’ fees payable |
(268) | |||
Increase in administration fee payable |
3,878 | |||
Increase in interest payable |
859,180 | |||
Decrease in accrued expenses |
(52,449) | |||
Increase in premiums received from written options |
2,256,898 | |||
Increase in payable to broker — variation margin on open futures contracts |
274,327 | |||
Net realized loss on investments |
2,238,163 | |||
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments, written options, |
OTC swap contracts and forward foreign currency contracts |
(59,917,828) | |||
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities* |
3,618,197 | |||
Cash Flows From Financing Activities: | ||||
Distributions paid on common stock |
(26,431,546) | |||
Increase in payable for reverse repurchase agreements |
35,867,375 | |||
Net Cash Provided in Financing Activities |
9,435,829 | |||
Net Increase in Cash and Restricted Cash | 13,054,026 | |||
Cash and restricted cash at beginning of year |
11,617,512 | |||
Cash and restricted cash at end of year |
PS | 24,671,538 |
* * |
Included in operating expenses is cash of $7,730,031 paid for interest on borrowings. |
The following table provides a reconciliation of cash and restricted cash reported within the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities that sums |
November 30, 2019 | ||||
Efectivo | PS | 4,609,204 | ||
Restricted cash | 20,062,334 | |||
Total cash and restricted cash shown in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows | PS | 24,671,538 |
Restricted cash consists of cash that has been segregated to cover the Fund’s collateral or margin obligations under derivative contracts. Es |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
24 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Consolidated financial highlights
For a share of common stock outstanding throughout unless otherwise |
20191 | 20181 | 20171 | 20161,2 | 20151,3 | 20141,3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Net asset value, beginning of year | $11.96 | $12.79 | $12.37 | $12.16 | $12.96 | $13.24 | ||||||||||||||||||
Income (loss) from operations: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
0.39 | 0.42 | 0.38 | 0.34 | 0.25 | 0.38 | ||||||||||||||||||
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) |
0.82 | (0.82) | 0.46 | 0.24 | (0.68) | (0.22) | ||||||||||||||||||
Total income (loss) from operations |
1.21 | (0.40) | 0.84 | 0.58 | (0.43) | 0.16 | ||||||||||||||||||
Less distributions from: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
(0.43) | (0.43) | (0.42) | (0.29) | (0.11) | (0.36) | ||||||||||||||||||
Net realized gains |
– | – | – | – | (0.02) | (0.08) | ||||||||||||||||||
Return of capital |
– | – | – | (0.08) | (0.24) | – | ||||||||||||||||||
Total distributions |
(0.43) | (0.43) | (0.42) | (0.37) | (0.37) | (0.44) | ||||||||||||||||||
Net asset value, end of year | $12.74 | $11.96 | $12.79 | $12.37 | $12.16 | $12.96 | ||||||||||||||||||
Market price, end of year | $11.14 | $10.30 | $11.31 | $10.93 | $10.29 | $11.30 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total return, based on NAV4,5 |
10.25 | % | (3.21) | % | 6.99 | % | 4.69 | % | (3.42) | % | 1.09 | % | ||||||||||||
Total return, based on Market Price6 |
12.53 | % | (5.32) | % | 7.42 | % | 9.85 | % | (5.83) | % | 4.03 | % | ||||||||||||
Net assets, end of year (millions) | $780 | $732 | $782 | $757 | $744 | $793 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ratios to average net assets: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross expenses |
1.82 | % | 1.72 | % | 1.44 | % | 1.40 | %7 7 | 1.13 | % | 0.95 | % | ||||||||||||
Net expenses |
1.82 | 1.72 | 1.44 | 1.40 | 7 7 | 1.13 | 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
3.07 | 3.36 | 3.04 | 3.00 | 7 7 | 1.98 | 2.84 | |||||||||||||||||
Portfolio turnover rate | 35 | % | 48 | % | 57 | % | 70 | % | 59 | % | 49 | % |
1 |
Per share amounts have been calculated using the average shares method. |
2 |
For the period January 1, 2016 through November 30, 2016. |
3 |
For the year ended December 31. |
4 4 |
Performance figures may reflect compensating balance arrangements, fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. In the absence of compensating balance |
5 5 |
The total return calculation assumes that distributions are reinvested at NAV. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Total returns for periods of |
6 |
The total return calculation assumes that distributions are reinvested in accordance with the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Past performance is no |
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 25 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements
1. Organization and significant accounting policies
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund (the “Fund”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
(“1940 Act”), as a diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund commenced operations on February 25, 2004.
The Fund’s primary investment objective is to provide current income for its shareholders. Capital appreciation, when consistent with current income, is a secondary investment objective. Under normal market
conditions and at the time of purchase, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its total managed assets in inflation-linked securities. The Fund may invest up to 100% of its total managed assets in non-U.S.
dollar investments. The Fund may also invest up to 40% of its total managed assets in below investment grade securities. If a security is rated by multiple nationally recognized statistical rating organizations
(“NRS-ROs”) and receives different ratings, the Fund will treat the security as being rated in the highest rating category received from an NRSRO.
The Fund may gain exposure to the commodities markets by investing a portion of its assets in a wholly-owned subsidiary, Western Asset Inflation-Linked
Opportunities & Income Fund CFC (the “Subsidiary”), organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands. Among other investments, the Subsidiary may invest in commodity-linked instruments. The Fund may invest up to 25% of its total
assets in the Subsidiary; although 10% of total managed assets may be utilized for commodity-related strategies. These financial statements are consolidated financial statements of the Fund and the Subsidiary. All interfund transactions have been
eliminated in consolidation.
The following are significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Fund and are in conformity with U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). Estimates and assumptions are required to be made regarding assets, liabilities and changes in net assets resulting from operations when financial statements are prepared. Changes in the
economic environment, financial markets and any other parameters used in determining these estimates could cause actual results to differ. Subsequent events have been evaluated through the date the financial statements were issued.
(a) Investment valuation. The valuations for fixed income securities (which may include, but
are not limited to, corporate, government, municipal, mortgage-backed, collateralized mortgage obligations and asset-backed securities) and certain derivative instruments are typically the prices supplied by independent third party pricing services,
which may use market prices or broker/dealer quotations or a variety of valuation techniques and methodologies. The independent third party pricing services use inputs that are observable such as issuer details, interest rates, yield curves,
prepayment speeds, credit risks/spreads, default rates and quoted prices for similar securities. Investments in open-end funds are valued at the closing net asset value per share of each fund on the day of
valuation. Futures contracts are valued daily at the settlement price established by the board of trade or exchange on
26 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
which they are traded. Equity securities for which market quotations are available are valued at the last reported sales price or official closing price on the primary market or exchange on which
they trade. When the Fund holds securities or other assets that are denominated in a foreign currency, the Fund will normally use the currency exchange rates as of 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). If independent third party pricing services are unable to
supply prices for a portfolio investment, or if the prices supplied are deemed by the manager to be unreliable, the market price may be determined by the manager using quotations from one or more broker/dealers or at the transaction price if the
security has recently been purchased and no value has yet been obtained from a pricing service or pricing broker. When reliable prices are not readily available, such as when the value of a security has been significantly affected by events after
the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, but before the Fund calculates its net asset value, the Fund values these securities as determined in accordance with procedures approved by the Fund’s Board of
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the valuation process and has delegated the supervision of the daily valuation process to the Legg
Mason North Atlantic Fund Valuation Committee (the “Valuation Committee”). The Valuation Committee, pursuant to the policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, is responsible for making fair value determinations, evaluating the
effectiveness of the Fund’s pricing policies, and reporting to the Board of Trustees. When determining the reliability of third party pricing information for investments owned by the Fund, the Valuation Committee, among other things, conducts
due diligence reviews of pricing vendors, monitors the daily change in prices and reviews transactions among market participants.
The Valuation
Committee will consider pricing methodologies it deems relevant and appropriate when making fair value determinations. Examples of possible methodologies include, but are not limited to, multiple of earnings; discount from market of a similar freely
traded security; discounted cash-flow analysis; book value or a multiple thereof; risk premium/yield analysis; yield to maturity; and/or fundamental investment analysis. The Valuation Committee will also consider factors it deems relevant and
appropriate in light of the facts and circumstances. Examples of possible factors include, but are not limited to, the type of security; the issuer’s financial statements; the purchase price of the security; the discount from market value of
unrestricted securities of the same class at the time of purchase; analysts’ research and observations from financial institutions; information regarding any transactions or offers with respect to the security; the existence of merger proposals
or tender offers affecting the security; the price and extent of public trading in similar securities of the issuer or comparable companies; and the existence of a shelf registration for restricted securities.
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Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
For each portfolio security that has been fair valued pursuant to the policies adopted
by the Board of Trustees, the fair value price is compared against the last available and next available market quotations. The Valuation Committee reviews the results of such back testing monthly and fair valuation occurrences are reported to the
Board of Trustees quarterly.
The Fund uses valuation techniques to measure fair value that are consistent with the market approach and/or income
approach, depending on the type of security and the particular circumstance. The market approach uses prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving identical or comparable securities. The income approach uses
valuation techniques to discount estimated future cash flows to present value.
GAAP establishes a disclosure hierarchy that categorizes the inputs to
valuation techniques used to value assets and liabilities at measurement date. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below:
• |
Level 1 — quoted prices in active markets for identical investments |
• |
Level 2 — other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.) |
• |
Level 3 — significant unobservable inputs (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments) |
The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those
28 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
The following is a summary of the inputs used in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities carried at fair value:
ASSETS | ||||||||||||||||
Descripción | Quoted Prices (Level 1) |
Other Significant Observable Inputs (Level 2) |
Significant (Level 3) |
Total | ||||||||||||
Long-Term Investments†: | ||||||||||||||||
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities |
– | PS | 843,286,369 | – | PS | 843,286,369 | ||||||||||
Corporate Bonds & Notes |
– | 67,453,092 | – | 67,453,092 | ||||||||||||
Non-U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities |
– | 66,353,505 | – | 66,353,505 | ||||||||||||
Sovereign Bonds |
– | 55,996,250 | – | 55,996,250 | ||||||||||||
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations |
– | 47,863,189 | – | 47,863,189 | ||||||||||||
Asset-Backed Securities |
– | 5,005,700 | – | 5,005,700 | ||||||||||||
U.S. Government & Agency Obligations |
– | 913,619 | – | 913,619 | ||||||||||||
Purchased Options |
PS | 253,344 | – | – | 253,344 | |||||||||||
Total Long-Term Investments | 253,344 | 1,086,871,724 | – | 1,087,125,068 | ||||||||||||
Short-Term Investments†: | ||||||||||||||||
Repurchase Agreements |
– | 6,000,000 | – | 6,000,000 | ||||||||||||
Sovereign Bonds |
– | 1,652,665 | – | 1,652,665 | ||||||||||||
Money Market Funds |
18,550,389 | – | – | 18,550,389 | ||||||||||||
Total Short-Term Investments | 18,550,389 | 7,652,665 | – | 26,203,054 | ||||||||||||
Total Investments | PS | 18,803,733 | PS | 1,094,524,389 | – | PS | 1,113,328,122 | |||||||||
Other Financial Instruments: | ||||||||||||||||
Futures Contracts |
PS | 2,365,043 | – | – | PS | 2,365,043 | ||||||||||
Forward Foreign Currency Contracts |
– | PS | 536,551 | – | 536,551 | |||||||||||
OTC Interest Rate Swaps |
– | 126,597 | – | 126,597 | ||||||||||||
Centrally Cleared Credit Default Swaps on Credit Indices — Sell Protection |
– | 207,191 | – | 207,191 | ||||||||||||
Total Other Financial Instruments | PS | 2,365,043 | PS | 870,339 | – | PS | 3,235,382 | |||||||||
Total | PS | 21,168,776 | PS | 1,095,394,728 | – | PS | 1,116,563,504 |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 29 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
LIABILITIES | ||||||||||||||||
Descripción | Quoted Prices (Level 1) |
Other Significant Observable Inputs (Level 2) |
Significant (Level 3) |
Total | ||||||||||||
Other Financial Instruments: | ||||||||||||||||
Written Options |
PS | 2,433,891 | – | – | PS | 2,433,891 | ||||||||||
Futures Contracts |
1,834,654 | – | – | 1,834,654 | ||||||||||||
Forward Foreign Currency Contracts |
– | PS | 944,202 | – | 944,202 | |||||||||||
Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps |
– | 1,341,511 | – | 1,341,511 | ||||||||||||
Total | PS | 4,268,545 | PS | 2,285,713 | – | PS | 6,554,258 |
† |
See Consolidated Schedule of Investments for additional detailed categorizations. |
(b) Purchased options. When the Fund purchases an option, an amount equal to the premium paid
by the Fund is recorded as an investment on the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities, the value of which is marked-to-market to reflect the current market
value of the option purchased. If the purchased option expires, the Fund realizes a loss equal to the amount of premium paid. When an instrument is purchased or sold through the exercise of an option, the related premium paid is added to the basis
of the instrument acquired or deducted from the proceeds of the instrument sold. The risk associated with purchasing put and call options is limited to the premium paid.
(c) Written options. When the Fund writes an option, an amount equal to the premium received by the Fund is recorded as a liability, the value
of which is marked-to-market daily to reflect the current market value of the option written. If the option expires, the premium received is recorded as a realized gain.
When a written call option is exercised, the difference between the premium received plus the option exercise price and the Fund’s basis in the underlying security (in the case of a covered written call option), or the cost to purchase the
underlying security (in the case of an uncovered written call option), including brokerage commission, is recognized as a realized gain or loss. When a written put option is exercised, the amount of the premium received is subtracted from the cost
of the security purchased by the Fund from the exercise of the written put option to form the Fund’s basis in the underlying security purchased. The writer or buyer of an option traded on an exchange can liquidate the position before the
exercise of the option by entering into a closing transaction. The cost of a closing transaction is deducted from the original premium received resulting in a realized gain or loss to the Fund.
The risk in writing a covered call option is that the Fund may forego the opportunity of profit if the market price of the underlying security increases and the
option is exercised. The risk in writing a put option is that the Fund may incur a loss if the market price of the underlying security decreases and the option is exercised. The risk in writing an uncovered call option is that the Fund is exposed to
the risk of loss if the market price of the underlying security increases. In addition, there is the risk that the Fund may not be able to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid secondary market.
30 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
(d) Futures contracts. The Fund uses futures
contracts generally to gain exposure to, or hedge against, changes in interest rates or gain exposure to, or hedge against, changes in certain asset classes. A futures contract represents a commitment for the future purchase or sale of an asset at a
specified price on a specified date.
Upon entering into a futures contract, the Fund is required to deposit cash or securities with a broker in an
amount equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. This is known as the ‘‘initial margin’’ and subsequent payments (‘‘variation margin’’) are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the
daily fluctuation in the value of the contract. For certain futures, including foreign denominated futures, variation margin is not settled daily, but is recorded as a net variation margin payable or receivable. The daily changes in contract value
are recorded as unrealized gains or losses in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and the Fund recognizes a realized gain or loss when the contract is closed.
Futures contracts involve, to varying degrees, risk of loss in excess of the amounts reflected in the financial statements. In addition, there is the risk that the Fund may not be able to enter into a closing
transaction because of an illiquid secondary market.
(e) Forward foreign currency contracts. The Fund enters into a forward foreign currency contract to hedge against foreign currency exchange rate risk on its non-U.S. dollar denominated securities or to facilitate
settlement of a foreign currency denominated portfolio transaction. A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price with delivery and settlement at a future date. The contract is marked-to-market daily and the change in value is recorded by the Fund as an unrealized gain or loss. When a forward foreign currency contract is closed, through either
delivery or offset by entering into another forward foreign currency contract, the Fund recognizes a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value of the contract at the time
it is closed.
Non-deliverable forward foreign currency exchange contracts are settled with the counterparty in
cash without the delivery of foreign currency.
Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amounts reflected on
the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. The Fund bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward foreign currency contract. Risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the
potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.
(f) Swap agreements. The Fund invests in swaps for the purpose of managing its exposure to interest rate, credit or market risk, or for other purposes. The use of swaps involves risks that are different from those associated with
other portfolio transactions. Swap agreements are privately negotiated in the over-the-counter market and may be entered into as a bilateral contract (“OTC
Swaps”) or centrally cleared (“Centrally Cleared Swaps”). Unlike Centrally Cleared Swaps, the Fund has credit exposure to the counterparties of OTC Swaps.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 31 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
In a Centrally Cleared Swap, immediately following execution of the swap, the swap
agreement is submitted to a clearinghouse or central counterparty (the “CCP”) and the CCP becomes the ultimate counterparty of the swap agreement. The Fund is required to interface with the CCP through a broker, acting in an agency
capacity. All payments are settled with the CCP through the broker. Upon entering into a Centrally Cleared Swap, the Fund is required to deposit initial margin with the broker in the form of cash or securities.
Swap contracts are marked-to-market daily and changes in value are recorded as
unrealized appreciation (depreciation). The daily change in valuation of Centrally Cleared Swaps, if any, is recorded as a receivable or payable for variation margin on the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Gains or losses are
realized upon termination of the swap agreement. Collateral, in the form of restricted cash or securities, may be required to be held in segregated accounts with the Fund’s custodian in compliance with the terms of the swap contracts.
Securities posted as collateral for swap contracts are identified in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments and restricted cash, if any, is identified on the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Risks may exceed amounts recorded in
the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. These risks include changes in the returns of the underlying instruments, failure of the counterparties to perform under the contracts’ terms, and the possible lack of liquidity with respect
to the swap agreements.
OTC swap payments received or made at the beginning of the measurement period are reflected as a premium or deposit,
respectively, on the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. These upfront payments are amortized over the life of the swap and are recognized as realized gain or loss in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. Net periodic payments
received or paid by the Fund are recognized as a realized gain or loss in the Consolidated Statement of Operations.
The Fund’s maximum exposure in
the event of a defined credit event on a credit default swap to sell protection is the notional amount.
As of November 30, 2019, the total notional
value of all credit default swaps to sell protection was $42,285,000. This amount would be offset by the value of the swap’s reference entity, upfront premiums received on the swap and any amounts received from the settlement of a credit
default swap where the Fund bought protection for the same referenced security/entity.
For average notional amounts of swaps held during the year ended
November 30, 2019, see Note 4.
32 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Credit default swaps
The Fund enters into credit default swap (“CDS”) contracts for investment purposes, to manage its credit risk or to add leverage. CDS agreements involve one party making a stream of payments to another
party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a default by a third party, typically corporate or sovereign issuers, on a specified obligation, or in the event of a write-down, principal shortfall, interest shortfall
or default of all or part of the referenced entities comprising a credit index. The Fund may use a CDS to provide protection against defaults of the issuers (i.e., to reduce risk where the Fund has exposure to an issuer) or to take an active long or
short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default. As a seller of protection, the Fund generally receives an upfront payment or a stream of payments throughout the term of the swap provided that there is no credit
event. If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund could be required to make under a
credit default swap agreement would be an amount equal to the notional amount of the agreement. These amounts of potential payments will be partially offset by any recovery of values from the respective referenced obligations. As a seller of
protection, the Fund effectively adds leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund is subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap. As a buyer of protection, the Fund generally receives an
amount up to the notional value of the swap if a credit event occurs.
Implied spreads are the theoretical prices a lender receives for credit default
protection. When spreads rise, market perceived credit risk rises and when spreads fall, market perceived credit risk falls. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include
upfront payments required to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads and decreasing market values, when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater
likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement. Credit spreads utilized in determining the period end market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate or sovereign issues are
disclosed in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments and serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for credit derivatives. For credit default swap agreements on
asset-backed securities and credit indices, the quoted market prices and resulting values, particularly in relation to the notional amount of the contract as well as the annual payment rate, serve as an indication of the current status of the
payment/performance risk.
The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk, as the protection buyer, is the fair value of the contract (this
risk is mitigated by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Fund to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty). As the protection seller, the Fund’s maximum risk is the notional amount of the contract. Credit default
swaps are considered to have credit risk-related contingent features since they require payment by the protection seller to the protection buyer upon the occurrence of a defined credit event.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 33 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
Entering into a CDS agreement involves, to varying degrees, elements of credit, market
and documentation risk in excess of the related amounts recognized on the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the counterparty to the
agreement may default on its obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of the contractual terms in the agreement, and that there will be unfavorable changes in net interest rates.
Interest rate swaps
The Fund enters into interest rate swap contracts to manage
its exposure to interest rate risk. Interest rate swaps are agreements between two parties to exchange cash flows based on a notional principal amount. The Fund may elect to pay a fixed rate and receive a floating rate, receive a fixed rate and pay
a floating rate, or pay and receive a floating rate, on a notional principal amount. Interest rate swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon quotations from market
makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. When a swap contract is terminated early, the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the original
cost and the settlement amount of the closing transaction.
The risks of interest rate swaps include changes in market conditions that will affect the
value of the contract or changes in the present value of the future cash flow streams and the possible inability of the counterparty to fulfill its obligations under the agreement. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk
is the discounted net value of the cash flows to be received from the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that amount is positive. This risk is mitigated by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Fund to
cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.
(g) Stripped securities. los
Fund may invest in ‘‘Stripped Securities,’’ a term used collectively for components, or strips, of fixed income securities. Stripped Securities can be principal only securities (“PO”), which are debt obligations that
have been stripped of unmatured interest coupons, or interest only securities (“IO”), which are unmatured interest coupons that have been stripped from debt obligations. The market value of Stripped Securities will fluctuate in response to
changes in economic conditions, rates of pre-payment, interest rates and the market’s perception of the securities. However, fluctuations in response to interest rates may be greater in Stripped
Securities than for debt obligations of comparable maturities that pay interest currently. The amount of fluctuation may increase with a longer period of maturity.
The yield to maturity on IO’s is sensitive to the rate of principal repayments (including prepayments) on the related underlying debt obligation and principal payments may have a material effect on yield to
maturity. If the underlying debt obligation experiences greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the Fund may not fully recoup its initial investment in IO’s.
34 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
(h) Repurchase agreements. The Fund may enter
into repurchase agreements with institutions that its investment adviser has determined are creditworthy. Each repurchase agreement is recorded at cost. Under the terms of a typical repurchase agreement, the Fund acquires a debt security subject to
an obligation of the seller to repurchase, and of the Fund to resell, the security at an agreed-upon price and time, thereby determining the yield during the Fund’s holding period. When entering into repurchase agreements, it is the Fund’s
policy that its custodian or a third party custodian, acting on the Fund’s behalf, take possession of the underlying collateral securities, the market value of which, at all times, at least equals the principal amount of the repurchase
transaction, including accrued interest. To the extent that any repurchase transaction maturity exceeds one business day, the value of the collateral is marked-to-market
and measured against the value of the agreement in an effort to ensure the adequacy of the collateral. If the counterparty defaults, the Fund generally has the right to use the collateral to satisfy the terms of the repurchase transaction. However,
if the market value of the collateral declines during the period in which the Fund seeks to assert its rights or if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Fund may be
delayed or limited.
(i) Reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may enter into
reverse repurchase agreements. Under the terms of a typical reverse repurchase agreement, a fund sells a security subject to an obligation to repurchase the security from the buyer at an agreed upon time and price. In the event the buyer of
securities under a reverse repurchase agreement files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, the Fund’s use of the proceeds of the agreement may be restricted pending a determination by the counterparty, or its trustee or receiver, whether to
enforce the Fund’s obligation to repurchase the securities. In entering into reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund will maintain cash, U.S. government securities or other liquid debt obligations at least equal in value to its obligations with
respect to reverse repurchase agreements or will take other actions permitted by law to cover its obligations. If the market value of the collateral declines during the period, the Fund may be required to post additional collateral to cover its
obligation. Cash collateral that has been pledged to cover obligations of the Fund under reverse repurchase agreements, if any, will be reported separately in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities pledged as collateral are
noted in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments. Interest payments made on reverse repurchase agreements are recognized as a component of “Interest expense” on the Consolidated Statement of Operations. In periods of increased demand for
the security, the Fund may receive a fee for use of the security by the counterparty, which may result in interest income to the Fund.
(j) Inflation-indexed bonds. Inflation-indexed bonds are fixed income securities whose
principal value or interest rate is periodically adjusted according to the rate of inflation. As the index measuring inflation changes, the principal value or interest rate of inflation-indexed bonds will be adjusted accordingly. Inflation
adjustments to the principal amount of inflation-indexed bonds are reflected as an increase or decrease to investment income on the Consolidated Statement of Operations. Repayment of the original bond principal upon
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 35 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
maturity (as adjusted for inflation) is guaranteed in the case of U.S. Treasury
inflation-indexed bonds. For bonds that do not provide a similar guarantee, the adjusted principal value of the bond repaid at maturity may be less than the original principal.
(k) Cash flow information. The Fund invests in securities and distributes dividends from net investment income and net realized gains, which
are paid in cash and may be reinvested at the discretion of shareholders. These activities are reported in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets and additional information on cash receipts and cash payments are presented in the
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.
(l) Foreign currency translation.
Investment securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts based upon prevailing exchange rates on the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of investment securities and income
and expense items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollar amounts based upon prevailing exchange rates on the respective dates of such transactions.
The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities
held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments.
Net realized foreign exchange gains or losses
arise from sales of foreign currencies, including gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of
dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the values of assets
and liabilities, other than investments in securities, on the date of valuation, resulting from changes in exchange rates.
Foreign security and currency
transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of U.S. dollar denominated transactions as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of lower levels of governmental supervision and regulation of
foreign securities markets and the possibility of political or economic instability.
(m) Credit and market risk. The Fund invests in high-yield and emerging market instruments that are subject to certain credit and market risks. The yields of high-yield and emerging market debt obligations reflect, among other things,
perceived credit and market risks. The Fund’s investments in securities rated below investment grade typically involve risks not associated with higher rated securities including, among others, greater risk related to timely and ultimate
payment of interest and principal, greater market price volatility and less liquid secondary market trading. The consequences of political, social, economic or diplomatic changes may have disruptive effects on the market prices of investments held
by the Fund. The Fund’s investments in non-U.S. dollar denominated securities may also result in foreign currency losses caused by devaluations and exchange rate fluctuations.
36 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
Investments in securities that are collateralized by real estate mortgages are subject to certain credit and liquidity
risks. When market conditions result in an increase in default rates of the underlying mortgages and the foreclosure values of underlying real estate properties are materially below the outstanding amount of these underlying mortgages, collection of
the full amount of accrued interest and principal on these investments may be doubtful. Such market conditions may significantly impair the value and liquidity of these investments and may result in a lack of correlation between their credit ratings
and values.
(n) Foreign investment risks. The Fund’s investments in foreign
securities may involve risks not present in domestic investments. Since securities may be denominated in foreign currencies, may require settlement in foreign currencies or pay interest or dividends in foreign currencies, changes in the relationship
of these foreign currencies to the U.S. dollar can significantly affect the value of the investments and earnings of the Fund. Foreign investments may also subject the Fund to foreign government exchange restrictions, expropriation, taxation or
other political, social or economic developments, all of which affect the market and/or credit risk of the investments.
Counterparty risk and credit-risk-related contingent features of derivative instruments. The Fund may invest in certain securities or engage in other transactions, where the Fund is exposed to
counterparty credit risk in addition to broader market risks. The Fund may invest in securities of issuers, which may also be considered counterparties as trading partners in other transactions. This may increase the risk of loss in the event of
default or bankruptcy by the counterparty or if the counterparty otherwise fails to meet its contractual obligations. The Fund’s investment adviser attempts to mitigate counterparty risk by (i) periodically assessing the creditworthiness
of its trading partners, (ii) monitoring and/or limiting the amount of its net exposure to each individual counterparty based on its assessment and (iii) requiring collateral from the counterparty for certain transactions.
Market events and changes in overall economic conditions may impact the assessment of such counterparty risk by the investment adviser. In addition, declines in the
values of underlying collateral received may expose the Fund to increased risk of loss.
With exchange traded and centrally cleared derivatives, there is
less counterparty risk to the Fund since the exchange or clearinghouse, as counterparty to such instruments, guarantees against a possible default. The clearinghouse stands between the buyer and the seller of the contract; therefore, the credit risk
is limited to failure of the clearinghouse. While offset rights may exist under applicable law, the Fund does not have a contractual right of offset against a clearing broker or clearinghouse in the event of a default of the clearing broker or
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 37 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
The Fund has entered into master agreements, such as an International Swaps and
Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement, with certain of its derivative counterparties that govern
over-the-counter derivatives and provide for general obligations, representations, agreements, collateral posting terms, netting provisions in the event of default or
termination and credit related contingent features. The credit related contingent features include, but are not limited to, a percentage decrease in the Fund’s net assets or NAV over a specified period of time. If these credit related
contingent features were triggered, the derivatives counterparty could terminate the positions and demand payment or require additional collateral.
Under an ISDA Master Agreement, the Fund may, under certain circumstances, offset with the counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables
and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment. However, absent an event of default by the counterparty or a termination of the agreement, the terms of the ISDA Master Agreements do not result in an offset of
reported amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities across transactions between the Fund and the applicable counterparty. The enforceability of the right to offset may vary by
Collateral requirements differ by type of derivative. Collateral or margin requirements are set by the broker or exchange clearinghouse
for exchange traded derivatives while collateral terms are contract specific for over-the-counter traded derivatives. Cash collateral that has been pledged to cover
obligations of the Fund under derivative contracts, if any, will be reported separately in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities pledged as collateral, if any, for the same purpose are noted in the Consolidated Schedule of
As of November 30, 2019, the Fund held forward foreign currency contracts with credit related contingent features which had a
liability position of $944,202. If a contingent feature in the master agreements would have been triggered, the Fund would have been required to pay this amount to its derivatives counterparties. As of November 30, 2019, the Fund had posted
with its counterparties cash and/or securities as collateral to cover the net liability of these derivatives amounting to $270,000, which could be used to reduce the required payment.
At November 30, 2019, the Fund held non-cash collateral from Barclays Bank PLC in the amount of $285,710. This amount could be used to reduce the Fund’s exposure to
the counterparty in the event of default.
(p) Security transactions and investment income. Security transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. Interest income (including interest income from payment-in-kind
securities), adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discount, is recorded on the accrual basis. Paydown gains and losses on mortgage- and asset-backed securities are recorded as adjustments to interest income. Dividend income is
recorded on the ex-dividend
38 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
date for dividends received in cash and/or securities. Foreign dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon as practicable after the Fund
determines the existence of a dividend declaration after exercising reasonable due diligence. The cost of investments sold is determined by use of the specific identification method. To the extent any issuer defaults or a credit event occurs that
impacts the issuer, the Fund may halt any additional interest income accruals and consider the realizability of interest accrued up to the date of default or credit event.
(q) Distributions to shareholders. Distributions from net investment income of the Fund, if any, are declared and paid on a monthly basis.
Distributions of net realized gains, if any, are declared at least annually. Pursuant to its Managed Distribution Policy, the Fund intends to make regular monthly distributions to shareholders at a fixed rate per common share, which rate may be
adjusted from time to time by the Fund’s Board of Trustees. Under the Fund’s Managed Distribution Policy, if, for any monthly distribution, the value of the Fund’s net investment income and net realized capital gain is less than the
amount of the distribution, the difference will be distributed from the Fund’s net assets (and may constitute a “return of capital”). Shareholders will be informed of the tax characteristics of the distributions after the close of the
2019 fiscal year. The Board of Trustees may modify, terminate or suspend the Managed Distribution Policy at any time, including when certain events would make part of the return of capital taxable to shareholders. Any such modification, termination
or suspension could have an adverse effect on the market price of the Fund’s shares. Distributions to shareholders of the Fund are recorded on the ex-dividend date and are determined in accordance with
income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP.
(r) Compensating balance arrangements. The Fund has an arrangement with its custodian bank whereby a portion of the custodian’s fees is paid indirectly by credits earned on the Fund’s cash on deposit with the bank.
(s) Federal and other taxes. It is the Fund’s policy to comply with the federal income
and excise tax requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”), as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies. Accordingly, the Fund intends to distribute its taxable income and net realized gains, if any, to
shareholders in accordance with timing requirements imposed by the Code. Therefore, no federal or state income tax provision is required in the Fund’s financial statements.
Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken on income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that as of November 30, 2019, no provision for income tax is required in the
Fund’s financial statements. The Fund’s federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and
state departments of revenue.
Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax may be imposed on interest, dividends and capital gains at
various rates.
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 39 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
(t) Reclassification. GAAP requires that certain components of net assets be reclassified to reflect permanent differences between financial and tax reporting. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or net asset value per
share. During the current year, the Fund had no reclassifications.
2. Investment management agreement and other transactions with
The Fund has entered into an Investment Management Agreement with Western Asset Management Company, LLC (“Western Asset” or the
“Investment Adviser”), which provides for payment of a monthly fee computed at the annual rate of 0.35% of the Fund’s average weekly assets. “Average weekly assets” means the average weekly value of the total assets of the
Fund (including any assets attributable to leverage) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing leverage). For purposes of calculating “average weekly assets,” liabilities associated with any instrument or transactions
used by the Investment Adviser to leverage the Fund’s portfolio (whether or not such instruments or transactions are “covered” as described in the prospectus) are not considered a liability.
During periods when the Fund is using leverage, the fee paid to the Investment Adviser for advisory services will be higher than if the Fund did not use leverage
because the fee paid will be calculated on the basis of the Fund’s average weekly assets, which includes the assets attributable to leverage.
Western Asset Management Company Pte. Ltd. (“Western Asset Singapore”), Western Asset Management Company Limited (“Western Asset London”) and
Western Asset Management Company Ltd (“Western Asset Japan” and together with Western Asset Singapore and Western Asset London, the “Non-U.S. Advisers”) are also the Fund’s investment
advisers. Western Asset Singapore, Western Asset London and Western Asset Japan provide certain advisory services to the Fund relating to currency transactions and investment in non-U.S. denominated
securities. Western Asset Singapore, Western Asset London and Western Asset Japan do not receive any compensation from the Fund.
Legg Mason Partners
Fund Advisor, LLC (“LMPFA” or the “Administrator”), an affiliate of the Investment Adviser, provides certain administrative, accounting, shareholder servicing and corporate secretarial and related functions pursuant to an
Administrative Services Agreement with the Fund. The Fund pays the Administrator a monthly fee at the annual rate of 0.05% of the Fund’s average weekly assets.
3. Investments
During the year ended November 30, 2019, the aggregate cost of purchases
and proceeds from sales of investments (excluding short-term investments) and U.S. Government & Agency Obligations were as follows:
Inversiones | U.S. Government & Agency Obligations |
Purchases | PS | 46,479,367 | PS | 324,648,419 | ||||
Ventas | 32,292,119 | 348,928,308 |
40 | Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report |
At November 30, 2019, the aggregate cost of investments and the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and
depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:
Cost/Premiums Paid (Received) |
Gross Unrealized Appreciation |
Gross Unrealized Depreciation |
Net Unrealized |
Securities | PS | 1,085,223,180 | PS | 48,185,343 | PS | (20,080,401) | PS | 28,104,942 | ||||||||
Swap contracts | 808,931 | 333,788 | (1,341,511) | (1,007,723) | ||||||||||||
Written options | (2,256,898) | 381,704 | (558,697) | (176,993) | ||||||||||||
Futures contracts | – | 2,365,043 | (1,834,654) | 530,389 | ||||||||||||
Forward foreign currency contracts | – | 536,551 | (944,202) | (407,651) |
Transactions in reverse repurchase agreements for the Fund during the year ended November 30, 2019 were as follows:
Average Daily Balance* |
Weighted Average Interest Rate* |
Maximum Amount Outstanding |
$337,579,107 | 2.54% | $358,962,500 |
* * |
Averages based on the number of days that the Fund had reverse repurchase agreements outstanding. |
Interest rates on reverse repurchase agreements ranged from 1.50% to 2.72% during the year ended November 30, 2019. Interest expense incurred on reverse
repurchase agreements totaled $8,587,786.
4. Derivative instruments and hedging activities
Below is a table, grouped by derivative type, that provides information about the fair value and the location of derivatives within the Consolidated Statement of
Assets and Liabilities at November 30, 2019.
Interest Rate Risk |
Foreign Exchange Risk |
Crédito Risk |
Total | |||||||||||||
Purchased options2 | PS | 253,344 | – | – | PS | 253,344 | ||||||||||
Futures contracts3 | 2,343,573 | PS | 21,470 | – | 2,365,043 | |||||||||||
OTC swap contracts4 4 | 126,597 | – | – | 126,597 | ||||||||||||
Centrally cleared swap contracts5 5 | – | – | PS | 207,191 | 207,191 | |||||||||||
Forward foreign currency contracts | – | 536,551 | – | 536,551 | ||||||||||||
Total | PS | 2,723,514 | PS | 558,021 | PS | 207,191 | PS | 3,488,726 |
Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund 2019 Annual Report | 41 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements (cont’d)
Interest Rate Risk |
Foreign Exchange Risk |
Commodity Risk |
Total | |||||||||||||
Written options | PS | 2,433,891 | – | – | PS | 2,433,891 | ||||||||||
Futures contracts3 | 285,569 | PS | 352,783 | PS | 1,196,302 | 1,834,654 | ||||||||||
Centrally cleared swap contracts5 5 | 1,341,511 | – | – | 1,341,511 | ||||||||||||
Forward foreign currency contracts | – | 944,202 | – | 944,202 | ||||||||||||
Total | PS | 4,060,971 | PS | 1,296,985 | PS | 1,196,302 | PS | 6,554,258 |
1 |
Generally, the balance sheet location for asset derivatives is receivables/net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and for liability derivatives is |
2 |
Market value of purchased options is reported in Investments at value in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. |
3 |
Includes cumulative appreciation (depreciation) of futures contracts as reported in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments. Only variation margin is reported |
4 4 |
Values include premiums paid (received) on swap contracts which are shown separately in the Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities. |
5 5 |
Includes cumulative appreciation (depreciation) of centrally cleared swap contracts as reported in the Consolidated Schedule of Investments. Only variation |
El seguimiento
tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended November 30, 2019. The first table provides additional detail about the amounts and
sources of gains (losses) realized on derivatives during the period. The second table provides additional information about the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) resulting from the Fund’s derivatives and hedging activities during
the period.
Interest Rate Risk |
Foreign Exchange Risk |
Crédito Risk |
Commodity Risk |
Total | ||||||||||||||||
Purchased options1 | PS | (1,701,836) | – | – | – | PS | (1,701,836) | |||||||||||||
Written options | 1,643,978 | – | – |